Author: Biharadmin

  • Solutions to save money Some Tricks to Survive Money

    Remedies to save money / Remedies to save money at home
    Online advertising

    Remedies for survival of money / Remedies for survival of money at home / Money does not survive in hand >> “Income and expenses are rupees” has become the state of human beings in modern times. Humans seem to fail somewhere in the juxtaposition of unlimited needs and limited means. Lack of money at home has become a big problem for common man. Money is a very necessary thing. The one who has money is now given more respect in the society. It is wrong to discriminate between high and low, but people with such money are considered high.

    Remedies to preserve money / Remedies to preserve money at home and their implementation

    Man works all his life to earn money. But, sometimes this hard-earned money does not stay at home. Sometimes there may be a fault in the place where the money is kept. Follow some simple steps below and keep that hard earned money at home. The safe space in the house is very important. A lot depends on where you keep the safe. Keeping the safe in the right place can increase wealth. The northern part of the house is considered to be the place of Kubera. That is why the room for keeping the safe should be in the north. If money is to be kept in the cupboard, it should be kept in the middle or upper cupboard.

    Remedies to keep money safe – How to have a safe and safe room to keep money safe at home

    • The room where the safe is kept should be square or rectangular. Along with this, there should not be any photo placed in front of the safe. You can put photos on the wall around it if you want.
    • Even if there is only one entrance to the room containing the vault, it is always better to have this entrance preferably in the north or east direction. There should not be any entrance in the south direction. It is very important to take time for this.
    Remedies for survival of money / Remedies for survival of money at home / Money does not survive in hands
    Remedies for money survival / Money does not last in hand – place of safe
    • At the entrance to the vaulted rooms there should be a picture of Lakshmi seated on the ceiling and being anointed by white elephants. This will always increase the wealth in the house.
    • Do not keep any kind of perfume or anything else in the safe. Similarly, clothes, files or any other items should not be placed on top of the safe. Keeping a red cloth inside the safe is considered auspicious.
    • The ground under the vault should be parallel. If this land is rough, it should be straightened by placing stones or something else.
    • The color of the room containing the safe should be pale yellow. Red, green, blue colors should not be given to the safe keeping room. The day to install the safe in that room should be Monday, Wednesday or Thursday.

    To survive the money/ Solutions to keep money at home – Changes to be made in some daily habits

    • Do not remove dung in the evening – Many people have the habit of removing dung in the dark or asking for hair at the door. But this should not be done at all. The Lakshmi of the house is displeased with it and there is a possibility of poverty in the house.
    Remedies for survival of money / Remedies for survival of money at home / Money does not survive in hands
    Remedies to keep money in the house / Money does not last in the hand – Do not spend money in the evening
    • Do not use perfume.
    • Don’t give money to anyone on Wednesday – In many villages the market is held on Wednesday or we do many important business activities on Wednesday. So don’t pay anyone on Wednesday. Money paid on Wednesday is considered to be lost.


    The above given money preservation solutions depend on one’s belief or not, some may find these superstitions but everyone who believes in these things can thus preserve their hard earned money by following the above given home money preservation solutions.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

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  • Paise kamane wale app 2022

    ऑनलाइन जाहिरात

    Paise kamane wale app | paise kamane ka app >> आज के इस भागदौड के युग में, सिर्फ जॉब करके गुजारा करना लगभग नामुमकिन सा हो चुका हैं. इसलीये कही बार हम लोग पार्ट टाइम जॉब सर्च करते हैं . इसलीये आज हम आपके लीये ले के आये हे पैसे कमाने का अनोखा तरिका वो भी अपने मोबाइल से.

    मार्केट में बेहत सारे app ऐसे हैं जो Paisa kamane wala app होने का दावा करते हैं लेकीन Real मे Paise kamane wale app या फिर paisa kamane wale game कोणसे हैं ये रिव्यू हम आपके लिये आज लेके आये हैं.

    अगर आपके पास एक अच्छा सा स्मार्टफोन है तो आप बडी आसानी से उसमें पैसे कमाने वाले ऐप इस्तेमाल करके अच्छे खासे पैसे कमा सकते हो.

    आप ऐसे ऐप्स से ये कमाये हुए पैसे पेटीएम कैश,mobile recharge, real cash, promo code या फिर offers के रूप में प्राप्त कर सकते हो.

    तो फिर चलिये दोस्तो जानते हैं उन टॉप 11 Paise kamane wale app को जिससे आपको paisa kamane का मौका मिले.

    Paise kamane wale app (Top 11) in 2022 / Paisa kamane wala app

    Paise kamane wale top 11 सर्वोत्तम app निचे दिये गये हें |इन app मैसे आप आपका पसंदिता app चुन सकते हो.

    GETMEGA – Paisa kamane wala app

    GetMega  एक ऑनलाइन रियल मनी गेमिग प्लेटफॉर्म हैं जो Megashots Internet Pvt. Ltd. द्वारा स्वामित्व और संचालित हैं। GetMega का UI/UX यूजर फ्रेंडली हैं और यहां कोई बॅाट या धोखाधड़ी नहीं हैं क्युकि यहाँ पर 100% वास्तविक और verified खिलाड़ी हैं। GetMega कूपन कोड LIST2ELQ का उपयोग करके पहली जमा पर 100% धनराशि प्रदान करती हैं। 

    GetMega में 24*7 रनिंग लीडर बोर्ड हैं, जो उपयोगकर्तायों को हर महीने 10,00,000 INR जीतने का मौका दें रहे है। ऑनलाइन गेम खेलने के लिए और पैसे कमाने GetMega भारत में सबसे भरोसेमंद और सुरक्षित प्लेटफॉर्म हैं। GetMega 1 मिनट की निकासी सुविधा प्रदान करता हैं। बैंक ट्रैन्स्फर, पे टी यम, और यूपीआई ( गूगल पे, फोन पे, आदि ) सहित श्रोत GetMega में उपलब्ध हैं।

    GetMega में चैट समर्थन में 15 मिनट का समय निर्वाचन हैं। आईटेक टेक्नॉलजी, ऑस्ट्रेलिया से नंबर जनरल प्रमाणक और ऑल इंडिया गेमिंग फेडरेशन [AIGF] की सदस्यता, इसे भारत का सबसे सुरक्षित बनाता हैं। 

    GetMega भारत का पहला RMG प्लेटफॉर्म हैं, जिसमें उपयोगकर्ता Rummy खेल सकते हैं, खिलाड़ी विडिओ चैट कर सकता हैं। आप एक सुरक्षित वातावरण में, असली पैसे से अपने दोस्त और परिवारजन के साथ खेल सकते हैं। GetMega के Rummy प्रस्ताव में ३ प्रमुख श्रेणियों के अलावा 12+ खेल यानि card games ( Poker और Rummy ) casual games ( carrom, pool, आदि ) trivia (GK, 123, आदि) भी हैं। 

    GetMega पर Rummy  खेले और 1 अंक जमा पर 100% धनराशि वापस पाए। 

    कूपन कोड: LIST2ELQ

     Getmega App के विविध Features:

    1. नकद खेल खेले और 
    2. प्रति घंटा ,दैनिक, और साप्ताहिक लीडरबोर्ड 
    3. फ्री एंट्री लीडर बोर्ड 
    4. एआईजीएफ और आरएनजी प्रमाणित 
    5. लाइव चैट समर्थन 
    6. 1 मिनिट की वापसी 
    7. विडिओचैट समर्थन 
    8. 1 रुपए के कम में खरीदे 
    9. न्यूनतम जमा 10 रुपए से शुरू होता हैं 

    अद्वितीय विशेषता:

    1 विडिओचैट पर दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ Rummy खेले

    Paise kamane wale app (Top 11) in 2021
    GetMega – Paise kamane wale app (Top 11) in 2021

    Math Cash -Paisa kamane wala app

    यह paisa kamane ka app download करने के लिये आपको गूगल के प्ले स्टोर में उपलब्ध हैं, और इसमे पैसे कमाने के बहुत सारे रास्ते दिये गये हें. जैसे की :-

    • आसान गणित के सवाल जैसे Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Divide के जवाब देणे पर आपको पॉईंट्स मिलेंगे जिनको आप पैसो में convert कर सकते हो.
    • facebook पर पोस्ट share करके भी आप पैसे कमा सकते हो.
    • कुछ offers को complete करने के भी पैसे मिलते हैं.
    • Task complete कर के भी आप पैसे बना सकते हैं.
    • अपने फ्रेंड्स को ये paisa kamane wala app Refer करने पर भी आपको पैसे मिलेंगे.
    paise kamane wale app-math cash
    math cash-paise kamane ka app

    यह real paisa kamane wala app हैं. ईस ऐप से बनाये हुए पैसे आप paypal के जरीये सिधे अपने बँक अकाऊंट में जमा करवा सकते हो, या फिर अपने फोन का रीचार्ज करके भी आप पैसे निकाल सकते हैं.

    math cash-paise kamane wale app मै आप हमारा Referral Code इस्त्तेमाल करे.

    Referral Code:- SYSRLZ

    Wow-paise kamane wale app

    इस ऐप में भी पैसे कमाने के मार्ग दिये गये हें. जैसे की :-

    • अलग अलग ऐप्स डाऊनलोड करने से पैसे मिलते हैं.
    • Game खेलने के भी पैसे मिलते हैं.
    • और गजब की बात तो आपको अपने फ्रेंड्स के साथ chatting करने पर भी ये app paise देता हैं.
    • आप online शॉपिंग करके पैसे कमा सकते हैं.
    • अपने फोन के lockscreen पर Advertise डालने के भी आपको पैसे मिलेंगे.
    • और ईस ऐप में video देख कर भी आप पैसे कमा सकते हो.
    wow-Earn Real Money app
    wow-paise kamane wala app

    यह paise kamane ka app आपको 100 पॉईंट्स का 1$ देता हैं. और ईस में कमाये हुए पैसे आप paypal के जरीये अपने बँक अकाऊंट में Transfer करा सकते हो, या फिर अपने फोन का रीचार्ज भी करवा सकते हो.

    App Download Link:-

    Rozdhan:-online paise kamane wala app

    ईस paise kamane wale app में आपको पैसे कमाने के 2-3 विकल्प दिये हैं.

    Rozdhan - online paisa kamane wala app
    Rozdhan – online paisa kamane wala app
    • आप इस ऐप को इस्तेमाल करके अच्छे पैसे कमा सकते हैं. यह App के google play store पर 1 करोड से भी ज्यादा downloads हैं.
    • इस app में paise kamana आसान हैं.इसमे आप game खेल सकते हो,न्यूज पेपर पढ सकते हो ये सब करने पर आपको इसमे Coins मिलेंगे जो की हरदिन रात को 12 बजे रुपयो में कन्वर्ट होते हें. लख भग 250 Coins का आपको 1 रुपया मिलता हें.
    • हालहा की इस app मै आपको को login करते ही 25 रुपये मिलेंगे और उसके बाद आप आगर किसी दोस्त को ये app refer करते हो तो भी आपको अच्छे खासे पैसे मिलते हें.
    • इस ऐप का रेफर का system बेहत अच्छा हें और आप अपने दोस्तो को ये aap रेफर करके अच्छे खासे पैसे कमा सकते हो. जैसे जैसे आपका रेफरर इस app को यूज करेगा आपको पैसे मिलते रहेंगे.
    • इस ऐप से आप कमाये हुए कमसे कम 200 रुपये निकाल सकते हो और वो आपके paytm में आप ले सकते हो.
    • यह कम दिनो में ज्यादा paisa kamane ka app हें.

    App Download Link:-

    MPL -paise kamane wala game app

    यह एक gaming ऐप हैं. जो लोग game खेलने का शौक रखते हैं वो ईस अॅप्लिकेशन के जरीये गेम खेल कर भी पैसे कमा सकते हैं .

    • ईस gaming application में आपको तर्‍हा तर्‍हा के Game खेलने के पैसे मिलते हैं.
    • इस ऐप में आप games खेलने के इलावा खेल का prediction करके भी paise kama sakte हो.
    • इस MPL app को आप आपने दोस्तो को भी रेफर करके पैसे कमा सकते हो, 1 रेफर के आपको 75 रुपये bonus cash के रूप मै मिलेंगे.
    • MPL मै आप आपने खुद के पैसे अॅड करके भी खेल सकते हो.
    • यह ऐप को एक तरह से cricket से paisa kamane ka app भी कह सकते है.
    • यह app ज्यादा भरोसेमंद है, हालाखि इसमे पैसे कमाने के लिये आपको दिमाग से काम लेना होगा. किसिभी स्पोर्ट्स का prediction करते समय काफी सोच समझ कर आपको प्रेडिक्ट करना होगा.

    • कमाये हुए पैसे इस ऐप से निकलना काफी आसान हें इससे आप आपके paytm की वॉलेट मै भी पैसे निकाल सकते हो या फिर Amazon Wallet और आपके bank account में भी transfer करवा सकते हो.

    App Download Link:-


    यह paisa kamane wala app आपके फोन के लॉक स्क्रीन पर कुछ advertise दिखाता हैं .

    Slidejoy - paisa kamane wala app
    Slidejoy – paisa kamane wala app
    • ईस ऐप के जरीये पैसे कमाना बेहत आसान हैं .
    • अॅप्लिकेशन आपके फोन के lockscreen पर advertise दिखाता हैं, आप जितने ज्यादा बार आपके फोन को lock और unlock करोगे उतनी ज्यादा advertise आपके स्क्रीन पर दिखेंगी.
    • Slidejoy app इन advertise के show होने पर आपको पैसे देता हैं.
    • यह ऐप एक video देख कर paise kamane wala app हें.
    • लॉक स्क्रीन पर advertise दिखाने के अलावा दूसरा कोई पैसे बनाने का मार्ग इसमे उपलब्ध नही हैं.

    App Download Link:-


    • यह Facebook की ही तरह एक सोशल मीडिया ऐप है.
    • लेकिन Helo को यूज करके आप पैसे कमा सकते हैं,यह इसकी विशेषता हैं.
    • इस Paise Kamane Wale App मै आप तरह तरह के काम करके पैसे कमा सकते हो.
    • आप Helo में sign in करने के,ईसे यूज करने पर किसिको फॉलो करके भी पैसे कमा सकते हो.
    • helo ऐप मै आप अपने दोस्तो को रेफर के तौर पर बुला के भी पैसे कमा सकते हो.
    • इसके अला हेलो पर कही बार events रहते हें उसके जरीये भी आप रिवॉर्ड के रूप पैसे जीत सकते हें.
    • Paytm Wallet के जरीये Helo app मै कमाए हुए paise आप निकाल सकते हो.

    App Download Link:-

    Bigtime -paise kamane wale app

    यह एक gaming अॅप हैं. जिसमे आपको 15 paise kamane wale game मिलेंगे.

    Bigtime app
    paise kamane wale game in Bigtime
    • इसमे हर 1 गेम खेलने के बाद आपको कुछ पॉईंट्स मिलेंगे.
    • इन पॉईंट्स को आप पैसे मै convert कर सकते हैं.
    • ईस app में आपको गेम खेलने पर पैसे मिलते हैं.
    • मगर ईस ऐप मै टार्गेट बडा होने के कारण आपको 2 महिनो मै केवल 2000 से 3000 ही रुपये मिल सकते हैं.

    App Download Link:-

    Cashpirate – paisa kamane ka app

    ईस app मै आप दुसरे android apps download करके paise kama सकते हैं.

    cashpirate - paisa kamane ki app
    cashpirate – paisa kamane ka app
    • अलग अलग android app download करने पर आपको पैसे मिलते हैं.
    • इन ऐप्स को आप बाद में डिलिट भी कर सकते हो.
    • ईस app के जरिए आप महीने का 2000 से 3000 रुपये कमा सकते हो.
    • कमाये हुए पैसे आप paypal के जरिए आपके बँक अकाऊंट में ट्रान्सफर कर सकते हो.
    • कमाये हुए पैसे से आप अपने फोन का रीचार्ज भी करवा सकते हो.

    App Download Link:-

    Meesho – Money Making App

    यह app फिलहाल भारत के महिला वर्ग मै बेहद पसंदिता हैं.

    यह असलमे paise wala app या फिर kamane wala app हैं क्युंकी, इस ऐप से आप महीने का 15000 रुपये भी कमा सकते हो.

    paise wala app-Meesho
    Meesho-Money Making App
    • यह एक शॉपिंग app हैं. जिसके अंदर आपको कोई भी शॉपिंग प्रॉडक्ट की लिंक कॉपी करनी हैं और whatsapp ग्रुप मै शेअर करनी हैं.
    • अगर आपके लिंक के जरीए कोई उस प्रॉडक्ट को खरीदता हैं तो आपको कुछ कमिशन मिलेगा.
    • ईस ऐप की खासियत यह हैं की ईस मै उपलब्ध कोई भी प्रॉडक्ट को आप आपका कमिशन जोडके बेच सकते हो.
    • उदाहरण के तौर पार आप मान लिजिये 200 रुपये का प्रॉडक्ट आपका 100 रुपये कमिशन लगा के 300 रुपये मै बेच सकते हो. लेकीन ध्यान रहे की आपकी कमिशन वॅल्यू प्रॉडक्ट वॅल्यू से ज्यादा ना हो.
    • इस app मै ज्यादा paise kamane ki शमता हें.

    App Download Link:-

    Shop 101 – Real paisa kamane ka app

    यह app भी meesho app की तरह ही हैं.

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    Real paisa kamane wali app – Shop 101
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  • Oximeter Price | Oxygen meter

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    Oximeter Price | Oxygen Meter | Oxygen Meter Price & Full Details >> Not only India but the whole world is suffering due to corona virus. Hundreds of scientists in such a situation are trying their best to find a vaccine for Corona, but even if the vaccine is not available to everyone, it may take a few more days. Until then, at least we need to take care of ourselves.

    Many people are seen doing corona test out of fear these days, and in such days your kids can also catch cold. Many incidents are coming to the fore. In all these circumstances, even if you have a simple cold cough without panicking, it is necessary to get tested for Corona immediately, but if you feel difficulty in breathing, then you should definitely get tested for Corona.

    If the amount of oxygen in the blood in your body decreases, you must do the Corona test, but at the same time you should also check the oxygen in your blood. For that, there are many oximeters of different companies available in the market, using which you can check the blood oxygen level of yourself and your family members sitting at home. You will find information and prices of some of the best oximeters in this article.

    Before knowing the price of this oximeter, let us see some essential information about the oximeter. Let us first know the benefits of using this type of oxygen measuring machine.

    Oximeter Information | Oxygen Measuring Machine Information (Oximeter Information | Oxygen Measuring Machine Information)

    • This oximeter shows an accurate pulse rate, as well as how much oxygen is in your blood.
    • It can be used as a pulse oximeter for children, as well as a blood oxygen monitor for adults.
    • It can be used for different sized fingers.
    • After you check your oxygen level on this machine usually it is between 90 – 100, if you find your oxygen level is less than 90 then you can do corona test. Or contact a doctor.
    • This device is excellent for sportsmen, pilots, mountain climbers, bikers, coaches, air travelers.
    • This machine can be operated at the touch of a button, light in weight and can be carried anywhere.

    So let’s have a look at the various oximeters and their prices. All oximeter machines shown below are suitable for home use and durable. These are some of the best oximeter machines in this category.

    Oximeter Price | Oxygen measuring machine and its price (Best Top 8 Oximeter)

    Dr Vaku Pulse Oximeter Finger Pulse Blood Oxygen SpO2 Monitor – ₹ 999

    K-Life Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter measuring SpO2 and Pulse Rate – ₹ 1,048

    Sahyog Wellness Fingertip OLED Type Pulse Oximeter, Pulse Rate (SpO2) & Perfusion Index – ₹ 1,944

    Dr. Odin Fingertip Pulse Oximeter with Plus Sound OLED Display Alarm Alert Function – ₹ 2,399

    BPL Medical Technologies Bpl Fingertip Pulse Oximeter – ₹ 2,499

    AmbiTech High Accuracy Fingertip Pulse Oximeter with OLED Display ₹ 2,799

    Dr Trust (USA) Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter – ₹ 4,400

    Dr Trust Professional Series Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter With Audio Visual Alarm and Respiratory Rate ₹ 4,750

    Come on up Best 8 Oximeter / Oxygen measuring machine And see which machine suits you based on their price. For more information on that machine as well as to purchase “Check It On Amazon” Click on this button.

    This is for you oximeter / How did you feel about the oxygen measuring machine and which one do you have? oximeter / Oxygen measuring machine Make sure to comment and let us know if you have purchased.

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  • फलका थाना में मारपीट व 75000 हजार रुपया छिंतई को लेकर 7 लोगों के विरुद्ध पीड़िता ने दर्ज करवाया मामला

    सुधांशु शेखर/ सिटी हलचल न्यूज़

    फलका थाना क्षेत्र के चकला मदरसा निवासी एक पीड़िता ने लाठी-डंडे से मारपीट करने एवं ₹75000 रुपैया नगद छीन लेने के आरोप लगाते हुए गांव के 7 लोगों के विरुद्ध शिकायत की है। पीड़िता मीना देवी चकला मदरसा टोला निवासी शिकायत किए आवेदन में जिक्र किया है 

    1 अगस्त 2022 को आज 6:30 बजे पड़ोसी प्रदीप महलदार से नगद ₹75000 लेकर घर आ रही थी प्रदीप महलदार के घर के सामने आई तो देखें कि सड़क पर कामेश्वर महलदार, अरुण महलदार, सरवन महलदार, प्रदीप महलदार, विमला देवी, रूबी देवी, गुंजा देवी सभी चकला मदरसा टोला निवासी रोड पर खड़े थे।

     मेरे वहां पहुंचते ही कामेश्वर महलदार बिना कुछ बोले मुझे जमीन पर पटक कर बेरहमी से मारने लगे तथा अरुण महलदार ने हाथ में रखे ₹75000 छीन लिया मारपीट के दौरान प्रवीण महलदार ने लाठी-डंडे से भी मारा है। मारपीट के दौरान वे अजीत हो गई तो सभी आरोपी छोड़कर फरार हो गए।

  • What are the websites for buying goods online?

    Buy goods online
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    Website for buying goods online / online ecommerce website in Marathi >> Although shopping from home has become common now, still we don’t know which websites are there for online shopping. Apart from Amazon and Flipkart, there are many other websites where you can shop from home.

    If you are a regular online shopper then you need to know about all the websites because each website has different appeals offer are available and sometimes there are sales or discounts as well. For that we are going to tell you the list of some such online shopping websites below.

    List of Websites for Online Shopping of Goods:

    १) Amazon

    २) Flipkart

    ३) TataCliq

    ४) Shopclues

    ५) Myntra

    ६) AJIO

    ७) Adidas

    ८) Shyaway

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    १३) BEARD

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    २०) UPGRADE

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    You can buy electronics items on some of the websites in this list. On some websites, you can buy clothes, shoes, online courses and other useful items at home. Now gradually people prefer to buy the item from the website which sells the particular item they want to buy.

    If you want to see the various offers on all these websites at one place, you can Online Offers Zone Join Facebook groups like this one.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook page And on twitter Follow me on Twitter.

    Android apps Baby Products Books Health Health Related Products Measurement Mechanical Engg Metrology & Quality Control Products udyojak Study Related Amitabh Bachchan Industry Solution Kolhapur Sports Rural Chhatrapati Truck Trolling Country Money Motivation Fadnavis Benefit Business Machine Maharashtra Maharashtra Politics Modi Mobile Register Record Small Baby Viral Foreign University Business Sharad Pawar Agriculture Opportunity Festival Cooking Hindu

  • Harvard University – 90 Courses Free

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    Harvard University is giving 90 courses free in. Do online courses from home He also from Harvard University.

    Corona virus deception Along with our country, it is increasing all over the world. The governments of all countries are challenging the people of our country to stay at home and not to go out.

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    Let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook pageAndon twitter Follow me on Twitter.

  • Onion Processing Industry | Machine | Capital | Sale | export

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    Onion Processing Industry >> Onion is one of the daily food items, but many farmers have to bear losses due to the fact that the farmers’ production and market prices are not well matched.

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    Local Business Online Offer – @299 Plan

    The highest onion production in India is in the state of Maharashtra and the districts of Nashik, Solapur, Pune, Jalgaon, Ahmednagar, Satara in Maharashtra are leading in onion production.

    Onion Processing Industry Information / Onion Powder Machine

    Why onion processing industry?

    Onion prices fluctuate widely every year, so many farmers store onions waiting for the market price, but after a certain period of time, the stored onions spoil. To overcome this situation, small onion processing industries should be started in rural areas.

    Rainy Utilities - First Look

    At a time when the market price of onion is less than 2 thousand rupees per quintal, the loss to the farmers can be avoided if the onion is processed and exported directly.

    Procedure on onions in order

    Onions can be processed into pellets or powders, which can be used in other foods. Onion processing works in the following order.

    1) White onion is preferably used to make jaggery or powder from onion. Small neck onions are best for processing.

    2)Cut the outer part of the onion and remove the peel, about 5 to 10 mm. I. Thick discs are made.

    3) These prepared discs are soaked in salt water for about 2 hours.

    4) It is then placed in a dryer at a temperature of approximately 55-65 degrees for 12 hours.

    5) These finished processed products are packed in airtight containers.

    Equipment needed for onion processing industry

    1) Onion Peeler :-

    By using this type of automatic machine we can use it to remove the outer covering of onion. Using this machine, you can peel about 40-50 kg of onions per hour. A machine with this capacity can be had for around Rs.15000. Machines with higher capacity are also available in the market.

    2) Onion cutting machine :-

    The price of onion cutting machine is available in the market starting from 12000 depending on the capacity. Some of the machines in the market have a capacity of 100 kg per hour. In the beginning, you can do this work yourself without buying a machine and save your investment.

    3) Machine for washing the peeled and peeled onions:-

    This machine is used to wash the onions after removing the roots, tops and outer covering. Due to this process, dust and other bad elements can be separated from the onion and the onion becomes clean. Such machines are available in the market from 10 thousand rupees onwards depending on the capacity.

    4) Machine for cutting washed onions into slices :-

    Small onion slices are made by this machine. 0.4 mm in this type of device. I. 0.8 m from I. Can be made up to This machine is automatic and you will find many such machines in the market which are priced more or less depending on the capacity.

    5) Onion drying machine :-

    In this device the chopped onion is dried and it is also called dehydrator or dryer. In this machine, the water is removed from the onion and the onion is completely dried. You can also use a solar dryer for this process. But keep in mind that you need to keep the sliced ​​onion at a temperature of 55℃-60℃ for 10-12 hours, so it will not work if you just turn these slices in the sun. Even if there is heat, it does not happen.

    There are currently 12 to 190 tray dryers available in the market.

    Onion Processing Industry Information / Onion Powder Machine

    6) Mill:-

    These onion pods dried in a dryer are converted into powder with the help of a mill. These types of onion powder mills are available in the market depending on the capacity. A machine with a capacity of 50 kg per hour can be enough for you in the beginning, which costs around 15 thousand in the market. Grinders with more capacity are also available in the market.

    A company can provide you with all these machines together or you can get them individually.

    You can export this prepared onion powder by packing it in an airtight bottle or plastic bag.

    Onion Processing Industry / Onion Powder Industry Equipment Dealers

    On the link given below you will get all the information you need about buying machinery for onion processing industry.


    capital required

    Starting this type of onion processing industry can cost at least 2 lakhs to 5 lakhs. Which can be done by a single farmer or a group of farmers.

    Onion processing industry and market

    Onion flakes and powder are widely consumed in Gulf countries. Presently, such onion flakes and powder are exported to countries like England, Germany, Japan, Africa, Hong Kong and the processed onion powder fetches a good market price which also increases the foreign exchange earnings.

    Now, only 2-5% of our country’s produce is processed and the rest is either sold or spoiled. From this we will realize how much scope this onion processing industry has.

    Take the help of an agent in the beginning to export and gradually master one of you by training in the export field.


    The losses incurred by the farmers due to the recent fluctuations in onion market prices can certainly be reduced to a small extent by starting this type of onion processing industry.

    How to make Onion Powder

    Onion is processed to make its powder, while making onion powder, onion is processed in the following sequence.
    1) White onion is preferably used to make chaktas from onion. Small neck onions are best for processing.
    2)Cut the outer part of the onion and remove the peel, about 10 mm. I. Thick discs are made.
    3) These discs are soaked in salt water.
    4) It is then placed in a dryer at a temperature of approximately 55-65 degrees for 12 hours.
    5) These finished processed products are packed in airtight containers.
    6) And lastly these dried onion pods are converted into powder with the help of mill.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook page And on twitter Follow me on Twitter.

  • Once again new traffic fines are imposed in the country

    traffic rule
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    “Motor Transport Amendment Bill 2019” It was approved in Parliament on 1 August. Under the Act, traffic violators will be fined nearly 10 times the previous fine.

    Last month, Gadkari had said that the process of making a driving license would be computerized and no one, be it a minister or a member of parliament, would get a license without passing the online tests. And now Gadkari’s administration has tightened the vehicle laws even more.

    Strict fines will help reduce accidents and ensure proper compliance of traffic rules by motorists, Delhi Transport Minister Gehlot said on Saturday. “It will also have a major impact on improving road safety,” he said.

    Penal provisions for common traffic violations such as not wearing a helmet, not wearing a seat belt, and driving under the influence of alcohol have been made more stringent under the new Vehicle Act.

    Strict penal provisions

    traffic rule
    • Driving without a seatbelt can now attract a fine of Rs 1000, up from Rs 100 earlier. It was Rs 1,000-5,000 before it was Rs 1,000 for using mobile while driving.
    • The fine for driving under the influence of alcohol has been increased to Rs 10,000 from Rs 2,000 to Rs 5,000 earlier.
    • Failure to give way to emergency vehicles such as ambulances or fire brigade will now attract a fine of Rs 10,000.
    • Under the new law, driving without a license will attract a fine of Rs 5,000, up from Rs 500 earlier.
    • The fine for driving while disqualified has been increased from Rs 500 earlier to Rs 10,000.
    • Overspeeding will now attract a fine of Rs.1000 to Rs.2000. What was earlier Rs 400 will now be Rs 1000 for small vehicles, and Rs 2000 for medium passenger vehicles.
    • A fine of Rs 2000 will be levied for driving without vehicle insurance.
    • Drivers without helmet Rs. 1,000 and their license can be suspended for three months.
    • A fine of Rs.20,000 will be levied if the vehicle is overloaded.
    • In case of any road offense by minor drivers, parents will be held guilty and fined up to Rs. 25,000 and three years imprisonment and cancellation of registration.
    • In the hit and run case, a compensation of Rs 5 lakh has been given to the family of the deceased and Rs 2.50 lakh to the injured and three years of imprisonment.

    You should also check our article “Getting Driving License Now Made Easy”.

  • Navratri Festival Marathi Information / Worship / Popular Stories / Prasad / Celebrations in Various Areas / Shakti Peetha of Goddess

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    Navratri Festival Marathi Information / Worship / Popular Stories / Prasad / Celebrations in Various Areas / Goddess Shakti Peetha >> Navratri festival is a nine-day festival of goddess in Hinduism. If you look at it, all the festivals are celebrated in different ways in our Hindu religion, but Navratri is celebrated in so many different ways in our society.

    Like the Hindu year, when the month of Shravan begins, various festivals begin, and when the Ganapati festival is over, the Navratri festival begins. Meanwhile, the pitra fortnight that comes in between does not even understand when that preparation ends. Mandaps are erected for the installation of the goddess in every place. Although we don’t have many mandals celebrating Navratri like Ganpati, the few mandals that are there, celebrate Navratri with great fanfare.

    Navratri (Navratri) Festival Information – Ghatsthapana and Other All Information (Navratra Utsav Marathi Mahiti)

    In this article, we are going to see the information about how Navratri festival is celebrated in our various areas, the methods and what is the science behind celebrating Navratri festival.

    Navratri (Navratri) Festival Marathi Information – How to do Ghatasthapana

    On the first day of Navratri, Ashwin Shuddha Pratipada is installed. Ghatasthapana means grain is sown in a pot and a continuous lamp is placed on it. Flowers are garlanded daily and Aarti is performed in the morning and evening. All this is done in public celebrations as well. Every house has a different method of ghatasthaphana, some have Brahmin savashan on rising and sitting, some on Ashtami and some on navami. So the food of a virgin is served to someone. Homhavan is held on Navami day.

    Purana is cooked. Many people fast for nine days. Some people just break the grains. In general, the nine days of Navratri are like a rush. In some houses and in public gatherings the goddess is also confused, and the confusion is called for.

    Navratri Festival Marathi Information - Navratri Festival Information
    Navratri Festival Marathi Information

    Navratri (Navratri) Festival – Legends / Popular Stories, Prasad, Jogwa and other information

    Legend / popular story

    Devi fought fiercely for nine days of Navratri and killed many demons. She killed Mahishasura, hence her name Mahishasurmardini. This Shakti form of her is worshiped in Navratri. The idol of the goddess is worshiped in Navratri. This goddess is called Sarvabhuteshu Shaktirupen Sekeshita Namastey Namastey Namo Nam.


    After the aarti of the goddess during the Navratri festival, the fun of finally getting to know the Khirapat is something different. Every day someone plays a different khirapat so that they can try to recognize it by the sounds. Every home has a different dish. In some places there are khirapati on the first day, one on the second day, and then two in the ascending order. Children have different fun in this khirapat eating contest. On the day of Dussehra, it was accompanied by dishes like Shrikhand Basundi Jalebi or Chivda Sugar Rice and Samosas.

    Navratri Festival Devi’s Aarti / Navratri Songs and Jogwa

    The first day started with the songs Ailma Pailama Ganesh Deva Maja Khel De Manda, Kareen Tuji Seva, and the rest of the songs followed. Amba Baisali Simhanasi Ho Pratipada from Ghatasthapana Te Karni this aarti is also very melodious to listen to. Along with that, Udo Bola Udo Bolo Ambabai Mauli’s Ho Anande Garjati Kaya Varnu Mahima is also a very famous and beautiful aarti. This is also said everywhere.

    Jogwa is sought during Navratri. There are many songs of Jogwa, but the lyrics of Jogwa Magantana which are popular in many areas are as follows:-

    Mother’s Tulaja Dev also Tulaja

    The devotion to God was confused.

    As an alternative to the elimination of such virtues, wives ask for the Jogwa of giving up work, anger and missing the cycle of birth and death. There is a great spiritual content in this Jogwa.

    Different ways of celebrating Navratri in different regions

    This type of Bhulabai is seen in Vidarbha. On Bhadrapada Poornima, Shankar sits on the idol of Parvati in front of him and school girls sing songs to the tune of tipriyas. It is fun for them to come home from school and go to their friends’ houses with notes in hand. On the day of Kojagiri Purnima, Bhulabai is worshiped in Tipur Chandani by sitting in Makhar and offering Aras. This used to happen in Vidarbha about 10 to 15 years ago, but now girls are not getting time due to school timings and classes.

    Nowadays Bhulabai is offered only on the day of Kojagari. Bhulabai is the form of goddess and she is called Gourai and she is Mahervasin, the beginning of the song is “First my worship was like Deva Dev Bai then when will you be proud of the first fish Sarawa Sarta Sarta Karagari Nandangaon Tirawari Mangoes are very ripe Bhulabai Raniche Dohale nine months nine fruits” At the end, her dohala is told, “Tila Nehuni Gara Palangavari there Shankar sat Shankar, our brother-in-law, guest for a day and a half”.

    Gujarati women perform garba dance during Navratri. They get dressed up and dance till late at night. Garba Played in Temples Garba played as a part of puja gradually began to take a commercial form. Nowadays Garba is played by paying thousands of tickets and inviting special celebrities. A lot of misbehavior also happens in it. The sanctity of the festival is ruined by it. The enthusiasm of the youth is acceptable but the malpractices arising out of it should be stopped. Pure sacred spirit should be preserved in festivals.

    Navratri festival and Shakti Peetha of Devi

    It is said that Parsurama’s mother is Renukamata Mahurgadvasini. Among the three and a half Peethas of Devi, one is Ambabai of Kolhapur, the other is Tuljabhavani, the third is Renukamata, the three complete Peethas and Saptshringi of Vani near Nashik is considered as Ardhpeeth. Navratri festival is celebrated in all these places on a grand scale.

    Devotees struggle to visit there. But if that is not possible, at least they must visit the goddess of the village. Some sisters visit daily. Recently, it is not possible to light Nandadeep at home, so the method of paying in temples is becoming a norm. Thousands of such lamps are installed in Koradi temple near Nagpur.

    Summary – Navratri Festival Marathi Information

    While worshiping the various forms of the Goddess, devotion should be built up in the mind. In this way, one should get absorbed in the feet of the goddess with the spirit of getting rid of mental disorders. It is not enough to fast for nine days, but it is expected that the determination to get away from all mental disorders, sinful desires, and evil thoughts by assuming the meaning of fasting is to get away in this Navratri. This festival should be celebrated with the same sacred spirit to create the power of the power that the Goddess gave us.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also comment if you have any suggestions.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook page And on twitter Follow me on Twitter.

  • 10 nationalized banks to be merged into four banks.

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    Nationalized Bank >> 10 in the country Nationalized bank 4 important Nationalized Bank will merge into

    India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has taken this important decision to bring the economy out of the depression when the country’s economy is going through a light period.

    Nationalized Merger of Banks

    • Indian Bank And Allahabad Bank will merge.
    • Union Bank, Andhra Bank And Corporate Bank will merge.
    • Punjab National Bank (PNB), Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) And United Bank of India They will be merged.
    • So Canara Bank along with Diket Bank will merge.

    10 public sector banks will be merged into four. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today announced the consolidation of public sector banks.

    Indian Bank Allahabad Bank under the scheme of amalgamation (Anchor Bank – Indian Bank) will merge into

    Union Bank of India, Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank will merge (Anchor Bank – Union Bank of India).

    PNB, OBC and United Bank will merge (PNB will be the anchor bank).

    And Canara Bank and Syndicate Bank will merge (Anchor Bank – Canara Bank).

    27 in the public sector in 2019 Nationalized bank 12 in the public sector now in place of Nationalized bank Finance Minister said that there will be.

    Nationalized BankCapital income of more than ₹ 55,000 crore

    • PNB (₹ 1,000,000 crore), Union Bank of India (₹ 11,700 crore), Bank of Baroda (₹ 7,000 crore), Indian Bank (₹ 25,000 crore), Indian Overseas Bank (₹ 3,800 crore), Central Bank (₹ 3300 crore), UCO Bank (₹ 2100 crore), United Bank (₹ 1,600 crore) and Punjab and Sind Bank (₹ 50,750 crore).
    • Last year, the government had approved the merger of Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank and Bank of Baroda (BOB) with effect from April 1, 2019. In 2017, State Bank of India merged its five associates with Bharatiya Mahila Bank.

    Said by Sitharaman Nationalized Bank about salient features

    Merger of Nationalized Banks - Nirmala Sitharaman
    Nirmala Sitharaman
    • Strengthen us Nationalized bank are wanted
    • Combined Indian Bank and Allahabad Bank is the 7th largest public sector bank with a business of ₹ 8 lakh crore (Anchor Bank – Indian Bank).
    • PNB, OBC and United Bank will be the 6th public sector bank after merger (PNB Anchor Bank).
    • The combined Union Bank of India, Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank is the fifth largest public sector bank with a business of ₹ 1.6 lakh crore.
    • A combined Canara Bank and Syndicate Bank would be the fourth largest public sector bank with a business of ₹ 15.2 lakh crore.
    • The merger of Bank of Baroda, Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank is yet to take place; Employees have been rehired and best practices from each bank have been replicated in others.
    • 8 PSU banks have introduced repo rate-linked loans so far.
    • The loan tracking system in PSU banks is being improved for the benefit of the customers.
    • 4 NBFCs have received liquidity support from PSU banks since last Friday.
    • A partial credit guarantee mechanism has already been implemented for NBFCs.
    • Government is working on banking reforms.
    • Total NPAs of PSU banks have come down.
    • Coverage ratio of provision is highest in 7 years.
    • Non-executive directors to perform roles corresponding to independent directors.
    • Bank of India, Central Bank of India will continue as a public sector bank.
    • A Board Committee of Nationalized Banks will be constituted to determine the accountability of the Board of Directors, to evaluate the performance of the National Managers and their Managing Directors.
    • Post amalgamation, Mandals will be given flexibility to identify Chief General Manager level as per business needs. They will hire chief risk officers at market-related compensation to attract the best talent.

    It will be important to see if this decision taken by the finance minister strengthens the economy and increases unemployment in the country.

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