Category: आरोग्य

  • Are you tracking the Modi government? Taking advantage of the fear of coronavirus.

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    Modi Sarkar will track >> Modi Sarkar For the past several days, there has been an allegation that this government is using modern technology on people’s movements Monitoring. This issue came to the fore around the world about 5 years ago in america happened Presidential election In, at that time Donald Trump This accusation was made against him.

    Between about 1 to 2 years ago in India also whats apps People are being monitored through Modi government is tracking Such an allegation was made on the central government.

    Now worldwide Corona virus while the Indian Govt Aarogya-Setu This App It is meant to be used by the public. But this is it App Opponents accuse people of surveillance.

    In this context Rahul Gandhi by Tweet It has been done, he said “Arogya Setu App” It is a sophisticated surveillance system, outsourced to a private operator. Without institutional oversight – raises serious data security and privacy concerns. Technology may help keep us safe; But without the consent of the citizens The benefit of fear of citizens Track Shouldn’t be taken.”

    You need to know this information about Aarogya Setu app :-

    • Arogya Setu This Central government of Electronics And IT One developed by the Ministry Covid-19 contact tracing app is
    • This App GPS and Bluetooth Tracks the movement of the user with the help of sensors.
    • And if database And algorithm If the user comes in contact with infected people, it sends the information to them.
    • AppRegister on while users Personal information Have to enter and this data Only India will be shared with Govt.
    • App does not involve third parties as set out in its privacy policy.
    • Although the privacy policy of this app states that there is no third party involved, the opposition is alleging that, but the opposition is ready to hold the government on edge on this issue in the coming period.
    Modi government truck by Aarogya Setu App ?
    Aarogya Setu App
    Modi Sarkar Truck by Aarogya Setu App
    Aarogya Setu App
    • Meanwhile Scientific Adviser to Government of India Pvt. Of. Vijayaraoghavan He has said that in the coming time, the government will use this app as an e-pass for people to move from one place to another.
    • Economics Times According to the circle given by the App in tracking This is done through a social graph created through Bluetooth and location, which can show your interactions with anyone who tests positive.

    Some tweets alleging that the Modi government is tracking:-

    Modi government Policies of :-

    • Modi Govt This app for all govt employees has been made mandatory.
    • opponent If the government is really collecting this information as they are saying and obliterated company All this if shared with Dangerous Because of this, it belongs to every person private life Will not be private.
    • social media There are also discussions that Pakistan Arogya Setu like fake app Made in India To steal datahow much in these discussions truth It is not known yet. If this is true then India may face a big threat from this in future.

    What do you think Modi government is tracking? Comment your opinion.

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  • Benefits of Clove Marathi/Uses of Clove/Benefits of Eating Clove

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    Benefits of Clove Marathi / Clove Uses / Benefits of eating cloves / Benefits of lavang in Marathi >> Cloves are a common thing found in our household, many foods in the diet are incomplete without cloves so every household has cloves, not only in India but worldwide, cloves are in demand. Cloves are famous all over the world and widely used by people but cloves are not only used to add flavor to food but also have some medicinal properties.

    Benefits of Clove Marathi / Clove Uses / Benefits of Eating Clove >>

    Small in size but with medicinal properties, this clove is beneficial for our health. We will see the benefits of clove in this article.

    Medicinal properties of cloves Advantages / Benefits of eating cloves :-

    • Cloves have been used since ancient times for general health problems. Its results are also visible strongly and quickly. Cloves are very beneficial for our health.
    • Cloves are beneficial for toothache. The oil in cloves is beneficial in stopping pain in toothache.
    • Clove is also effective in other diseases related to the mouth.
    • Cloves are also used to relieve sore throat.
    • Cloves are used for many diseases like cold and cough to serious diseases like cancer
    • Cloves are also used to repel mosquitoes.
    • Cloves have antibacterial properties, so cloves are used in making toothpaste, mouth washes and creams.
    • Clove oil is very effective but this clove oil should not be applied directly on the skin but should be mixed with any other oil.
    • Cloves are also beneficial for relieving ailments like sinus. People who suffer from sinus problems should add three to four teaspoons of clove oil in water. This will reduce infection and reduce difficulty in breathing.
    • Clove is also effective in stomach ailments. Gastric juice present in cloves improves digestion Grind two cloves and boil them in half a cup of water and drink this mixture after it cools down and take it three times a day to help get rid of gas problems in the stomach thus cloves are effective in problems like gas burning in the stomach.
    • Cloves are also beneficial during pregnancy. If you feel nauseous, chewing cloves gives relief. Sometimes during pregnancy, women feel nauseous many times in the morning.
    Benefits of cloves
    Cloves – Benefits of eating cloves

    Uses of Cloves in Medicine :-

    • Cloves are used not only in Ayurvedic but in all medical systems. Like -Homeopathy Allopathy and Ayurveda.
    • Cloves contain carbohydrates, potassium, sodium and hydrochloric acid. Cloves also contain vitamin E and C fiber.
    • Clove is a natural pain reliever.
    • Doctors prefer to apply clove oil in case of toothache and get instant relief.
    • Cloves are used for bone pain. It contains more Pleuronol.
    • Ayurvedic medicine places primary emphasis on the use of clove oil for bone healing.
    • It is advised to take the aroma of cloves in respiratory problems and since the aroma of cloves is very strong, taking it immediately relieves asthma, cold, sinus problems etc.
    • Clove oil is a great anti-septic. Hence, cloves are used for fungal infections, burns, injuries or skin related problems.
    • Cloves are also used for cancer diseases.
    • Clove increases immunity and purifies the blood
    • Eating cloves destroys stomach worms.
    • Cloves help prevent lung cancer and skin cancer.
    • Also, cloves are used during the treatment of diseases like malaria, gonorrhea.
    • If a diabetic patient consumes cloves daily, the glucose levels will decrease.

    Summary – Lavang Che Fayade

    Thus, cloves are useful in our daily and therapeutic regimens as well. Therefore, we should always use cloves so that our body’s immune system increases and we can stay fit.

    (Note :- A doctor must be consulted before any treatment.)

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, don’t forget to comment them.

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  • Why do babies cry | Crying babies | Reasons

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    Why do babies cry | Lahan mule ka radtat > Causes and Remedies for Crying>> Apart from hunger, sleepiness or fear in sleep, there are many Reasons There are also roots baby crying There isReasons why babies cry What are and more Measure This article provides information about what.

    Why do babies cry? | Causes and remedies

    If the elders are not around and the baby starts to cry, the new parents are very tired. the cry of children It is not known Why is the baby crying?. to the baby What is wanted, or What is happening to the baby? We do not know this and little baby Can’t even tell.

    Why do babies cry?

    often Children wake up at night and start crying It may not be because of the physical suffering they are experiencing, but something below Reasons And so on Measure It is necessary to verify what is being given.

    Babies cry when the room temperature is not right

    cause:- Babies cry at night even if the temperature in your room is too cold or too hot. Also, in winter, even if they wear less clothes or are not covered, children get cold and because of this, children cry.

    Measure:- Keep the room temperature balanced and children should be dressed according to the season.

    Babies cry when diapers or cloths get wet

    cause:- Sometimes a baby’s cry is caused by peeing on the diaper or swaddling cloth, or if the diaper rubs against the thigh or leg.

    Measure:-Change diapers/cloths if baby urinates. And if it is not, then see if it is properly worn by the baby.

    Babies can also be the cause of crying babies

    Why do babies cry | Lahan mule ka radtat

    cause:- Many times babies have babies on their heads or behind their ears, causing scabs. The result is that the baby itches in the area but cries because there is nothing they can do.

    Measure:- Babies should be cleaned from time to time without any misconception that there is a misconception in our society that babies should not be removed.

    Even if the place of sandas is not cleaned properly, children suffer

    cause:- Most of the time, not cleaning the baby’s diaper properly also causes itchiness and babies cry at night.

    Measure:- After the baby poops, the area should be properly cleaned. A suitable soft cloth should be used for this.

    Cow’s milk is not digested by babies and babies cry

    cause:- If the baby’s mother is not getting enough milk, most of the time we give cow’s milk to the little baby. But cow’s milk is difficult to digest and because the baby does not digest it, babies cry at night.

    Measure:- In such a case, the baby should be given formula milk on the doctor’s advice.

    Frightening – A baby may cry even when it is frightened.

    Why do babies cry |  Why do babies cry at night |  Lahan mule ka radtat
    Why do babies cry | Lahan mule ka radtat

    cause:- Sometimes the baby suddenly starts crying in his sleep in the night, and when he is picked up and taken to his side, he calms down and when he is put down, he cries again.

    Measure:- A baby feels secure if it is wrapped completely in a soft cloth and held close to your chest for some time.

    Cords of God – This can be one of the reasons babies cry

    cause:- Listening to the old people, we tie many kinds of ropes on the baby’s hands and feet. In summer, sweat and itching can occur in such places.

    Measure:- Such dirty ropes should be avoided as much as possible by tying the hands and feet of the baby.

    Children also cry because of nose and ear twitching.

    cause:- Often we forget to clean the baby’s nose and ears. Because of this he is writhing there and crying because he can’t even scratch.

    Measure:- Baby’s ears and nose should be cleaned from time to time gently without causing any harm.

    Crying in bed- Babies cry because of this too.

    cause:- Most of the times we sleep with the baby in night diaper and with him next to us, but he cries for something or the other and it is crying for reasons that he does not understand.

    Measure:- In such cases, soft baby cloths should always be used underneath for the baby’s bed.

    Effects of massage

    cause:- A baby’s organs are very delicate and should be massaged with delicate hands, often with good rubbing which causes pain.

    Measure:- Gently massage the baby while bathing or before bathing.

    Stomach gas

    cause:- As mentioned earlier, if cow’s milk is given to a baby, it is difficult to digest, so babies cry because of stomach ache.

    Measure:- In such a case, when asafoetida is mixed with water and rubbed on the bembi, the gas in the baby’s stomach comes out.

    When teething

    cause:- After 5 or 6 months, babies start teething, at that time they want to bite something, sometimes they get fever, diarrhea in this process of teething and babies also start crying.

    Measure:- Medicines should be given to the baby on the doctor’s advice.

    Insect bites

    cause:- Sometimes babies also cry at night due to being bitten by mosquitoes/mosquitoes or some other insects while sleeping.

    Measure:- You should see this. You should remove all the clothes from the baby to make sure that there are no bites.

    Clogging of mother’s hair/small thread/string

    cause:- Children also cry at night due to mother’s hair, thread, string stuck in children’s hands, toes, or anywhere else on the children’s body during sleep.

    Measure:- You should take off all the clothes of the child and see if there is something stuck on any part of the baby.


    cause:- Children’s noses are usually closed due to cold and therefore they cannot drink from the mother’s body, even if they are hungry but they cannot drink milk, children cry. Children’s ears also hurt during cold.

    Measure:- In such a case you should take the baby to the doctor. Sometimes a small baby is also given steam to reduce the cold and clear the nose.

    Some other reasons for baby crying

    Why do babies cry? The above are some of the reasons and solutions for this. In addition to this also as a stubbornness of something the cry of children Also, sometimes they want their mother or father to hug them, to take them close. Babies cry.

    Even if there is some physical trouble Babies cry When all the above mentioned causes and remedies do not work. In such cases, children should be taken to a doctor.

    Do let us know by commenting how you felt about the information Why do babies cry (lahan mule ka radtat).

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    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the post are the personal views of the author. Any omissions or errors are the author’s and Margdarshak News does not assume any responsibility for them.

  • Importance of exercise Importance of exercise in life

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    Importance of exercise Importance of Exercise in Life Marathi Essay | Effects of Not Exercising |Diet and Mental Health Full Info | Exercise Importance in Marathi >> In today’s world, everyone wants health but no one wants to value it. Health is not something that can be found or something that can be gifted. Exercise is a very important factor if you want good health. In today’s age, it is mind-numbing to hear cases of heart attacks in thirty-year-olds and it seems that man has made so much progress but today his laziness seems to weigh heavily on him.

    Importance of Exercise Marathi Essay

    Various social reformers and various thinkers have repeatedly tried to convince the society about the importance of exercise in life. Emphasizing the importance of exercise in his thoughts, he has said that laziness is man’s greatest enemy, and exercise is a friend that protects you and prolongs your life.

    Importance of exercise / Importance of exercise in life

    Importance of exercise in life – Consequences of not exercising

    Body health is the most important factor in human life, so exercise is essential to keep the body healthy. In the society you will find people of high position and wealth who have everything but they do not have pleasant feelings on their faces or good physical assets. You can buy everything with money, but your body cannot fix nature and body. On the contrary, in the society you will find some persons who may be found in extreme poverty and dire conditions, but with a contented face and a healthy and fit body. The reason for this is the exercise of their bodies through their work. These two examples will help us understand the importance of exercise.

    Man has tried to step forward day by day towards living a better life and so far in history man has become happier than before, living a better life but day by day the sick body of man is increasing, hospital bills are increasing, new types of diseases are all due to laziness of man and healthy body. There are consequences for not keeping.

    Importance of exercise in life – Effects of exercise on diet and mental health

    There has also been a huge change in the diet of humans, people are not exercising in terms of digesting the food and this leads to an increase in body fat, and this body fat is inviting diseases. By reducing fat through exercise, a person can get better body shape. Various thinkers have tried to explain the importance of exercise in life since a few centuries of human creation.

    Through some research, it has been revealed that exercising not only physically but also mentally makes a huge difference in human beings. Exercising creates an energy in people, adds positive thoughts and helps to increase their self-confidence. Some people have also found that regular exercise has contributed to their success, so you can see that the importance of exercise is as great physically as it is mentally.

    Different forms of exercise

    Exercises are practiced in different ways in different cultures and are given different names accordingly, for example in India we are advised to exercise through yoga. Even the current Prime Minister of India Hon’ble Narendra Modi has presented his culture and a form of yoga to the world as a good exercise option. Exercise is a very important factor in human development and building a better society. But most of the time cinema houses, hotels, hospitals are seen on roadsides and strategic places, but gymnasiums are never seen in such places.

    Importance of exercise

    A story about the importance of exercise in life

    While explaining the importance of exercise in life, I was reminded of a story in which a learned man was kept away from the examination due to the fact that his body did not support him during the most important examination of his life, and his life was very short due to the fact that his body did not support him in exchange for imparting his good knowledge to the society. came to an end The narrator has tried to convey that no matter how learned a person is or how rich he is, if his physical condition does not support him, then that knowledge and wealth are meaningless. Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj tried to convince the society about the importance of exercise through various lines, some of his most beautiful lines are as follows

    || Exercising healthy friends should keep this sutra ||


    Exercise is very important as a solution to all the problems of the deteriorating health of the people in the society and increasing physical diseases. It is very important for the society to reach the importance of exercise in the life of every person from every section of the society and it is very necessary to think about it. Exercise is a personal thing for everyone and it is up to the individual to decide how to implement it in their life.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, please comment them.

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  • How to Meditate | How to practice meditation

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    How to do meditation | How to do Dhyan Sadhana Complete information (Meditation kase karave) > In modern times, human beings have to face many kinds of problems. In this stressful life, we have seen many examples of mental imbalance and read in the current paper. Although human life is rare, many people live their precious lives enjoying worldly affairs. Due to the lack of knowledge of our true nature, man becomes restless, dissatisfied and diseased in unnatural tension and unnecessary mental struggle.

    Along with the development of science and technology, man has become restless and thus he has lost his mental balance. In this state of confusion he has forgotten his inherent divinity. That is why meditation is more necessary for human beings. So let’s see how to do meditation / how to do meditation practice.

    How to do meditation

    How to do meditation / how to do meditation / how to concentrate the mind (Meditation kase karave)

    First of all, we should sit without bending the spine and focus on breathing. In the beginning, while doing meditation/meditation, rude and indecent thoughts will come and that is natural because these thoughts are generated in the human mind in a latent state, without fear of thinking about them, keep on meditating continuously as you continue to meditate regularly, you will feel that the thoughts in the mind will slowly disappear. will decrease slowly. You will see different aspects of the mind open up. Then gradually your concentration will increase and your mind will be calm. Regular and uninterrupted meditation is necessary for young people of all age groups to benefit from it in daily life. Only then will you feel the full benefits of this yoga practice.

    When there is free time and the mind is quiet, we can meditate. In the beginning, while practicing meditation, the mind will feel trouble, e.g. Headache, body ache, fever etc. Difficulties may arise, but gradually, if you maintain regularity in meditation, you will begin to feel peace and happiness. If the mind is not engaged in studies, meditation or meditation increases the concentration of the mind.

    How to do meditation / how to do meditation / how to concentrate the mind (Meditation kase karave)
    How to do meditation / How to do Dhyana Dharana

    How to do meditation or meditation – Some forms of meditation

    world prayer

    Universal prayer is the main part of the meditation process. First, we should pray to God for the welfare of the world. A different kind of peace of mind will arise.


    Complete forgiveness prayer

    While meditating, close both the eyes and ask for forgiveness from your heart for the mistakes you have made and if you have done any mistakes by your hands. Asking God for forgiveness for our mistakes reduces the burden on the mind and strengthens our concept of meditation. And then we feel that we are determined. Also, you can achieve success by thinking positively about the coming problems.

    Positive Thoughts

    Positive thinking is considered a key part of meditation. Many problems arise in our life but we should always think positive things while meditating to think positive. So that a different energy is created in our life and our whole day goes energetically and cheerfully and our efficiency at work is maintained.

    Meaning – How to do meditation | How to do meditation

    Since ancient times, our sages have convinced us the importance of meditation. If you start the practice of meditation, you will have peace of mind and stress relief in your life. And there will be no depression or stress. By doing meditation, your health will also be strong and healthy.

    We must remember that meditation is an act of self-discovery. In today’s fast paced life we ​​need meditation. So that we can mentally prepare for the difficulties in front of us and face the problems and make our life happy.

    Do let us know by commenting how you felt about the information on how to do meditation.

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  • Home Remedies to Gain Weight / What to do, what to eat to gain weight

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    Weight Gain Remedies / What To Do To Gain Weight / Weight Gain Remedies / Home Remedies To Improve Health >> Weight gain is a very common problem these days, but in some people we see the opposite, where the weight does not gain or the body does not grow as well as it should. Many people suffer from not gaining weight. Many people have the problem of not gaining weight no matter how much they eat. Being underweight or being too thin can have many side effects on the body. So many people are worried because they are not gaining weight.

    Some people follow various home remedies to gain weight / improve health. Like taking supplements, but such remedies are harmful to the body and are likely to cause side effects. On the contrary, some home Ayurvedic remedies are very effective in this problem.

    In this article, we will learn about some of these good and effective ways to gain weight. We are going to look at some home remedies to gain weight, so that you can get rid of the problem of not gaining weight forever.

    Weight Gain Remedies / Home Remedies for Weight Gain / Home Remedies for Improving Health / Vajan Vadhavnyasathi Upay (Weight Gain Measures)

    First let us look at the reasons behind not gaining weight. Which will make you realize what daily things you should do and what you should avoid doing.

    Reasons behind not gaining weight / Reasons behind poor health

    We must remember that our routine or some wrong habits in our daily life can be the main reason behind our not gaining weight.

    Often the body does not gain weight due to lack of blood.

    Constipation, gas and indigestion also hinder weight gain. Therefore, if there is any problem, it is necessary to treat it at the right time.

    Due to the change of hormones in the body, the body becomes weak and does not gain weight. Any type of anxiety, depression, lack of sleep does not cause weight gain.

    Often genetics can also be the reason for not gaining weight.

    If you want to overcome these reasons for not gaining weight, you should always start your day with light exercise, yoga, it increases your appetite. Consume more milk and ghee in breakfast. Include pulses, fish, eggs, chicken in your meals. This helps in weight gain.

    Home Remedies to Gain Weight / Remedies to Gain Weight / Home Remedies to Improve Health

    You can gain weight by regularly following the following home remedies. So let’s see some effective ways to gain weight.

    Full sleep – beneficial for weight gain

    Full Sleep - Home Remedies to Improve Health
    Full time sleep is very important

    Due to the extra stress of today’s rush and work, our sleep is reduced and we feel their effects on our body, so get plenty of sleep. Your body needs at least 7 hours of sleep every day. Getting good sleep also helps in weight gain. If your body gets enough rest, what you eat will have a better effect on your body. So if you want to gain weight, you need to get enough sleep regularly.

    Potato – Home Remedies to Improve Health

    Potato – Home Remedies for Weight Gain

    It is important to include potatoes in your diet to gain weight. Potatoes contain carbohydrates which are beneficial for your weight gain. So if you want to gain weight then you must eat potato. Eat boiled potato as much as possible and avoid fried potato. By doing this you will start seeing the difference within 2 months.

    Banana – Remedies for weight gain

    Banana – Home Remedies for Weight Gain

    Bananas are considered a complete food in a way. Calories and carbohydrates in bananas are beneficial for weight gain. So eat at least two bananas every day and you will soon feel the difference.

    Dates – Home Remedies to Improve Health

    Dates and milk – Remedy for obesity

    Eating dates helps in weight gain. Soaking dates in milk every night, eating them in the morning and drinking milk also helps in gaining weight. If you don’t miss this experiment for at least 2 consecutive months, you will see a drastic change in your weight.


    Raisins – Remedy for thickening

    Soak raisins in water at night and consume it in the morning when you wake up. Raisins turn fancy calories into healthy calories that make you gain weight. Along with raisins, you can also eat walnuts and almonds regularly. Even if you do this experiment continuously for two months, you will definitely feel your weight gain.

    Coconut Oil – Beneficial for improving health

    Coconut Oil – Home Remedies to Improve Health

    You may be using mustard, sunflower or groundnut oil in your cooking now but some days you should cook your food in coconut oil rather than mustard or any refined oil. Coconut oil is effective in removing obesity and increasing weight. People from the south use coconut oil in their diet, as people from our side are not used to it, we don’t want it, but coconut oil is very beneficial for our body.

    Black chickpeas

    Black chickpeas

    Black gram is beneficial for weight gain. Black chickpeas contain protein which is beneficial for your body. Just like dates and raisins, soak some black gram in water every night and consume it in the morning when you wake up. It will definitely help you gain weight.


    Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic alternative for weight gain. Mixing 2 teaspoons of Ashwagandha powder in a glass of milk and drinking it is definitely beneficial for weight gain. Consume this twice a day. If you do this, you will notice a difference in your weight in about 2 months.

    One thing that is very important to remember while using the above remedies is that eating less or more does not make you lose or gain weight. But our body needs some protein and a healthy or balanced diet, so we should understand the effect of all these things on our body.

    Some Special Products as Weight Gain Remedies / Weight Gain Tonics – Weight Gain Medicines

    If you want to buy some of the weight gain products below, or if you want more information, click on the “Check It On Amazon” button.


    Advance MuscleMass Weight Gainer with Enzyme Blend

    Ayurwin Nutrigain Plus Powder – 500 Gm (Chocolate Flavour)

    Winlip Health tone Herbal Weight Gain Capsules

    Some special tips for weight gain / home remedies to improve health

    You can either try some of the above home remedies or buy a weight gain product. But at the same time, implement some tips that will definitely speed up your weight gain efforts and give you quick results.

    Avoid smoking

    Smoking - reason for not gaining weight
    Smoking – Reason for not gaining weight

    It goes without saying that smoking is bad for your body, but smoking can ruin your decision to improve your health. Often we see that a non-smoker weighs more than a smoker, so avoid smoking as much as possible.

    Avoid drinking water before meals

    Water filter price
    Avoid drinking water before meals

    Drinking too much water before a meal does not help you digest food and therefore does not provide your body with the calories it needs, which prevents you from gaining weight. So, if possible, avoid drinking too much water before and during meals.

    Drink shakes useful for weight gain

    Milk Shake - Weight Gain Solution
    Drink Milk Shake – Weight Gain Solution

    Weight gainer shakes are also a good choice for gaining weight. It is high in protein and calories. Which definitely helps you gain weight.

    While eating, take it in a large plate if possible

    Have a big plate for meals - weight gain solution
    Eat in a big plate (Image credit: Total Shape)

    This advice can be useful for many people who only eat food that has grown on the plate once and do not take it back. While eating, take food on a large plate if possible and eat heartily. Eating as much as you can and taking a full sleep after eating regularly will surely increase your weight.

    Keep dairy products in your diet

    Dairy products - a remedy for weight gain
    Keep dairy products in your diet

    Milk and milk products should be a constant in your diet. Which will help your decision to gain weight. Milk products are high in phantas which can be beneficial for your weight gain.

    get regular exercise

    What to do to get interested in studies
    get regular exercise

    Regular exercise is essential if you want to gain weight. You don’t have to go to the gym for that, you can exercise at home too. Exercising increases your appetite and thus helps you gain weight so regular exercise is very important for weight gain / health improvement.

    Summary – Home Remedies to Improve Health / Remedies to Gain Weight

    Gaining weight / improving health is not something that can be achieved in a day, you need to keep trying for it. For this you need to implement the above measures consistently, if you do this your weight will definitely increase. Wishing you a strong and healthy body.

    What are the home remedies to improve health?

    As a home remedy to improve health you should include dates, black gram, potato, banana, raisins, ashwagandha, milk shakes, milk products in your diet. . Read the above article for more detailed information

    What to eat to gain weight? / What to eat to get fat

    Dates, black gram, potato, banana, raisins, ashwagandha, milk shake, milk products are vegetarian foods to eat for weight gain / fattening. At the same time, if you are a meat eater, it is better as eating meat also helps in weight gain.

    Do let us know by commenting how you liked the information about Weight Gain Remedies / Home Remedies to Improve Health, and if you have any suggestions, please comment them.

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  • How to Increase Immunity | Immunity

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    How to Increase Immunity | Remedies to increase immunity (Pratikar shakti kashi vadhvavi)>> In today’s modern era, due to busy work and lack of rest, the immunity of people is increasing. And most of the people are constantly getting sick because of it. Especially, the effect of the change of season starts to be felt on the body and most of the time, the types of infections are seen. The main reason for this disease is the low immunity of the body. If the immune system is not strong, the body’s ability to fight with diseases is reduced. So we get sick quickly. They also affect our mentality and due to this we have to face mental problems.

    We find that women have less resistance than men. The reason for this is that due to menstruation, his immunity decreases or he has to face physical problems. E.g. Body aches cold cough and body fever, red eyes, constant pain in the spine.

    Nowadays there are many types of harmful viruses in the air which enter the body through breathing. And when your immune system is low, these viruses attack your body faster. Which causes the problems of cold cough and fever.

    So this article has tried to solve the question that you always have about how to increase immunity. Home remedies and some products to boost immunity are given in this article.

    How to Increase Immunity | Remedies to increase immunity व उत्पादने (How To Increase Immunity | Measures & Products To Increase Immunity)

    This article starts with some products on how to boost your immunity. After the product in the second part of the article we are given some home remedies to boost immunity.

    Products To Increase Immunity Power

    Below are some products for how to boost immunity, you can learn more about the products that are suitable for you. If you want to buy such products or need more information, you can click on the “Check It On Amazon” button below.

    Ayur Foods Immune Power Capsule + Tulsi Drop

    Sansu Immunity Booster Sugar Free Prayer (500 ml)


    GNC Women’s One Daily Multivitamin – Supports Immune Health and Healthy Skin – 60 Tablets

    Two Brothers Organic Farms Immunity Boosting Powder, 150 gms

    cap Roasted Alsi & Chatpata Amla – 350 Grams (Combo of 2)

    cap Ayush Kwath Kadha Immunity Booster Supplement – ​​100 gms (pack of 2)

    Measures To Boost Immunity

    There can be different reasons for the weakening of the immune system. Often due to laxity in eating and drinking, immunity is also weakened. Often this problem arises due to consumption of addictive substances. Now the question arises, how to keep the immune system strong / how to increase the immune system. So we will know the information about this.

    Below are some home remedies on how to boost immunity. Any of these solutions that are easy and convenient for you should be implemented.

    Raw garlic

    It is always better to eat raw garlic to boost immunity. Eating about 2 to 3 cloves of garlic daily helps to boost immunity. Garlic is rich in vitamin A, zinc, selenium and sulphur. This remedy is also effective for people suffering from heart disorders.

    Black and green tea

    Tea gives us energy to get rid of the tiredness of daily work. You can also boost your immunity with this tea, for that you have to stop drinking milk tea and start drinking black tea or green tea. Cha is a great remedy to boost immunity. Drinking black tea not only kills the viruses in your body, but it can also be an effective remedy if you are suffering from gallstones.

    Lemon, amla and orange

    Vitamin C is very beneficial for boosting immunity. Lemons, oranges and oranges are like storehouses of vitamin C. So consume it regularly. Lemon should be in your daily diet to help boost your immunity.


    Yogurt - How to boost immunity

    Curd also protects you from various diseases. Regular consumption of yogurt also boosts your immunity. Include curd in your mid-day meal if possible.

    yoga / exercise

    What to do to get interested in studies

    Exercising will give you a different freshness. Regular daily exercise not only keeps the body healthy but yoga and exercise help to boost the immune system. Regular exercise has many benefits.

    Breast milk for babies

    Mother’s milk is more effective and necessary than any other medicine for a young baby. Breast milk is a panacea to boost the immune system of the newborn baby. Which protects the baby from any allergy and infection.

    leafy vegetables

    Eating green leafy vegetables is considered to be the best solution to boost immunity. One of the most nutritious leafy greens, spinach contains vitamin C which helps in keeping the body healthy. It is a good remedy to boost the immunity of young or middle aged children. Green leafy vegetables should be regular in their diet.


    Bokali contains Vitamin C which boosts your immunity. Along with that, your body also gets protein and calcium. Eating mushrooms is also beneficial for boosting immunity. So including mushrooms in your diet will definitely benefit you.

    full sleep

    Full Sleep - How to Boost Immunity

    If we want to keep our body healthy and strong, it needs rest as well as healthy food. Lack of sleep is often the main cause of a weakened immune system. Babies need 8 to 10 hours of sleep to keep their immune systems strong, so getting a full night’s sleep regularly will also help in your quest to boost your immune system.

    Avoid smoking

    Avoid Smoking - How To Boost Immunity

    Smoking also lowers your immune system. So if you are smoking, you should stop it immediately. Also, children should be kept away from the smoke of bidis and cigarettes. This also does not develop immunity.

    Foods that provide vitamin D

    Vitamin D is very important for our body. It gives strength to fight against various diseases. Along with this, bones also become strong and bone-related diseases stay away. So it is important to have vitamin D in your diet. Eggs, chicken, soy food can be beneficial to have vitamin D in your diet.

    Meaning – How to increase immunity

    If you regularly include green leafy vegetables, different seasonal fruits, milk in your diet, you will get regular nutrients for the body. These nutrients help to keep the immune system strong. If you use the above home remedies, your immunity will definitely increase. Here are some immunity boosting products that you can also use. Click the “Check It On Amazon” button below the product to purchase or for more information.

    pratikar shakti meaning in marathi

    Pratikar shakti is the power in your body that resists diseases, the power that resists diseases from entering your body. Viruses that enter our body in one way or another cause us various diseases/diseases. Immunity is the power that protects our body from such diseases.

    How to increase immunity? / Pratikar shakti vadhavnyasathi upay

    Some home remedies to increase immunity are as follows :- 1) Do regular yoga / exercise. 2) Avoid smoking. 3) Sleep full time. 4) Avoid drinking tea and have black or green tea instead. 5) Include raw garlic, lemon, tamarind, oranges, curd, leafy vegetables, mushrooms and vitamin D rich foods like egg, chicken, soy food in your diet.
    By taking the above measures you can boost your immunity.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, don’t forget to comment them.

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  • Earache Home Remedies / Earache- Best 6 Remedies for Earache

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    Ear pain home remedies / some right home remedies to stop ear pain (kan dukhane upay in marathi)>> Among the five major organs in the body, the ear is the most important organ. Human body has problems with some organ. In today’s scientific age, due to excessive use of advanced devices and unwanted noise in public places, our ears are directly or indirectly affected. Tinnitus or ear pain is also considered a part of it. At the same time, it is natural for ear disorders to start with increasing age.

    But due to the way the young generation is using headphones and Dolby to listen to rock music, it has also been observed that ear disorders have increased. We can take care of our ears by doing some home remedies. We are going to know some such ear pain home remedies in this article.

    Ear Pain Home Remedies / Ear Pain Home Remedies (Kan Dukhane Gharguti Upay)

    Before knowing the home remedies for earache, let us know what exactly this earache is like.

    What is an earache? What are the symptoms?

    Ear pain, also referred to as ear pain, is a common symptom of a variety of medical conditions. It can affect anyone, at any age. In most cases, pain is not a serious indicator, but severe pain should be investigated.

    On air travel – earache

    Changing air pressure can be a major cause of ear pain. E.g. We have heard that many passengers suffer from earache while traveling by plane. Basically, during flight, our ears experience a new experience, so our ear muscles do not feel much strain.

    Sometimes the problem of earache occurs due to water entering the ear while swimming or bathing, or due to accumulation of dirt in the ear. It causes loss of hearing, headaches. Ear pain is felt more in cold weather or on cold days.

    Often earaches are also caused by excessive dryness, while using drops also stops the earache.

    Due to ear pain, many people also experience watery ears. In this article we are going to see the right solutions for such ear pain problems.

    At the beginning you have some ear pain domestic Let us know the remedy and then let us know what the doctor recommends.

    Earache home remedies and their implementation

    Garlic Oil – Ears pain Home Remedies

    You can also use garlic oil as ear drops. To prepare garlic oil at home, crush at least 4 to 5 cloves of garlic and heat them in a tablespoon of sesame oil and mustard oil. Stop heating after the garlic changes color. Now let this garlic extract oil cool a little, and after it gets warm, put 2 to 3 drops in the ear with the help of a cotton ball.

    Doing this 2 times a day will definitely give you relief from ear pain.

    Mustard or Almond Oil – Earache Home Remedies

    Ear pain remedy

    Warm mustard oil or almond oil, then apply a few drops of it in the ear with the help of a cotton ball. You will get relief in no time. Doing this also relieves ear pain.

    Onion Juice – Earache Home Remedy

    If your ear is hurting due to some kind of infection, then onion juice can be a very useful remedy. First extract onion juice, then warm it and put 2 drops of it in the ear. This remedy will also provide instant relief from ear pain.

    get a massageEar pain home remedies

    Ear pain home remedies – massage

    If the ear suddenly starts to hurt and ear drops are not available at home, you can use coconut oil at home to massage the can on the outside of the ear. Massaging all sides of the ear with oil will also provide temporary relief.

    Shake the ear with a warm cloth – Ear pain home remedies

    If the ear suddenly starts to hurt late at night, shaking the ear with a hot water bag often gives relief. Don’t worry if you don’t have a hot water bag or hot pad at home. Heat a straight pan on gas and heat a cotton cloth over it. You can roast your ears with the heated cloth. These things also provide relief from ear pain.

    You can use vinegar as a drop

    You can also use vinegar as an air drop. Applying 1-2 drops of apple cider vinegar in the ear helps to kill the bacteria in the ear. This Apple Cedar Vinegar does not contain any chemicals that are harmful to the body or the ears, so using it will not cause any side effects to the ears rather it will stop your aching ears from hurting.

    Some doctor’s advice/remedies on ear pain

    Any symptoms of an earache, such as watery ears, or sudden, severe earaches. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms outlined above, you should see a doctor. For an effective diagnosis, the doctor may test some fluid samples from the ear. Depending on the severity of the infection or the pain, the doctor may suggest various remedies to relieve the earache. Some of them are:

    1) Sometimes earache is caused by a virus. But it cannot be identified separately, so 5 days of Kozal and Mezol anti insect tablets in the wound. In addition, give aspirin or Pamal.

    2) Put antiseptic drops in the ear four or five times a day.

    3) Pick up the pus from the ear every two to three hours with a dry clean cotton. An easy way is to keep a cotton ball and if it gets wet, remove it and replace it with a new one. Better if the tube can absorb the pus, a section of the saline tube can be cut and used for this.

    Ear pain home remedies

    4) If discharge/pus does not stop within four to five days or if pain persists or signs of encephalitis are present, refer to a specialist immediately.

    5) Pain reliever pain killers drugs which are easily available in medical stores should be used to relieve persistent painful pain.

    6) You may also be advised to use warm compressina or therapy. You can soak a cloth in warm water and apply it outside the ear that is hurting.

    7) In case of severe infection and fluid discharge, you may also be asked to take ear drops.

    8) In case of pressure imbalance, you may be advised to use regular chewing gum. It helps you release pressure and reduce pain.

    ९) Choice of Homeopathy

    Homeopathy is considered to be a great option for ear infections. But the result will not be visible immediately. But you can get rid of ear pain permanently by taking homeopathic treatment.

    Precautions to be taken to avoid ear pain

    We don’t clean our ears in a hurry while taking a bath, alternatively, the earwax accumulates in the ear for a long time and after a few days we feel the earwax in the ear, when we go to the doctor, we realize that we need to clean the ears, so we need to clean our ears every day. Ears should be taken care of.

    Excessive use of electronic items should be avoided.

    Nowadays, we are so addicted to electronic devices that it seems to be directly or indirectly affecting our ears. Mobile phones can also cause serious damage to the ears. E.g. Constantly talking on the mobile phone, using headphones beyond the limit for listening to music, can also lead to hearing loss in the future.


    In this way, we can take care of ears if we take some precautions and home remedies at home. So that you will not suffer mentally and alternatively financially.

    Remedy for earache

    As a home remedy for ear pain, you can apply any of the pastes of garlic oil/mustard oil/almond oil/onion juice in the ear at home, it will provide relief. Along with this, you can also get relief by massaging the ears or rubbing the ears with a hot cloth. In this case, you can also use vinegar as a drop.
    Even after taking the above measures, if you are experiencing severe ear pain, then it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, don’t forget to comment them.

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  • Gas cylinder information | Avoid your fraud – Best Precautions

    Gas cylinder information – Be aware

    Prakash had one such day off last month, so while at home Gas New when finished Cylinder It was time to add. while lifting lose weight Out of curiosity, he weighed the digital fork at home.

    It was less than two and a half kilos. It is your fault when you complain to the gas agency Cylinder Weigh it while taking it. To the delivery person bit The answer was yes.

    And today coincidentally exactly when Prakash was at home Cylinder came As soon as Prakash said weigh it Cylinder The giver was confused. This cylinder leak Yes, he took it back on the pretext of bringing another one.

    The car was gone if the light went down curiously after not returning for a long time. They parked their car outside the gate correct of weight of the cylinder The search was on.

    Not one was found in about ten to fifteen. Then one after ten fifteen minutes Cylinder And Digital scale Came riding with it and showing the weight Cylinder gave Sir, what will you do? The company pays less. In essence, the seal was opened right in front of you.

    A thought came to Prakash’s mind, the last fifteen years we Gas Using it but never weighing it how good is the damage? It is the duty of every consumer to insist on weight as well as light.

    If companies are cheating like this then why deny subsidy?
    Krupaya Cylinder Check the weight while taking….
    LPG gas cylinders have an expiry date
    Check it out today.

    If your of a gas cylinder expiry date If it is over Gas cylinders are like having live bombs in your home, so check with your gas distributor by reading the following instructions and stay safe. Because our life is precious to our family

    Gas cylinder information – How to know the expiry date of your gas cylinder

    of the cylinder It is a round iron ring for holding. Below it are three color bands. On the black strip in it Gas of the cylinder There is an expiry date. On this A,B,C and D It is clear that there is a letter.

    Also two numbers are written along with these letters. From these letters Cylinder Expiry date is noted

    Gas cylinder, gas cylinder - Information about gas cylinder
    cylinder , gas cylinder

    For example:-

    A – Janwari Te March

    B – April to June

    C – July to September

    D – October to December

    • It should be noted from the two numbers written after these words!!!
    • Suppose your on the cylinder A20 If written Expiry date of the cylinder It’s March 2020. That is Cylinder Use after March 2020 is dangerous for housewives.

    Gas cylinder For more information regarding the video

    Please your about this Contact the gas distributor Do get information. And let us know how you felt about this information by commenting.

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  • Left eye flutter – causes and remedies

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    Left Eye Fluttering – Causes and Remedies / Left Eye Fluttering Good or Bad (dava dola fadfadne information in Marathi) >> Often our eye flutters, and we become restless. There are also many social misconceptions about eye fluttering in the society, and many jokes may have happened in your life about eye fluttering. Today’s kids may not know much about this. There are certain things that have been firmly established in our society since the eye fluttering then back into it, left or right.

    Today in this article we are going to see whether fluttering of the left eye is auspicious or inauspicious and also the causes and remedies for fluttering of the left eye. So let’s know all the information about left eye fluttering in detail.

    Left Eye Fluttering Causes and Remedies | Dava Dola Fadfadne Karane Ani Upay / Shubh Ki Ashubh (Dava Dola Fadfadne Karane Ani Upay / Shubh Ki Ashubh)- Complete Information

    First let’s see the information about left eye fluttering auspicious or inauspicious and after that let’s know the causes and remedies of fluttering eye.

    Dava Dola Fadfadne Shubh Ki Ashubh (Dava Dola Fadfadne Shubh Ki Ashubh)

    Many people have different beliefs about fluttering of the left eye. Some people think that if the left eye flutters, there will be some omen. Something good is about to happen. Some believe that if the left eye flutters, something bad is going to happen. Different people have different understandings. Therefore, if this eye starts fluttering in the eyes of some, it is auspicious and others consider it inauspicious.

    Some people believe that if the left eye of men is fluttering, then men have to face a great crisis in the future or will have enmity with a person for no reason, i.e. the current affairs of men will be eclipsed. And on the contrary, if the left eye of women is fluttering, then it is very beneficial for women, one or the other benefit is definitely obtained. That is, fluttering of the left eye is considered inauspicious for men and auspicious for women.

    Some people also believe that even if someone remembers them, the left eye flutters. Now it depends on everyone’s own thoughts to believe it or not. It is up to him to decide how much and for how long you should believe in all these things.

    The ancients used to say that if the left eye flutters, a gold ring should be passed over that eye. And some even say that married women can even turn the golden bowls of Mangalsutra around their necks on the fluttering eyes. Now if you believe in such things, there is no harm in trying them.

    Various Causes and Remedies of Eye Flittering ( dava dola fadfadne vividh karane ani upay)

    This type of eye flutter is not serious. Sometimes the eye flutters when other muscles in the body get out of control. But after some time the eye gets fixed automatically. So we are going to know the causes and remedies for fluttering of the left eye.

    1) If there is too much stress at work or by continuously working on laptop or computer, there is also more stress on the eyes and as a side effect, the left eye flutters.

    Left Eye Fluttering Causes and Remedies |  Dava Dola Fadfadne Karane Ani Upay / Shubh Ki Ashubh (Dava Dola Fadfadne Karane Ani Upay / Shubh Ki Ashubh)- Complete Information
    Work Stress – Left Eye Flipping Causes and Remedies (dava dola fadfadne karane ani upay)

    2) Even if the night sleep is not enough, the eyes suffer and then the eye starts fluttering.

    3) The scientific reason for eye fluttering is because of the indigestion that we get due to indigestion or eating flatulent foods and then the problem of gases. All this is due to vata and the left eye also flutters.

    4) Apart from this, the eye flutters even if there is less calcium in the body. In such a case, taking a calcium or vitamin pill can stop the fluttering of the eye, but do not take the pills only on the doctor’s advice. If the same eye is fluttering, this remedy will surely reduce it.

    5) Now a days everyone has tension and therefore everyone is under some kind of stress, and due to this stress different changes in our body means our body reacts differently like pain in body, stiffness in body, fluttering of eyelids and fluttering of eyes that we are seeing. This is one of them. Which is also caused by stress.

    Left Eye Fluttering Causes and Remedies |  Dava Dola Fadfadne Karane Ani Upay / Shubh Ki Ashubh (Dava Dola Fadfadne Karane Ani Upay / Shubh Ki Ashubh)- Complete Information
    Contact Lenses -Causes and Remedies for Left Eye Flap (dava dola fadfadne karane ani upay)

    6) At the same time, our left eye flutters even if we use mobile phone excessively, work on computer or laptop or play games. Sometimes there is too much stress on one eye and then the eye flutters. Nowadays doctors or actresses use a lot of contact lenses while watching TV and the use of these also sometimes leads to eye twitching.

    Left Eye Fluttering Causes and Remedies |  Dava Dola Fadfadne Karane Ani Upay / Shubh Ki Ashubh (Dava Dola Fadfadne Karane Ani Upay / Shubh Ki Ashubh)- Complete Information
    Gaming – Causes and Remedies for Eye Flutters

    7) Eyes flutter even after consuming alcohol in excess. Alcohol not only causes many damages to the body, but also causes fluttering of the eyes. So alcohol consumption should be reduced. If you stop drinking alcohol, you will not suffer from eye fluttering.

    Left Eye Fluttering Causes and Remedies |  Dava Dola Fadfadne Karane Ani Upay / Shubh Ki Ashubh (Dava Dola Fadfadne Karane Ani Upay / Shubh Ki Ashubh)- Complete Information
    Excessive alcohol consumption – left eye fluttering causes and remedies

    8) Eye flutters even after consuming too much tea, coffee or soft drinks. At the same time, the consumption of chocolate caffeine also causes the problem of fluttering eyes. So all these foods should be consumed in small quantities.

    dava dola fadfadne karane ani upay / shubh ki ashubh
    Excessive tea/coffee/soft drinks – Causes and remedies for left eye fluttering

    9) People who have eye-related allergies, itchy eyes, swollen eyes and constant watery eyes, also have problems like eye fluttering. When we rub the eyes, the eye starts to become stiff, if there is any allergy in the case of the eyes, the left eye or both eyes flutter.

    dava dola fadfadne karane ani upay / shubh ki ashubh
    Allergies related to eyes – left eye fluttering causes and remedies

    10) If the diet is also not proper or our body does not get the right amount of nutrients like magnesium, the problem of eye flutter also occurs.

    11) If your glasses number is increased, and you don’t pay attention to it soon enough, your left eye may flutter. So check your eyes from time to time and check the number of glasses continuously.

    12) Keeping the eyes tightly closed for some time also reduces the fluttering of the eyes.

    13) If the eye is fluttering, gently splash cold water on the eyes, this can also stop the fluttering of the eye.

    14) There are also different types of eye flutter, sometimes if the eye flutters excessively it is called myokymia. This type is nothing serious. But if you still have excessive pain, you should consult a doctor.

    Summary – Left Eye Fluttering – Causes and Remedies | Auspicious or inauspicious

    At the beginning of the above article, we have seen the information about fluttering of the left eye is auspicious or inauspicious. At the same time, even after looking at the information about the causes and remedies of eye fluttering, if you continue to suffer from eye fluttering, you should start treatment with the advice of a doctor.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, don’t forget to comment them.

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