Month: August 2022

  • Marriage Registration Application Sample Gram Panchayat

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    Marriage registration application sample gram panchayat pdf /vivah nondani form/marriage certificate documents in marathi>> If you want to register your marriage but need information on how to do it, you are in the right place. In this article we are going to see how to register marriage, marriage registration form and what documents need to be attached with it. You will get this complete information in this article.

    Marriage registration application form gram panchayat pdf / required documents (marriage certificate documents in marathi) / eligibility / application download (marriage affidavit format pdf in marathi) / benefits of marriage registration

    At the beginning of this article we are giving the link to download the marriage registration application form pdf then let us know what are the documents to be attached with the marriage registration form, then let us know what are the eligibility requirements for marriage registration and then at the end of this article what are the benefits of marriage registration. They are given.

    So let’s know about marriage registration application.

    Vivah Nondani Arj Namuna Grampanchayat pdf download (vivah nondani form/marriage certificate format in marathi/marriage affidavit format pdf in marathi)

    Marriage registration application form gram panchayat pdf
    Marriage registration application form gram panchayat pdf

    Marriage Registration Application Form for Gram Panchayat in pdf format given below for download “Marriage Registration Form” Click on this button.

    Documents to be attached with the marriage registration application (marriage certificate documents required in Marathi)

    While registering the marriage, you have to attach some documents along with the application, the list of those documents is as follows:-

    • 1) Aadhar card
    • 2) Address proof of the applicant
    • 3) 2 passport size photographs
    • 4) Proof of Date of Birth of Groom
    • 5) Date of birth proof of bride
    • 6) Lagna Patrika

    पात्रता (Required Qualification To Get Marriage Certificate)

    Eligibility for marriage registration is as follows:-

    1) The age of the groom should be at least 21 years, while the age of the bride should be at least 18 years.

    2) Both the bride and groom must be Indian citizens to register the marriage.

    Benefits of Marriage Certificate

    • After marriage registration you can avail many types of facilities.
    • After Maharashtra marriage registration, one can take advantage of various government schemes provided by the state government and the central government.

    Summary – How to Register a Marriage

    In this article, we have made an honest attempt to provide the information about the documents to be attached to the marriage registration form by downloading it. Download the above marriage registration form and fill it up along with the above documents and submit the application to the Gram Panchayat. You will get a marriage certificate signed by the gram sevak.

    How to register marriage?

    After downloading the application form as given in the above article, filling the supplementary information and attaching the documents along with this application form and submitting it to the Gram Panchayat office, your marriage will be registered.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

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  • Contraindications List | Which foods are harmful to the body when eaten together

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    Opposite Diet List In Marathi >> We are seeing many changes in eating these days, that is eating any food with any food or any vegetable or any fruit. What this does is that it increases indigestion in the stomach. Digestion gets disturbed and we start suffering from it. Then when we suffer, we don’t know what we have eaten today that is causing us so much pain. And the consequences of eating this are so terrible that you can’t even think about it.

    Sometimes there is no harm if we eat two types of food separately. But there are certain foods, which should not be eaten together, and exactly those foods, if eaten together, turn into poison. And the results are sometimes seen immediately and sometimes over time. Consuming these one and two foods or a mixture of these foods is called anti-diet.

    Opposite Diet List In Marathi

    These days you can see such things in hotels, and we even cook them at home unknowingly. What we don’t know. Eating any fruit or vegetable together can cause trouble for you and your family members. So in this article we are going to see the information about the foods, vegetables and fruits in the opposite diet list which information will be useful to you.

    So let’s know the opposite diet list and information about it.

    Avoid taking these foods with milk – milk/milk products and opposite foods

    Milk and milk products
    Milk and milk products

    1) Yogurt is good and essential to have in your diet. But preferably do not eat curd in dinner.

    2) Many people like pineapple and its juice is also liked by many people. So if you are making this pineapple juice at home then always remember one thing that while making pineapple juice do not add milk to it. The opposite food list includes pineapple and milk.

    3) Many people have a habit of eating khichdi with curd or milk. Dahi on khichdi also tastes good, but remember one thing that curd and milk should never be eaten together on khichdi. Combined consumption of milk, curd and khichdi comes in opposite diet list.

    4) Nowadays people often use milk to enhance any vegetable gravy/gravy and already we add many spices to the oil. He said that the mixture of milk and spices is harmful and harmful to the body.

    5) Avoid taking mutton, chicken, fish and milk with them because mutton, chicken and fish are heat producing foods. Whereas milk is cold, mixing milk and non-vegetarian food can have adverse effects.

    6) Eating fruit with milk / curd also increases kapha, almost every fruit juice is made with milk in the juice center where you buy juice, and drinking such fruit and milk mixed juice continuously increases kapha and can also cause serious diseases like heart disease. .So it is always best to eat the fruits as they are.

    7) It is also against diet not to eat phanas with milk.

    8) Never eat curd hot. There is no harm in making curd curry and eating it.

    Information on other foods in the opposite food list

    1) Do not consume sitfal on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning. If you wake up in the morning and accidentally eat sital fruit, it will cause cold, cough, sore throat.

    2) Rice and left over chapatis from the night are usually eaten as breakfast in the morning. There is no problem if these two foods are eaten separately in the morning, but if you eat these two foods i.e. stale rice and chapati together for breakfast, then there is a problem, so usually do not eat these two stale foods together.

    3) Although Radish is beneficial for our body, it is also harmful if Radish and Udi dal should not be eaten together in the meal. Therefore, Radish and Udi are in the opposite food list.

    4) Eating banana is beneficial for our body’s digestive system. But eating bananas at night should be avoided as much as possible.

    5) We are making some food by adding ghee and some in oil. There is no problem if you eat oil and ghee separately but you should not eat ghee and oil together, oil and ghee together come in the opposite food list, it is also harmful.

    Oil and ghee combined - opposite diet
    Oil and ghee combined – opposite diet

    6) Ghee is nutritious in all but ghee and honey when consumed together or in equal proportions produces poison. Also ghee should never be made and kept in a copper vessel. Even ghee kept in a copper vessel can be harmful to our body.

    7) Often we make tomato and cucumber salad, but this is also not a good thing. Consuming tomato and cucumber together causes stomach bloating and gas formation. Therefore, if possible, their intake should not be combined.

    Opposite Diet List and Information (Opposite Diet List In Marathi)
    Cucumber and Tomato – Opposite Diet List In Marathi)

    8) Also we often add onion to spinach. But spinach and onion should not be eaten together as it can be harmful for your body.

    Opposite Diet List and Information (Opposite Diet List In Marathi)
    Spinach and Onion – Opposite Diet List In Marathi

    9) Cold drinks like Mirinda, Maja, Fruity, many people eat salted peanuts to taste it. But doing so depletes the body of water because eating salty foods with cold drinks increases the sodium rapidly and depletes the body of water rapidly, which means you become dehydrated. And things like dehydration can lead to things like dizziness, vomiting, and hyperactivity.

    10) In summer days one wants to drink a lot of water and one wants to drink cold water. But if you have come from somewhere outside in the hot sun and no matter how thirsty you are when you come home, not drinking the water immediately after it comes has dire consequences. Fifteen to twenty minutes after coming out of the sun and sitting quietly and gently drinking water will not cause any trouble.

    11) Satu flour should not be eaten at night and satu flour should be mixed with water. Best ever eaten in summer.

    12) Summer is said that we eat the special summer fruit Kalingad i.e. Watermelon. But friends, never drink mint or cold water with this watermelon. If these three things are taken together, they come in the opposite diet list.

    13) Do not eat garlic, radish or radish leaves with melon, this is also opposite food and they are harmful for the body.

    14) Lemon, curry and salt should be avoided together with milk. The combined leaves of these things are known as anti-diet and their consumption causes a lot of harm to the body.

    Lemon, Curry, Salt and Milk - Opposite Diet List and Information (Opposite Diet List In Marathi)
    Lemon, curry, salt and milk – opposite food list

    Summary – Contraindications list and information (Opposite Diet List In Marathi)

    The above article on Contraindications List contains information about some of the foods that can be harmful to your body either immediately or over time. There are certain foods that can be harmful to the body if consumed with milk. Some foods are those that can cause harm to the human body if two or more foods are eaten together. For a healthy body, it may be more beneficial for you to follow the above information in your daily diet.

    Do let us know by commenting how you feel about this information regarding opposite diet list. Also, if you have any suggestions, don’t forget to comment them.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook page And on twitter Follow me on Twitter.

  • A speech by a Viral Nationalist youth activist

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    just as Assembly Election 2019 As it approaches, the political atmosphere in Maharashtra is heating up. BJP And In Shiv Sena If the incoming is going on loud Congress, Nationalists The leakage of MLAs and Matbar leaders is not ready to stop after doing anything.

    In such a situation, even though the political leaders are giving a million reasons for party change, it seems that no leader is thinking about what their workers think. It is not seen that any leader is taking decisions considering the feelings of the workers.

    Era Amit Shah’s BJP’s mega recruitment program was held in Solapur in the presence of NCP’s Osmanabad’s Padmasinh Patil and Rana Jagjit Singh Patil, father and son, also in Safe Zone (BJP) went into

    But the meaning of their departure Osmanabad It does not happen that even a NCP activist has turned to the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance. Because the politics of Bhopalya between NCP and Shiv Sena is the same in every village. And only they know what the Patil family has achieved by joining the BJP in such a situation.

    Viral NCP Leader Speech

    Workers and office bearers of Osmanabad Kalamb Constituency were present in NCP workers meeting today. The meeting was rocked by a staunch activist, a young activist expressing his loyalty to Mr. Pawar in very strong words. His speech created an energy among the activists present and they too applauded him in support. Now this speech is going viral on social media.

    MLAs and leaders of the party are changing but Pawar It can be seen from the speech of this activist that Saheb and Saheb’s activists are connected.

    Viral Video

    After our Viral Ranu Mandal, this toddler from Maharashtra will become a big singer? Also check this article.

  • राष्ट्रकवि मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की 136 वीं जयंती पर विशेष

    राकेश बिहारी शर्मा – हिन्दी साहित्य में गद्य को चरम तक पहुचाने में जहां प्रेमचंद्र का विशेष योगदान माना जाता है वहीं पद्य और कविता में राष्ट्र कवि मैथिलीशरण गुप्त को सबसे आगे माना जाता है। अपनी कविताओं से मैथिलीशरण गुप्त ने कविता के क्षेत्र में अतुल्य सहयोग दिया है। हिन्दी साहित्य के इतिहास में मैथिलीशरण गुप्त खड़ी बोली के प्रथम महत्त्वपूर्ण कवि हैं। राष्ट्र कवि मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की 3 अगस्त को जयंती है। उनकी कृति भारत-भारती भारत के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के समय में काफी प्रभावशाली सिद्ध हुई थी और और इसी कारण महात्मा गांधी ने उन्हें ‘राष्ट्रकवि’ की पदवी भी दी थी। उनकी जयंती 3 अगस्त को हर वर्ष ‘कवि दिवस’ के रूप में मनाया जाता है।

    मैथिलीशरण गुप्त का जीवन परिचय और शिक्षा

    हिन्दी साहित्याकाश के दैदीप्यमान नक्षत्रों में से एक राष्ट्रकवि मैथिलीशरण गुप्त का जन्म झांसी के एक भारतीय संस्कारों से परिपूर्ण काव्यानुरागी एवं एक प्रतिष्ठित वैश्य परिवार में 3 अगस्त 1886 को पिता सेठ रामचरण गुप्त और माता काशी बाई की तीसरी संतान के रूप में उत्तर प्रदेश में झांसी के पास चिरगांव में हुआ था। माता और पिता दोनों ही वैष्णव थे। इनके पिता हिन्दी के अच्छे कवि थे। पिता से ही इनको कविता लिखने की प्रेरणा मिली।
    इन्हें काव्य रचना का संस्कार विरासत में मिला। इनके पिता सेठ रामचरण गुप्त जी कनकलता, स्वर्णलता और हेमलता आदि उपनामों से कविता लिखते थे। ‘रहस्य रामायण’ और ‘सीताराम दम्पत्ति’ इनकी प्रमुख रचनाएं हैं। मैथिलीशरण गुप्त को पिता से ‘रामभक्ति’ और अंग्रेजों के प्रति नफरत का संस्कार मिला। विद्यालय में खेलकूद में अधिक ध्यान देने के कारण पढ़ाई अधूरी ही रह गई। घर में ही हिन्दी, बंगला, संस्कृत साहित्य का अध्ययन किया। 12 वर्ष की अवस्था में ब्रजभाषा में कनकलता नाम से कविता रचना आरंभ किया।
    हिंदी साहित्य के प्रखर नक्षत्र, माँ भारती के वरद पुत्र मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा चिरगांव, झांसी के राजकीय विद्यालय में हुई। प्रारंभिक शिक्षा समाप्त करने के उपरान्त गुप्त जी झांसी के मेकडॉनल हाईस्कूल में अंग्रेज़ी पढ़ने के लिए भेजे गए, पर वहां इनका मन न लगा और दो वर्ष बाद ही घर पर इनकी शिक्षा का प्रबंध किया, लेकिन पढ़ने की अपेक्षा इन्हें चकई फिराना और पतंग उड़ाना अधिक पसंद था। फिर भी इन्होंने घर पर ही संस्कृत, हिन्दी तथा बांग्ला साहित्य का व्यापक अध्ययन किया। इन्हें ‘आल्हा’ पढ़ने में भी बहुत आनंद आता था।

    मैथिलीशरण गुप्त का राजनैतिक सफर

    वह ऐसे कवि थे, जिनकी कविताओं से हर निराश मन को प्ररेणा मिल जाती थी. कविता की दुनिया के सरताज मैथलीशरण गुप्त को राष्ट्रकवि के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। 16 अप्रैल 1941 को वे व्यक्तिगत सत्याग्रह में भाग लेने के कारण गिरफ्तार कर लिए गए। पहले उन्हें झांसी और फिर आगरा जेल ले जाया गया। आरोप सिद्ध न होने के कारण उन्हें सात महीने बाद छोड़ दिया गया। सन 1948 में आगरा विश्वविद्यालय से उन्हें डी.लिट. की उपाधि से सम्मानित किया गया। 1952-1964 तक राज्यसभा के सदस्य मनोनीत हुए। सन 1953 ई. में भारत सरकार ने उन्हें पद्म विभूषण से सम्मानित किया। तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति डॉ॰ राजेन्द्र प्रसाद ने सन 1962 ई. में अभिनंदन ग्रंथ भेंट किया और हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय के द्वारा डी.लिट. से सम्मानित किया गया। वह वहां मानद प्रोफेसर के रूप में नियुक्त भी हुए थे। 1954 में साहित्य एवं शिक्षा क्षेत्र में पद्म भूषण से सम्मानित किया गया। चिरगांव में उन्होंने 1911 में साहित्य सदन नाम से स्वयं की प्रेस शुरू की और झांसी में 1954-55 में मानस-मुद्रण की स्थापना की।

    मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की रचनाएँ

    मैथिलीशरण गुप्त जी के काव्य में राष्ट्रीयता और गांधीवाद की प्रधानता है। इसमें भारत के गौरवमय अतीत के इतिहास और भारतीय संस्कृति की महत्ता का ओजपूर्ण प्रतिपादन है। आपने अपने काव्य में पारिवारिक जीवन को भी यथोचित महत्ता प्रदान की है और नारी मात्र को विशेष महत्व प्रदान किया है। मैथिलीशरण स्वभाव से ही लोकसंग्रही कवि थे और अपने युग की समस्याओं के प्रति विशेष रूप से संवेदनशील रहे। उनका काव्य एक ओर वैष्णव भावना से परिपूर्ण था, तो साथ ही जागरण व सुधार युग की राष्ट्रीय नैतिक चेतना से अनुप्राणित भी था। लाला लाजपतराय, बाल गंगाधर तिलक, विपिनचंद्र पाल, गणेश शंकर विद्यार्थी और मदनमोहन मालवीय उनके आदर्श रहे। अपने कवि जीवन में गुप्त ने कई विशिष्ट काव्य रचनाएं की. “साकेत” आधुनिक युग का एक अति प्रसिद्ध महाकाव्य है।
    गुप्त जी कबीर दास के भक्त थे। पं महावीर प्रसाद दद्विवेदी जी की प्रेरणा से आपने खड़ी बोली को अपनी रचनाओं का माध्यम बनाया। मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की कविताओं से हर निराश मन को एक प्रेरणा मिल जाती थी. हिन्दी साहित्य के इतिहास में वे खड़ी बोली के प्रथम महत्त्वपूर्ण कवि हैं। उन्हें साहित्य जगत में ‘दद्दा’ नाम से सम्बोधित किया जाता था। उन्होंने लगभग 40 ग्रंथ रचे तथा खड़ी बोली को सरल प्रवाहमय और सशक्त बनाया। इनकी मुख्य काव्य-कृतियां हैं-
    महाकाव्य :- साकेत, यशोधरा। खण्डकाव्य :- जयद्रथ वध, भारत-भारती, पंचवटी, द्वापर, सिद्धराज, नहुष, अंजलि और अर्घ्य, अजित, अर्जन और विसर्जन, काबा और कर्बला, किसान, कुणाल गीत, गुरु तेग बहादुर, गुरुकुल, जय भारत, युद्ध, झंकार, पृथ्वीपुत्र, वक संहार, शकुंतला, विश्व वेदना, राजा प्रजा, विष्णुप्रिया, उर्मिला, लीला, प्रदक्षिणा, दिवोदास, भूमि-भाग।
    नाटक :- रंग में भंग, राजा-प्रजा, वन वैभव, विकट भट, विरहिणी, वैतालिक, शक्ति, सैरन्ध्री, स्वदेश संगीत, हिड़िम्बा, हिन्दू, चंद्रहास लिखे ।

    मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की भक्ति भावना

    गुप्त जी परम वैष्णव थे। राम के अनन्य होते हुए भी वे सब धर्मों तथा सम्प्रदायों के प्रति आदर भाव रखते है। तुलसी के बाद रामभकत कवियों में इन्हीं का स्थान है। सभी अवतारों में विश्वास तथा श्रद्धा रखते हुए भी भगवान्‌ का रामरूप ही उन्हें अधिक प्रिय रहा है। भक्ति के साथ दैन्य-भाव भी इनके काव्य में पाया जाता है। तुलसी जैसी रामभक्ति की अनन्यता गुप्त जी के काव्य में देखी जा सकती है।

    मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की भारतीय सभ्यता,संस्कृति व नारी सम्मान

    मैथिलीशरण गुप्त जी भारतीय सभ्यता व संस्कृति के परमभक्त थे, लेकिन वे अन्धभक्त नहीं थे और साथ ही अन्य धर्मों के प्रति वे न केवल सहिष्णु और उदार थे, बल्कि उनके गुण ग्रहण करने में भी वे संकोच नहीं करते थे। भारतीय संस्कृति में नारी का अत्यन्त महत्त्वपूर्ण तथा सम्मानप्रदक स्थान रहा है और गुप्तजी ने नारी के अनेक व विविध प्रकार के चरित्र अपने काव्यों में उपस्थित किए हैं। हम कह सकते हैं कि नारी के इतने अधिक तथा विभिन्नतापूर्ण चरित्र किसी अन्य हिन्दी कवि ने प्रस्तुत नहीं किये। सीता, उर्मिला, यशोधरा, विष्णुप्रिया आदि उनके नारी पात्र इतने महान हैं कि उनकी तुलना में किसी भी अन्य कवि के पात्रों को नहीं रखा जा सकता। अबला जीवन से गुप्तजी को गहरी सहानुभूति है। उसे उन्होंने ने इस प्रकार व्यक्त किया है-

    अबला जीवन हाय, तुम्हारी यही कहानी।
    आंचल में है दूध और आंखों में पानी ।।

    अंतिम दिनों में मैथिलीशरण गुप्त जी कुछ अस्वस्थ भी रहने लगे थे, लेकिन वे अपने साहित्य-कर्म से कभी विमुख न हुए। इस प्रकार कर्ममय जीवन व्यतीत करते हुए 12 दिसंबर, 1964 को चिरगांव में ही राष्ट्रकवि मैथिलीशरण गुप्त का देहावसान हो गया। हिंदी साहित्य ने अपने एक महान साहित्यकार को खो दिया। परन्तु गुप्त जी अपनी बेमिसाल रचनाओं के माध्यम से आज भी हम साहित्य-प्रेमियों के दिलों में अमरत्व को प्राप्त किये हुए हैं।
    आज जब हम भारत को पुनः ‘विश्वगुरु’ तथा ‘सोने की चिड़िया’ के रूप में देखने के लिये प्रयत्नशील है, तब गुप्तजी के अवदान हमारी शक्ति बन रहे हैं। यही कारण है कि अनेक संकटों एवं हमलों के बावजूद हम आगे बढ़ रहे हैं। ‘कुछ बात है कि हस्ती मिटती नहीं हमारी’-आज भारत की ज्ञान-संपदा नई तकनीक के क्षेत्र में वैश्विक-स्पर्धा का विषय है। लड़खड़ाते वैश्विक आर्थिक संकट में भारत की स्थिति बेहतर है। नयी सदी के इस परिदृश्य में, नयी पीढ़ी को देश के नवनिर्माण के सापेक्ष अपनी भूमिका सुनिश्चित करनी है। जब तक नैराश्य से निकलकर आशा और उल्लास की किरण देखने का मन है, आतंकवाद के मुकाबले के लिए निर्भय होकर अडिग मार्ग चुनना है, कृषकों-श्रमिकों सहित सर्वसमाज के समन्वय से देश को वैभव के शिखर पर प्रतिष्ठित करने का स्वप्न है, तब तक गुप्तजी का साहित्य प्रासंगिक है और रहेगा।

  • Viral After Ranu Mandal, this toddler from Maharashtra will become a big singer?

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    Ranu Mandal of success The story will be the first for everyone, how she was singing on the station and then the magic of her voice on social media viral Her world changed overnight. Now it’s up to you Himesh Reshammiya Singing along is seen.

    All this is possible only because of social media, the poorest of the poor can gain fame overnight, social media definitely has such power.

    After Ranu Mandal now in our Maharashtra alandi The voice of one such child here is huge on social media viral happening

    viral little singer

    Facebook So far this video post is getting a lot of likes. And in this post on Facebook, if this boy gets proper direction, this boy will become a big singer, if anyone wants to help this little boy to grow up, he is also requested to contact the mobile number 9011185202.

    The baby’s name is not known yet, but the baby’s voice is really sweet.

    You can see the little singer in the video below. Like the video if you like it.

    Viral Video

    Viral Little Singer

  • How to write request application sample/vinanti arj in marathi download

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    How to write a request form in marathi sample/ how to write a request form/ sample request form / vinanti arj in marathi >> A request application is usually made by us to someone i.e. our superiors, organization or bank. We request the superiors present at that place to fulfill whatever request we have in the context of our work, often this request is also done verbally.

    When you make various requests to the bank, say for a loan, to reduce school fees, to transfer or not to transfer a job, and to get leave, you often want or expect these requests to be written down on paper. Then many people often wonder how to write this Marathi request form now.

    So, in this article, we will learn how to write a request form, and at the end of this article, you can also download a sample of how to write a request form in Marathi.

    How to write a request application form in marathi sample / vinanti arj

    Request Form You can easily write a request form using the above 4 steps.

    Request Application Sample Step 1

    Before starting to write the application, you need to know the name and position (post) of the person to whom you want to apply. You should apply in the name of the person under whose authority the work you want to apply for or you can write the application to a person who is in a senior position of that person.

    Like if you are a teacher in a school and you want to apply for leave then you should do it in the name of the principal. Or if you want to do some work in the bank like draw a statement, then the application you make should be made in the name of the bank manager. The application in Gram Panchayat is made in the name of Sarpanch.

    At the top of the left side of the page at the beginning of the application form you have to write the name of the person on the bottom line and then on the line below that the title of the person you are applying for. And in the right corner you should enter the date on which you are writing the application form. The most important thing in this step is don’t forget to write the title of the person.

    Marathi How To Write Request Application Sample/How To Write Request Application/Request Application Sample(vinanti arj in marathi)

    How to write a request form – Step 2

    In this step you have to write what is your request as request subject. And below that you have to enter your name as applicant. The picture below shows the sample application form for school fee concession.

    Request Application Sample / How To Write Request Application / Request Application Sample(vinanti arj in marathi)

    How to write a Request Form/Application Form Step 3

    In this step you have to write down in detail what you want to request. The diagram below outlines why you need a school fee waiver.

    Application form / vinanti arj in marathi

    Request Application Form Step 4

    In this step you have to fill the application form and sign it with your name below.

    How to write a request form in Marathi sample/ How to write a request form/ Sample request form(vinanti arj in marathi/ vinanti arj in marathi download)

    How to write a request application form in marathi sample (Download)/(vinanti arj in marathi format download)

    You can write any request form very easily by using the above given 4 step sequence. To download the request form (vinanti arj in marathi format) click on the button below “Vinanti Arj Format”.

    Summary – How to write a request application

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

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  • Diet plan for weight loss

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    Diet Plan for Weight Loss | How to lose weight with diet >> Nowadays, due to the wrong way of living and eating, our physical health has started to be adversely affected, not enough sleep, but sometimes eating and there are some foods that we people eat frequently and because of that we gain weight. And then the question arises how to lose weight.

    After gaining weight we follow many ways to lose weight but losing it is very difficult because some days we control ourselves and again we don’t control our tongue and we eat what is not necessary and causes weight gain but if we pay attention to it If you plan, you can control your weight. For that, it is also necessary to have a balanced diet.

    Due to busy schedules and pressures at workplaces, even young children are suffering from weight gain or obesity these days. Losing weight is so easy, many people follow many methods like going to gym and working out to lose weight. But if you really want to lose weight, it is very important to control yourself and your food and it is not so easy to do.

    The best way to lose weight is to control your eating by following a diet plan, doing yoga and working out. If this is done then surely we can lose weight, for that we have to make a proper diet plan and follow it.

    Obesity is now a cause of disease worldwide, and there are some rules we need to follow to reduce this obesity. In this article we are going to tell you some things to lose weight, if you follow them properly, you will definitely lose weight and if you follow the plan for a few months or permanently in your daily life, you will lose at least three to four kilos every month and keep your weight under control. .

    Diet Plan for Weight Loss / Home Remedies for Weight Loss / Home Remedies for Losing Obesity / Quick Weight Loss Remedies

    How much weight can be lost in a month?

    How much weight can be lost in a month depends on various factors such as the person’s current body weight, the type of diet and exercise that the person follows.

    In general, three to four kilos of weight can be lost in a month by researching diet and calorie intake along with daily physical activity.

    If you notice that you are losing weight in seven days, it should be considered that the body is not losing fat, but water is losing, and because of this, losing weight in a way that weakens the muscles can make you sick and weak. Therefore, lose weight in a normal way. First you need to calculate the body mass index (BMI). According to BMI we can lose weight.

    Many people find it easy to lose weight without exercise and then they just make some changes in their diet i.e. follow a diet plan to lose weight. But exercise is just as important as diet to reduce obesity.

    To lose weight/ Role of diet plan in reducing obesity

    If we want to keep our body fit and in shape, we have to change our lifestyle. 40 percent exercise and 60 percent diet plays a role in weight loss.

    What to eat to lose weight, what not to eat / diet to lose weight / what to eat to lose belly, what not to eat

    Sweet and oily food should be avoided while losing weight.

    Tea-coffee and sugar should be consumed less. It is better to eat jaggery instead of sugar.

    As far as possible, white colored food items such as flour, sugar, salt, rice etc. should be eaten as little as possible. Also, do not completely avoid foods like potato, chocolate, oil, ghee, butter, but keep their quantity in the diet low.

    Avoid sweets and biscuits.

    Eat less food containing sodium and salt. By eating less salt, we lose weight and stay healthy. Instead of sodium and salt, we can eat foods rich in potassium like bananas.

    Uses of green tea

    For weight loss - green tea
    For weight loss – green tea

    Drinking two cups of green tea every day also helps in weight loss. Caffeine, theobromine, saponin, theophylline, vitamins present in it increase your metabolism rate and reduce your appetite.

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    How to increase metabolism

    1) It is necessary to get full sleep as it affects our metabolism so it is necessary to get eight hours of sleep.

    2) Do not starve, eat little by little instead of eating at once.

    3) One should drink water continuously throughout the day due to which the toxins in the body are removed and the body becomes healthy.

    4) Starvation makes us eat more and the body becomes healthy by getting rid of the toxins in the body.

    Food should be changed

    If the metabolism is correct, it helps in weight loss. It is important to keep the metabolism in order.

    You should not eat the same food throughout the day, it should be varied.

    In the morning, eat a diet rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Breakfast should preferably not include sweets. You can also have porridge or bread in the morning breakfast. Also if you take milk and salad like cucumber, carrot it will also be suitable. In general, your breakfast should provide your body with around 500 calories from the morning breakfast.

    Have fiber rich food in afternoon meal. Your body generally requires 300-400 calories from lunch. So you can eat two polais or some rice in lunch. Along with this, you can also include salad, leafy vegetables in your lunch.

    Dinner should be low in carbohydrates. Night feeding should be as little as possible. Avoiding carbohydrate rich food like rice in night meal will be good for you.

    What should be the daily diet according to the diet plan / diet chart for weight loss / what to eat for weight loss

    Breakfast Diet / Morning breakfast for weight loss

    1) Drink warm water with honey and lemon in the morning.

    2) Eat milk and poha, suji, upma or low oil paratha.

    3) Spoiled pulses are also good to eat. Consuming this keeps you energized throughout the day and reduces hunger pangs throughout the day by stimulating the body.

    4) We can also eat idli dosa.

    Lunch or diet

    1) Balanced meal should include vegetables, salad, rice, dal, poli, curd.

    2) Include more vegetables.

    3) It should include rice and fruits

    4) Egg, fish and chicken can be eaten in non-veg.

    5) Avoid eating pickle papad Snacks can eat dry fruits and fruits.

    6) In the evening, take some tea with less sugar or jaggery and eat diet biscuits.

    What to eat for dinner

    1) Eat less at night.

    2) No hard work is done at night and only we work to sleep at that time so the body does not need that much food.

    3) Vegetable dal and two pulses should be eaten.

    4) One can also have a bowl of soup with this.

    5) One apple can be eaten at night or any fruit.

    How many days to exercise in a week?

    It is always good to exercise 7 days out of 7 days in a week, but in the beginning it may hurt the body due to lack of habit of exercise, so it is okay to take 1 day off from exercise for at least 1 month in the beginning.

    At least 30 to 40 minutes daily. Exercise should be done at home. Or if you go to the gym, no problem. 30 min. Yoga and 30 min. Walking helps in weight loss in months.

    How to lose weight by doing yoga

    1) Cardio yoga and strength training yoga can also help in weight loss.

    2) By doing different yoga mudras and we can strengthen the muscles in the body.

    3) Yoga also relieves muscle aches and pains in the body.

    4) Most importantly, our intellect becomes brilliant and our body becomes strong.

    5) In yoga one can do Ardha Chandrasana, Virabhadrasana, Utkatasana, Vrikshasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana.

    6) Veerabhadrasana reduces the smell near the thighs.

    7) Apart from this we can do at least twenty rounds of Surya Namaskar daily in weight control.

    Post workout diet

    1) When we exercise, our body burns calories.

    2) It is important to eat as much as your calories will burn.

    3) Overeating while working out is not a solution.

    4) You should eat according to how hard you work out.

    Meaning – Diet plan for weight loss

    To lose weight in this way, if you make a little change in your routine to keep your body fit, it will definitely help you lose weight. And if we follow the rules given about diet above, surely our body will be fit and we will get rid of obesity by staying healthy. So for this it is necessary to have control over ourselves because if we do not have control over ourselves then we eat food that is not needed by the body and the body becomes fat and gains weight and then it becomes difficult to lose it. And for that our willpower is also required to be strong.

    What to eat to lose weight

    To lose weight preferably in the morning take a diet rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Morning breakfast should not include sweets. You can also have porridge or bread in the morning breakfast. Also if you take milk and salad like cucumber, carrot it will also be suitable.
    Have fiber rich food in afternoon meal. Your body generally needs 300-400 calories from lunch. So you can eat two polais or some rice in lunch. Along with this, you can also have salad, leafy vegetables in lunch.
    Dinner should be low in carbohydrates, it will be good for you if you don’t eat carbohydrate rich food like rice. Night feeding should be as little as possible.
    Also you should avoid drinking tea and take green tea instead.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, don’t forget to comment them.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook page And on twitter Follow me on Twitter.

  • How To Marry Tulsi / Tulsi Marriage All Information Marathi

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    Tulashi Che Lagna / Tulashi Marriage and Tulshi Mangalashtak All Information (tulashi che lagn) >> Diwali is the biggest and most important festival in Hindu festivals. This festival which comes once in a year lasts for many days. It starts from Dhantrayodashi and starts with Lakshmi Pujan, Padwa, Bhaubije and Tulsi marriage. In this article we are going to know about the last and important Tulsi wedding in this Diwali.

    How to marry Tulashi / All information including Tulashi Marriage and Tulshi Mangalashtak (Tulashi Che Lagn)

    Diwali truly ends when Tulsi gets married. The silken thread of Diwali happiness that comes with the mascot’s footsteps joins our daily hectic life. Festivals like Diwali not only give us a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life but also uplift the spirit. In it, Diwali is the festival of lights, remove the darkness from the mind and move towards the light. Tulsi marriages are performed starting from Kartik Shuddha Ekadashi till Kartik Poornima.

    So friends, let’s know the information about Tulsi’s marriage and Mangalashtak.

    Famous legend about Tulashi Lagn Story

    There was a king named Kanaka. A daughter was born to that kingdom by vow, her name was Kishori. When the king showed Kishori’s horoscope to the astrologer, the astrologers said that whoever marries and has sexual relations with Kishori will be struck by lightning and die. This was a complete shock to the king. The king was sad after hearing this, meanwhile a Brahmin told the king a solution to escape from this. The solution was that the girl should chant the Dasshakshari Vishnu mantra and worship Tulsi. He also said that Kartik Shuddha Navami should get her married to Vishnu. The king’s daughter Kishori also started doing the same.

    Once a Gandhya saw Kishori and he fell in love with Kishori. With the help of Malini, that Gandhay disguised himself as a woman and with that Malini he came to Kishori. Malin came to Kishori with Gandaya in the woman’s disguise and sang to Kishori that she is my daughter and skilled in flower design. I will make you different types of flower arrangements for God. After those days, Gandhi started living as a maid to Kishori.

    Meanwhile, Mukund, the son of a king named Kanchi in the city of Kanchi, was also infatuated with the girl. He was a sun worshipper. One night, Surya appeared in Mukund’s dream and gave him a vision and said, you should leave the voice of the girl, the one who marries her will be struck by lightning and die. Mukund said to Surya that a god like you can prevent her marriage and if I do not get the girl, I will die by abstaining from food and water. Surya also gave a vision to Kishori’s father and told him to give his daughter to Prince Mukunda. King Kanaka was forced to accept this marriage. This was the date of marriage with Karthik Dwad.

    Gandaya came to know all this and was very sad. They decided to talk about their love with Kishori before going to the marriage hall. At the same time the girl who was struck by thunder and lightning also got scared and came out. Seeing her, Gandhaya held her hand before talking to her and at that moment, lightning struck Gandhaya’s head and he died. Later Kishori’s marriage with Prince Mukund was consummated. Due to the influence of the Brahmin’s vow, the virginity of the girl was avoided.

    Tulsi Vrat is a work fast. Tulsi marriage is considered as a part of this vow. On this occasion, the doer gets the merit of kanyadana.

    How to marry Tulashi / Tulashi marriage rituals and information (Tulashi Lagn Information)

    Tulsi vivah is the marriage of Tulsi plant saplings with Vishnu or Lord Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, which is a custom of worshiping from Prabodhini Ji Ekadashi. On Devuthani Ekadashi in the month of Kartik, Lord Vishnu wakes up after sleeping for four whole months and arranges his marriage with Tulsi. Tulsi is very dear to Lord Vishnu and Tulsi is considered to be a form of Lakshmi.

    Tulsi Lagna / Tulsi Vivah
    Marriage to Tulsi

    In Hinduism, Tulsi has a unique significance as Sin-Nashini. Tulsa is a plant that grows in all regions and regions of India. Most Hindu families have Tulsi Vrindavan in their backyard. The wedding of Vishnu with Tulsi is celebrated on some evening from Kartik Ekadashi to Full Moon but mostly on Dwadashi. A vow of Tulsi marriage has been proposed. By performing this fast, the doer is believed to get the fruit of kanyadana.

    As the daughter of the house, the Tulsi Vrindavan/Tulsi plant in the house is painted with ocher and lime and decorated beautifully. It is written as bor – tamarind – amla – krishnadev – sawala. Bor tamarind amla sitpal onion leaves are placed near basil. The Karta man of the family takes bath and worships Tulsi and Krishna. After that they are bathed with turmeric oil.

    Tulshi is wrapped in a new cloth and sugarcane or sugarcane skull is placed on it as a mandava. Balkrishna and Tulsa are married as Mangalashtakas by holding an antarpat between them.

    Tulashi Lagn Mangal Ashtak / Tulashi Lagn Mangal Ashtak / Tulashi Vivah Mangalashtak (Tulashi Lagn Mangal Ashtak)

    Swasti Sri Ganayaka Gajamukh, Moreshwara Siddhidam. Balala, Murud, Vinayaka, Chintamani, Sthavara. Lenyadri ghari girijatmaka suruvardam ,vighneshrama ojram. May Lord Ganesha who is situated in the village of Ranjana always bring you good fortune.

    Ganga, Sindhu, Saraswati, Yamuna, Godavari and Narmada. Cauvery, Sharayu, daughter of Mahindra, Sharmanavati, Vedika. Kshipra Vedavati Mahasura River, known as Ganges Full of full water, the sea and the river, may they always bring you good fortune.

    Gava Kamadudha Sureshwara Gaja Rambhadidevaangana | The seven faces of the monkey conch nectar in the ocean and the fourteen gems in this world should always be auspicious every day.

    King Bhima’s Rukhinis eyes, looked worried. This is a virtuous girl, the best and the best, whom should I give her to? Now I say to dedicate a thought to him, Krishna Navara. Rukhmi’s son, Vadil, will cleanse her, and may she always be blessed.

    Lakshmi Kaustubha Panchajanaya Dhanu O acceptor Srihari. Rambha Kunjar Parijataka Sudha, Devendra He Avari ॥ Daitya Prapti Sura Vidhu Visha Hara.Uccai Shrava Bhaskara. Sagittarius Vaidya Bride Varashi Chavada , May you always do good

    Summary – The marriage of Tulsi

    Whatever festivals we celebrate, we need to know why they do so. One of these rituals that we perform every year without fail is Tulsi marriage. So this is an article that gives all the information about the marriage ceremony and how to get married and it will definitely help you.

    How to marry Tulsi? / How to marry Tulsi?

    Kundichi-with tulsi plant is painted with ocher and lime and decorated beautifully. It is written as bor – tamarind – amla – krishnadev – sawala. Bor tamarind amla sitpal onion leaves are placed near basil. The Karta man of the family takes bath and worships Tulsi and Krishna. After that they are bathed with turmeric oil. Tulshi is wrapped in a new cloth and sugarcane or sugarcane skull is placed on it as a mandava. Keeping distance between Balkrishna and Tulsa, Tulsi is married as Mangalashtaka.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook page And on twitter Follow me on Twitter.

  • Solutions to increase business | How to increase business – To Increase Business

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    Solutions to increase business / Business growthPath of >> Any business or industry, no matter how big or small, should be prepared to put aside all the distractions and do whatever is necessary to run it well. Are you very confident but the business is not going well? Even if you don’t have any kind of inferiority complex, the business is not growing? What measures should be taken to increase the business? How to increase business? How to do business? You must have asked one or more such questions.

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    You will get the answers to all these questions after reading this article. And you will surely benefit from these remedies.

    Solutions to increase business / Business growthway of / Solutions for good business / How to make business successful / How to increase business (business growth):-

    Below are some tips to increase your business, if you follow them while doing business, it will definitely help your business growth.

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    The present age is digital. According to the changing times, you need to change some things in your business as well. Now people focus more on buying things sitting at home than going to the store.

    As a solution to increase business you also have to digitize your business. To digitize your business do some of the things given below. It will surely help your business to run well.

    Register on Google My Business.

    To grow your business first you need to create awareness of your business in your area.People around you should know about your business.

    Registering on Google My Business will not only show your business on Google Maps, but also Google will recommend your business to many people.

    Example:- If you have a vegetarian and non-vegetarian hotel and you have registered on Google My Business, then when someone searches for vegetarian food on Google from the city where your hotel is located, Google will suggest your business to them.

    Registering on Google My Business will definitely help your business grow.

    Create a business website

    Now every small and big business has a website. It doesn’t matter if your business is small then why make a website.

    If your business has a website, it can definitely leave a different impression on your customers.

    You don’t need to go to any web designer to make a website, you can make a good website yourself with less money and sitting at home. In 2000-3000 rupees you can make a good website for your business by yourself.

    GoDaddy Or BIGROCK You can create a great website for your own business using a website like this.

    Use of social media

    In today’s age everyone is using social media, almost all of your customers are using social media.

    And if all your customers are on social media, then your business needs to be on social media too.

    You should open an account on a social media website like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter in your business name and manage it on a daily basis so you stay in touch with your customers without knowing it which definitely results in the growth of your business.

    Share more videos of your business on social media accounts to increase the engagement of your page with people.

    CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software

    Depending on what your business is, use CRM software if possible. You need to build a relationship with your customers, you need to bond with them, this software helps you.

    Almost all well-run businesses are now using CRM software.

    There are many benefits of using CRM software such as wishing your customers on a festival or birthday or informing your customers about various offers of your business by messaging them.

    2) Increase profit in raw material

    The raw materials required for your business should be of good quality and cheap and if you buy such goods at wholesale prices from the place where these goods are made, your profit will surely increase.

    You can increase the profit not only from the products you sell to your customers but also from the raw materials you buy.

    Given below are some websites, if you do not have an account on this website, open it today.

    Amazon Business Account

    In this service of Amazon you will get the goods you need for your business at wholesale price. Also you will get almost 28% GST Exemption. If you want all the information about how to open a business account of Amazon, click on the button below.

    Ali Baba

    On this website you can buy a wide range of products and that too at very low prices. From this website you can directly deal with the company that makes a product. Click on the button below to register on this website.

    Ali Express

    Like alibaba, you can also deal with direct manufacturer on this website. To register on this website, click on the button below.

    3) Your behavior with customers is the most important factor in increasing business

    You must always be polite to your customers. Before and after selling your product or service, you must speak and behave politely with them. This will make them remember you forever and also promote your business by word of mouth. However, we should talk to them politely.

    How to make business successful

    To make your business successful you must do the following 3 important things :- 1) Digitize your business 2) २) Increase profit in raw material 3) Your behavior with customer is most important for business success. Click on this link for more information.
    Click Here 👉

    How to grow a business

    Digitalize your business to grow your business. That is, register your business on Google and create a business website and simultaneously create a business account on social media. After all this you will definitely get more customers. Click on this link for more information.
    Click Here 👉

    Let us know by commenting how you liked the solution information to increase this business.

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  • Tirupati Balaji Information | Balaji Darshan, Temple Information Best Information

    Online advertising

    Tirupati Balaji Information | All information about Balaji Temple (tirupati balaji mahiti) >> Tirupati Balaji Temple is famous among the major religious places in South India. To this temple Temple of Seven Hills But it is called Tirumala Nagar १०.३ Square meter २६ It is situated in an area of ​​Km. Along with Tirumala Hills There are mountains, it is also called as Adishesh of seven layers. The temple is situated on the last hill, this area is called Saptagiri which cools in summer, Tirupati from the capital Hyderabad. ४४० It is located on a hill twenty kilometers from the city. Many devotees walk to the temple barefoot but lakhs of devotees come on Ekadashi.

    tirupati balaji information (tirupati balaji mahiti)

    Tirupati is known as Vaikuntha on Bhuloka, the abode of Vishnu on earth, Tiru means Lakshmi, Lakshmi’s husband means Tirupati Telugu, in Tamil I/malai means mountain Balaji is considered to be an incarnation of Vishnu, there is a lake named Kapiltirtha on the mountain. Devotees make a lot of donations here and this temple is considered to be the richest temple. The entire Kalash of Balaji temple is made of gold.

    We have tried to give you the complete information about this world famous Tirupathi Balaji God and temple in this article. Let’s know about Tirupathi Balaji Temple.

      tirupati balaji information - tirupati balaji mahiti
    Tirupati Balaji Information – tirupati balaji mahiti

    Tirupati Balaji Darshan Information

    Tirupathi Balaji temple is always visited by many people, so here we can see that the temple committee has made good facilities for the devotees’ darshan. Also you can book darshan passes online. For this visit the website given below.

    Birth of Lord Tirupati Balaji

    1) According to the ancient story, there was a big forest on the mountain.

    2) The farmer heard that a fire was started to feed the ants in the forest.

    3) The local king of Tirumala heard that air and started supplying milk to Varula himself.

    4) Due to his devotion, Balaji incarnated.

    5) According to mythology Lord Vishnu descended on earth to bless the devotees during Kali Yuga.

    Popular legend about Tirupati Balaji Temple

    1) Once the sage Bhriga wanted to assess who was the greatest among the gods.

    २) As per the ancient story, once sage Bhriga came to Vaikuntha, he kicked the chest of Lord Vishnu who was lying on the bed.

    3) Lord Vishnu was not angry with him but asked him if you did not hurt your leg.

    4) But Goddess Lakshmi did not like the transaction and got angry with Lord Vishnu because Lord Vishnu did not punish the sage Bhriga, and Goddess Lakshmi left Vaikuntha in anger.

    5) Lord Vishnu started releasing Goddess Lakshmi.

    6) Goddess took birth on earth as Padmavati.

    7) Lord Vishnu also took form and proposed marriage near Padmavati which was accepted by Devi.

    8) Money was required for marriage, to solve this problem Kubera took a loan on the witness of Lord Shiva and Brahma.

    9) After taking the loan, the marriage of Lord Vishnu’s Venkatesh form and Goddess Lakshmi’s Ansha Padmavati was completed.

    10) After the marriage, the Lord with his wife Lakshmi began to live on the mountain of Tirumala.

    11) Lord promised Kubera that the loan would be repaid by Kaliyuga (last age).

    12) Today also on Miti as Kalyuga is going on as God is in debt, devotees give alms to this God which will free God from debt.

    Tirupati Balaji Information – Temple Special Attractions

    1) In the temple, the deities are decorated with beautiful clothes and gold ornaments.

    2) The temple has a vast store of gold ornaments to adorn the deity.

    3) Tirupati Balaji temple is called as Vaikuntha on earth which means Lord Vishnu’s abode on earth.

    4) Pride that Lord Vishnu manifested himself in the temple during this Kaliyuga so that he could lead the devotees to salvation.

    5) Lakhs of devotees visit the temple of Tirupati on Vaikuntha Ekadashi.

    6) Devotees believe that if hair is donated here, all the wishes of the heart will be fulfilled. So devotees donate their hair here.

    Tirupati Construction of Balaji Temple All information (tirupati balaji mandir sarv mahiti)

    1) The style of the temple is based on the Southern Gopur style.

    2) After Vatican City, this temple ranks as the highest in the world after Christianity.

    3) Height of idol meter is Balaji’s idol is filled with gold and many other ornaments.

    4) Pallava Rani In 614, the first altar was built here. 500 AD in the Sangam literature. S. 200 is mentioned in

    5) Here the contribution of the Chola Pallava kingdoms is found manifold.

    6) The glory of Tirupati temple increased during the Chola period.

    7) Krishnadevaraya made a donation in 1517 to gild the peak of the sanctum sanctorum.

    8) Maratha general Raghoji Bhosale arranged for the maintenance of the temple forever.

    9) Many donations were received by the Mysore and Gadwal institutions.

    10) Till 1933 the administration of the temple was given to Hathiramji Math during the British period.

    11) In 1933, a special Act of the Madras Legislative Assembly established the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthan Samiti, a committee appointed by the government for this temple committee.

    Summary – Tirupati Balaji Information / tirupati balaji mahiti

    Everyone must visit Tirupati Balaji at least once in life. We have made this sincere effort to provide information about this amazing Tirupati Balaji temple.

    Do let us know by commenting how you thought this Tirupati Balaji information and if you have any suggestions or if you have any more information please comment.

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