Importance of exercise Importance of exercise in life

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Importance of exercise Importance of Exercise in Life Marathi Essay | Effects of Not Exercising |Diet and Mental Health Full Info | Exercise Importance in Marathi >> In today’s world, everyone wants health but no one wants to value it. Health is not something that can be found or something that can be gifted. Exercise is a very important factor if you want good health. In today’s age, it is mind-numbing to hear cases of heart attacks in thirty-year-olds and it seems that man has made so much progress but today his laziness seems to weigh heavily on him.

Importance of Exercise Marathi Essay

Various social reformers and various thinkers have repeatedly tried to convince the society about the importance of exercise in life. Emphasizing the importance of exercise in his thoughts, he has said that laziness is man’s greatest enemy, and exercise is a friend that protects you and prolongs your life.

Importance of exercise / Importance of exercise in life

Importance of exercise in life – Consequences of not exercising

Body health is the most important factor in human life, so exercise is essential to keep the body healthy. In the society you will find people of high position and wealth who have everything but they do not have pleasant feelings on their faces or good physical assets. You can buy everything with money, but your body cannot fix nature and body. On the contrary, in the society you will find some persons who may be found in extreme poverty and dire conditions, but with a contented face and a healthy and fit body. The reason for this is the exercise of their bodies through their work. These two examples will help us understand the importance of exercise.

Man has tried to step forward day by day towards living a better life and so far in history man has become happier than before, living a better life but day by day the sick body of man is increasing, hospital bills are increasing, new types of diseases are all due to laziness of man and healthy body. There are consequences for not keeping.

Importance of exercise in life – Effects of exercise on diet and mental health

There has also been a huge change in the diet of humans, people are not exercising in terms of digesting the food and this leads to an increase in body fat, and this body fat is inviting diseases. By reducing fat through exercise, a person can get better body shape. Various thinkers have tried to explain the importance of exercise in life since a few centuries of human creation.

Through some research, it has been revealed that exercising not only physically but also mentally makes a huge difference in human beings. Exercising creates an energy in people, adds positive thoughts and helps to increase their self-confidence. Some people have also found that regular exercise has contributed to their success, so you can see that the importance of exercise is as great physically as it is mentally.

Different forms of exercise

Exercises are practiced in different ways in different cultures and are given different names accordingly, for example in India we are advised to exercise through yoga. Even the current Prime Minister of India Hon’ble Narendra Modi has presented his culture and a form of yoga to the world as a good exercise option. Exercise is a very important factor in human development and building a better society. But most of the time cinema houses, hotels, hospitals are seen on roadsides and strategic places, but gymnasiums are never seen in such places.

Importance of exercise

A story about the importance of exercise in life

While explaining the importance of exercise in life, I was reminded of a story in which a learned man was kept away from the examination due to the fact that his body did not support him during the most important examination of his life, and his life was very short due to the fact that his body did not support him in exchange for imparting his good knowledge to the society. came to an end The narrator has tried to convey that no matter how learned a person is or how rich he is, if his physical condition does not support him, then that knowledge and wealth are meaningless. Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj tried to convince the society about the importance of exercise through various lines, some of his most beautiful lines are as follows

|| Exercising healthy friends should keep this sutra ||


Exercise is very important as a solution to all the problems of the deteriorating health of the people in the society and increasing physical diseases. It is very important for the society to reach the importance of exercise in the life of every person from every section of the society and it is very necessary to think about it. Exercise is a personal thing for everyone and it is up to the individual to decide how to implement it in their life.

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