Category: शिक्षण

  • Quality Meaning | What is Quality? What is QC? What is QA? (2020)

    Quality Definition

    The definition of quality is different in a different area or changes as per the nature of the product.

    Quality is defined as the degree of excellence which a thing possesses.


    It is a relative measure of product goodness and quality standards may fluctuate depending on customer requirements and on product availability.


    In other words, the Quality of the product is related to features of the product of its usefulness. Consequently, it depends on the characteristics of the product.


    On the other hand, In some sectors of business like schools, banks, transport, insurance, etc, it is called the quality of service. So, it depends on how excellent one serves the public.

    Quality Characteristics:-


    Quality Control (QC)

    It means observing and measuring actual performance, comparing with standards, and taking control action if required.

    In addition, QC is nothing but a procedure intended to ensure that a manufactured product adheres to meets the requirements of the client or customer.

    QC (Quality Control) is similar to QA (Quality Assurance), but not identical to QA.

    Loop steps of QC

    • Set a quality standard.
    • Plan for achieving the required quality.
    • Inspection and checking plan.
    • Measure actual performance.
    • Get the difference between measured and standards.
    • Take necessary action if required.

    Quality of Design

    It is concerned with the tightness of the specifications for the manufacturing of the product.

    Therefore, we should consider performance, overload capacity, efficiency, all types of failures like stress, wear, shocks, vibration, etc.

    Quality of Conformance

    It is concerned with how well the manufactured product conforms to the quality of design.

    Quality of Performance

    It is linked with how well the
    produced product gives its performance related to stated accept.

    The quality of performance certainly influenced by two factors:- Quality of design & Quality of conformance.

    Therefore, As a result

    Quality of Performance = (Quality of Design) + (Quality of Conformance).


    Reliability can be the ability of a product to perform a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time without failure.

    Therefore goals of reliability can be finalized by using a three-phase procedure:-

    • Budgeting
    • Predication
    • Analysis.

    Cost Of Quality

    The cost of carrying out the company’s quality function i.e. meeting the quality needs of the customers is known as the Cost of Quality.

    However, these include:-

    1) Market research cost.

    2) The Product R&D (Research & Development) costs.

    3) Inspection and test costing.

    4) Cost of scrap & Quality

    5) QA cost.

    6) Cost of field service.

    7) Design Cost.

    However, as per ASQC (American Society for Quality Control), the quality costs can be divided into three categories:

    1. Cost of prevention.
    2. The cost of an appraisal.
    3. And the cost of failure (internal & external).

    1.Cost of prevention

    Firstly, prevention costs are incurring to prevent or avoid quality problems.

    Meanwhile, these costs are related to the design, implementation, and maintenance of the quality management system.

    They are incurring before the actual operation, and in addition, they could include:

    Product or service requirements Establishment of specifications for incoming materials, processes, finished products, and services
    Quality planning The creation of plans for quality, reliability, operations, production, and inspection
    QA Creation, and maintenance of the quality system
    Training Development, preparation, and maintenance of programs.

    2.Cost of appraisal

    Firstly, Appraisal costs are related to measuring and monitoring activities related to quality.

    Therefore these costs are related to the suppliers’ and customers’ evaluation of purchased materials, processes, products, and services to ensure that they conform to specifications.

    In addition, they could include:

    Verification Checking of incoming material, process setup, and products against agreed
    Confirmation that the quality system is functioning correctly
    Supplier rating Assessment and approval of suppliers of products and services

    3.Cost of failure (internal & external)

    a) Internal failure costs:-

    Internal failure costs include remedy defects discovered before the product or service is delivered to the customer.

    In conclusion, these costs occur when the results of work fail to reach design quality standards and are detected before they are transferred to the customer.

    Moreover, they could include:-

    Waste Performance of unnecessary work or holding of stock as a result of errors,
    poor organization, or communication.
    Scrap Defective product or material that cannot be repaired, used or sold
    Rework or rectification Correction of defective material or errors
    Failure analysis The activity required to establish the causes of internal product or service

    b) External failure costs:-

    External failure costs are incurred to remedy defects discovered by customers.

    In these costs generate when products/services, that fail to reach design quality standards are not detected until after transfer to the customer.

    In addition, they could include:-

    Repairing &
    Returned products from customers and products which are in the field.
    Failed products that are replaced or services and that are re-performed under a
    Complaints All work and costs associated with handling and servicing customer’s complaints
    Returns Handling and investigation of rejected or recalled products, including transport cost

    Cost of quality and organizational objectives

    The cost of quality is nothing but, the costs of doing a quality job, conducting quality improvements, and achieving goals must be carefully managed. So that the long-term effect of quality on the organization is a desirable one.

    Meanwhile, these costs must be a true measure of the quality effort, and they are best determined from an analysis of the costs of quality.

    In short, such an analysis provides a method of assessing the effectiveness of the management of quality. It also helps in determining problem areas, opportunities, savings, and action priorities.

    It is also an important communication tool. Philip Crosby demonstrated what a powerful tool it could be to raise awareness of the importance of quality. He referred to the measure as the “price of nonconformance” and as a result argued that organizations choose to pay for poor quality.

    Many organizations will have true quality-related costs as high as 15 to 20 percent of sales revenue likewise, and some going as high as 40 percent of total operations.

    A general rule of thumb is that the costs of poor quality in a thriving company will be about 10 to 15 percent of operations likewise. Effective quality improvement programs can reduce this substantially, thus making a direct contribution to profits.

    The quality cost system, once established, should become dynamic and have a positive impact on the achievement of the organization’s mission, goals, and objectives.

    Cost of Quality Curve

    cost of quality curve
    cost of quality curve

    Value of Quality

    It is defined as the, return direct/indirect gained by the manufacturer, because of the mission of QC.

    In other words, By using the best quality of the product, one of the companies can get a maximum share in profit and enjoy the market conditions.

    Comparison Chart of Price, Cost & Value

    comparison of price,cost & value
    comparison of price,cost & value

    Quality Assurance (QA)

    QA is defined as all the planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality system. And that can be demonstrated to provide confidence that a product or service will fulfill requirements for quality.

    In conclusion, QA is the way of avoiding mistakes, and defects in manufactured products, so that we minimize problems when delivering products or services to the customer.

    Stages of QA:-

    1.Design stage (Related to Quality of

    2.Manufacturing stage (Related
    to Quality of manufacturing conforming).

    3.Field stage (Related to Quality of Performance).

    As a result,

    QA = (Quality of design) + (Quality of conformance) + (Quality of performance) .


    Inspection is nothing but checking of material, components of products at various stages in manufacturing.

    In addition, inspection involves checking something. We may inspect a building to make sure as a result is that it meets specific standards.

    Types of Inspection:-

    1)Offline inspection.

    2)On line inspection.

    Difference Between Inspection & QC

    comparison between inspection & QC
    comparison between inspection & QC

    Difference Between QC & QA

    QC Vs QA
    QA vs QC
    QA vs QC

    In addition, make sure you also check our other amazing article on Metrology.

    Meanwhile, this article has all information regarding metrology, metrological instruments, basics about least count, and many more.

    Similarly, you should download our amazing android application regarding Metrology & Quality Control.

  • How to Recite / Memorize Recitation

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    How to Recite / Memorize Recitation (pathantar kase karave)>> As a student, we all experience how important it is to memorize some answers while studying a subject. But for some, memorizing is a big problem. To make memorizing easier for all of them, Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman has given an excellent option. Said that you try to understand a topic deeply means you understand the concept of that topic which helps to understand that topic and remember that information for a long time.

    There are 9 important things to remember while transferring

    Reading before translating the answer

    One thing to remember while reciting is that you should first read and understand the chapter in which you are reciting the answers to the above questions. And after that you should start reciting the answers to the questions. The answer of the question you are reciting is about 3 to 4 times. Read it. By doing this, the answer has already been recited.

    How to paraphrase – try to recall what you read

    Now you should read this 4 times, close the book and try to remember it or just write it down on the notebook. If you write it down, you will remember your recitation permanently and at the same time your notes will also be prepared.

    Try to understand the topic

    Instead of reciting as given above, you should understand the topic properly in class or while studying at home, understand the topic completely so that you do not need to rehearse it. Because if you do recitation, many times you remember the first 2 lines but do not remember what is in the middle. And remember the last one, there is confusion. To avoid this confusion, you should focus on understanding that topic.

    How to transfer – Curiosity in studies is important for this

    The first and most important thing to get interested in studies is curiosity, if you don’t want to study then there is no use in taking any measures. So first of all you should come to keep your mind fresh, and think positively about what is going to happen after studying. And preferably both your mind and body should be fresh while sitting to study / recitation. Sit with a chair so that you don’t get lazy and remember the study done.

    Regularity in study

    In the beginning you will learn less, but once you get used to it, you will be able to learn better. If you do something regularly, after a few days you get used to it, and you become good at it. It is the same with learning, only the delay is you. to start

    Reading back and forth

    If you don’t understand a topic, read it again and again, try to understand its nuances and read with concentration. While reading, your full focus should be on understanding the topic. So that you understand the topic better and you can write it well in the exam.

    Write down the translation

    If even after reading a topic over and over again you still doubt whether you will be able to write it well in the exam, then you should practice writing down what you have read. Your hand written notes of the subject will also be prepared which you can read before the exam.

    Studying requires concentration to understand how to transfer

    How to meditate - You can also meditate to increase concentration
    How to Recite – You can also meditate to increase concentration

    The most important thing is the concentration of your mind. Doing anything with complete concentration will definitely reap its benefits. To study or study well, you need to keep your mind calm and read with concentration. You can also do things like meditation and yoga to increase your concentration. Don’t let any thoughts enter your mind for about 10 minutes before and close your eyes and do a quiet meditation. Try to keep the mind still. It will help to keep the man focused while transitioning.



    Be it studies or any other task, if you want to do it well, you need someone to motivate you. And once you are self motivated, you don’t even need to be told how to do it. As you can see, you have to study hard to complete it.

    Summary – How to translate text ( pathantar kase karave )

    If you implement the above 9 things in your daily life you will get the correct answer on how to recite or remember the recited.

    Do let us know by commenting how you liked the information on how to write an application.

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  • Harvard University – 90 Courses Free

    harvard university free courses
    Online advertising

    Harvard University is giving 90 courses free in. Do online courses from home He also from Harvard University.

    Corona virus deception Along with our country, it is increasing all over the world. The governments of all countries are challenging the people of our country to stay at home and not to go out.

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    Let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

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  • India’s most learned leader, recorded in the Limca Book of Records.

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    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar India’s most learned man and the leader >> Let’s find out IAS, IPS, Doctor, Lawyer, MLA, Minister,So seen work An educated person About.

    Many in our country Educational degrees of leaders Question marks are raised about. But among all these In Indian politicsof Maharashtra a leader There was one that had not 1-2 but as many as 20 degrees.

    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar is the ‘fittest person’ in India. (Most Qualified Person Of India) therefore whose Limca Book Recorded in the World Record. Even today Most educated Indians are known as

    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar (Most Learned Leader)
    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar (Most Educated Leader)

    Good for many of us Education Have been or are studying, but we must have a degree or two or three in our life degree We are doing work/business in that related field. But today we from India We are going to learn about such a person, who has not two or three but as many 20 degree were and that too with excellent marks. He also received gold medals in several of these degrees.

    Some surprising facts about Shrikant Jichkar :-

    • jickar He had mastered many subjects, including agriculture, journalism, medicine, law.
    • First of all they MBBS of degree had obtained. After that he laws (LLB) of Education turned on
    • of the law LLB of degree After taking he international law viz LLM of Study After that he did MBA of and later he majored in journalism Bachelor in Journalism hee degree took

    • Between 1973 and 1990 he 42 University of the examinations and in most of the examinations they passed with first class and them gold medal Also received.
    • At the age of 25, he IPS Passed the exam but did not join and he IAS and also passed.
    • ४महिने IAS But after working, he resigned again and entered politics.
    • 1980 At the age of 26, he Congress from MLA (MLA) done
    • In the next period Dr. Srikant Jichkar This is from the state of Maharashtra Minister also happenedMinister While he was looking after the work of more than 14 departments. This proves his wonderful scholarship.
    • During 1992-98 Dr.Jichkar He was also a member of the Rajya Sabha.
    • Sanskrit He also in D. A little (Doctor of Literature) degree.
    • them Gita, Vedas and Puranas He had deep knowledge of books like these.
    • Dr. Jichkar Being so educated, it is obvious that he was very fond of reading and therefore in his personal library. More than 52000 books was
    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar and former President Abdul Kalam
    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar and former President Abdul Kalam
    • Dr. Jichkar This Versatile personality It was one professional photographer, painter Also stage actor was also

    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar has also obtained Masters (MA) degree in 10 subjects.

    1. M.A.(Political Science)
    2. M.A.(Philosophy)
    3. M.A.(History)
    4. M.A.(Psychology)
    5. M.A.(Culture & Archaeology)
    6. M.A.(English Literature)
    7. M.A.(Sanskrit)
    8. M.A.(Public Administration)
    9. M.A.(Sociology)
    10. M.A.(Economics)

    Speech by Dr. Shrikant Jichkar at Fitness Movement in Nagpur :-

    Death :-

    Dr. Srikant Jichkar
    Death of Dr. Shrikant Jichkar

    come like this of a genius Just age At the age of 49 passed away On 2 June 2004 Nagpur A road near in an accident They had to lose their lives.

    Dr. Srikant Jichkar This Scholar Maharashtra son Not among us, but from his incomparable knowledge to countless youths of the country including Maharashtra Inspiration Will continue to receive.

    Note:- Do let us know what you think of this article by commenting.

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  • Metrology Meaning|Define Metrology,Types | Instruments|Calibration…

    Metrology Meaning |What is Metrology?

    It is the scientific study of measurement. Metrology is the branch of science dedicated to measurement

    Metrology Definition:-

    It is defined as the science of measurementprimarily concerned with the establishment, reproduction, conservation & transfer of units of measurement & their standards.

    Basics Of Metrology Audio Tutorial:-

    Importance of Metrology:-

    • To achieve standardization.
    • Used for minimizing the cost of the inspection.

    Types of Metrology:-

    • Legal/Scientific metrology.
    • Deterministic/Industrial metrology.

    Classification of Metrological Instruments:-

    Classification of Metrological Instruments

    Terms Which Relates with Metrology


    Checking of quality characteristics of a given job.

    Checking Characteristics of job
    Take Action after checking

    Need for inspection:-

    • To develop a reputation for the company.

    Meanwhile, Interchangeability can refer to Interchangeable parts, the ability to select components for assembly at random, and fit them together within proper tolerances.


    Interchangeability - best example
    Best Example Of Interchangeability

    Accuracy & Precision:-


    The ability to do something in an exact manner. It is nothing but a degree of correctness.


    Precision refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to each other.

    metrology-Accuracy & Precision
    Difference between accuracy and precision (1)
    Difference between accuracy and precision
    Difference between accuracy and precision (2)

    All of the above figures show exactly what is accuracy and what is precision.


    Firstly sensitivity is the ability to receive sensations.

    Moreover, Sensitivity is the ability to measuring instruments to detect small variations in a quantity being measured.

    Best example of sensitivity


    • Validation of specific techniques and measurements of equipment.
    • Comparison of measurements with a known standard or other devices.
    • Scientifically assessing a system’s response to known controlled signal inputs.

    Define Calibration:-

    Firstly calibration is defined as a set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrumentand the corresponding standard.


    In addition, The Calibration process is a comparison of one instrument’s response with that of a reference instrument of known response and accuracy.


    It is the ability of the measuring instrument to give the same value every time, the measurement of a given quantity is repeated under the same conditions.


    It is related to taking reference to a national or international standard.


    It is the quantitative measure of the closeness of the agreement, between the results of measurement of the same measured. Carried out by changing the method of measurementobserver, measuring instrumentlocation, condition of use, time, etc.

    Different Types Gauges In Metrology:-

    1.Radius Gauge:-

    metrology instrument-radius gauge
    Measurement using Radius Gauge

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    2.Screw pitch gauge:-

    metrology instrument-screw pitch gauge
    Screw Pitch Gauge
    Measurement using screw pitch gauge
    Measurement using Screw Pitch Gauge

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    3.Filler Gauge

    metrology instrument-Filler Gauge
    Filler Gauge
    Measurement Using Filler gauge
    Measurement Using Filler Gauge

    BUY Filler Gauge On Amazon

    Errors In Metrology Instruments

    The difference between the true value of the size is measured and the value found by measurement is called Error.

    Types of error in measuring instruments:-

    • Systematic error/controllable error

    Concept of least count of measuring instruments:-

    Least Count/Resolution:-

    The smallest dimension that can be read on an instrument is called as least count of that instrument.

    For example, in below mention photographs of the scale, visually we can conclude that there are 5 lines between 0 and 1, which means 1 line indicates 2mm means 0.2cm.

    Therefore the minimum reading that can be measured on this instrument (scale) is 0.2cm.

    Hence we conclude that this scale has the least count of 0.2cm.

    LC(Least Count)
    Concept of Least Count

    Metrology Instruments

    Vernier Calipers:-

    metrology instrument-vernier caliper
    metrology instrument-vernier caliper
    metrology instrument-vernier calipers
    Simple Vernier Caliper
    Two Scales on vernier caliper one is the main scale and another is vernier scale

    Therefore, as a result

    The formula for Least Count & Total Reading (TR) On Vernier:-

    metrology instrument-vernier calculation
    metrology instrument-vernier calculation

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    metrology instrument-micrometer
    Simple Micrometer
    Two Scales on micrometer one is the main scale and another is circular scale

    Therefore, as a result

    The formula for Least Count & Total Reading (TR) On Micrometer:-

    metrology instrument-micrometer calculation
    metrology instrument-micrometer calculation
    MICROMETER Formula
    MICROMETER Formula

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    Make sure you also check our amazing article on Quality.

    Similarly, you should download our amazing android application regarding Metrology & Quality Control

  • How to study | How to do study planning

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    How to study | How kids should study and plan time | abhyas kasa karava >> Many parents of young children wonder if children How to studyAnd some older children also have questions about how to study, how to plan study or how much time to study.

    So friends, if there is no book etc to answer such questions then you have to make some changes. This article is an attempt to give you information about what and how to make the same changes.

    This is a problem for most of the children, i.e. if there is no planning of study and due to lack of proper study they fail the exam or get low marks despite being smart. To avoid this, you need to know the science of how to study. So let’s learn some tips on how to study.

    How to study How Much Time to Study |How to Plan Study – 8 Guide Tips

    Everyone has a different way of studying, some typical but useful tips are given below. Even if you adopt these selected tips, it will surely benefit you.

    How to study with concentration

    When you sit down to study, you don’t remember the work and then you don’t want to study. To separate yourself from such things, you need to control your mind. Whatever time you study, do it with complete concentration. Anything that is done with concentration becomes better. You will always remember the study you have done with concentration and you will feel it while giving the exam.

    study time

    When to study is entirely up to you. That means you should study whenever your mind is happy so that you remember what you have read.

    Some people have the habit of waking up early in the morning to study, while others have the habit of staying up late at night to study. Your study time should always be a time when you will not be reminded of unwanted activities or entertainment. I mean, see, even if you study early in the morning, you won’t remember some things, and if you study late at night, you won’t be able to do anything, say cars. And especially at such times there is peace in the house and everywhere which does not disturb the studies.

    How long should you study?

    How long should you study?

    Don’t decide how much time you should study, study till your brain is completely engrossed in the reading or writing. Just like after working for a long time or exercising your body gets tired and needs rest. Similarly, your brain also needs some rest after a certain period of time.

    As you study, decide that I will finish this particular lesson or topic today, and then watch your body and brain work together to complete the task. But if you decide to study for so many hours, you will not study as much as you want. That is why it is not important how long you study but how you study.

    How to plan the study

    If this thing is properly planned, it becomes better. Like when we go for a walk/trip to a place, we decide everything in advance and then accordingly leave at a fixed time on the day of departure, see various spots and come back to our home on the day of return. Also you have to plan your studies.

    A planned study can definitely benefit you. If your exam is after 30 days then schedule the subjects accordingly. Decide completely in advance when and on which date you want to do each lesson in each subject. By doing this you won’t get stressed when the exam comes in 2-4 days. And you can also give equal time to all subjects.


    How to study

    Until you tell your brain and mind what studying is going to accomplish, you won’t get any momentum in studying. Setting small goals and accomplishing them will boost your confidence. Unless you set your mind to accomplishing something, it will not be accomplished, and the moment you set a goal for something, your body, mind, and brain work together to achieve that goal, and you can easily achieve that goal.

    Reading – Writing – Reading

    How to study - Reading > Writing > Reading ” class=”wp-image-2264″ width=”555″ height=”311″ data-lazy- data-lazy- data-lazy-src=””/><noscript><img decoding=Do not do the same activity continuously while studying like just sitting and reading. You should always have different stages in your study like reading then writing and reading back. By doing this your grasping power increases and what you read and then write it down perfectly in your head and the second purpose behind writing is that eventually you have to write in the exam. So write down what you are reading regularly, and read it again after writing it down.

    Get detailed information

    While reading a lesson, get a detailed understanding of it. Before understanding what the chapter or topic is based on, read the introduction and summary of the chapter carefully so that you understand what the chapter is about. If possible get detailed information about that topic like watching videos related to that topic on YouTube. If you don’t understand a topic, watch a video based on that topic. If you read the lesson after watching the video, you will understand the topic completely.


    The last and most important point is regularity. If a person does any work regularly, he will surely get success in it. Study is also the same, even if it is a little but study regularly, regular study will reduce the stress when the exam is near and will increase the interest in studies. Many children sit with books when the exams are near and then the stress of studying comes at that time. Instead, if you make yourself a regular habit of studying, it will be convenient and proper.

    Meaning – How to study | abhyas kasa karava

    8 tips to answer the question of how to study are given in the above article. If you use them you will surely get success.

    This is for you How to practice (abhyas kasa karava) Please let us know how you feel about the information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, please comment them.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook page And on twitter Follow me on Twitter.

  • Gravity Information Marathi – Definition | Research

    Online advertising

    Gravity Information Marathi – What is Gravity | History of Gravitational Research | of gravity Rules, Formulas and Importance >> In this article we will try to know information about gravity in Marathi. If anyone discovers gravity, the name that comes to mind is Newton. Newton discovered gravity but many scientists had researched this theory even before him.

    This is all about the history of the theory of gravity, what is gravity, the law of gravity and its formula. In this article we are going to see information about things like the importance of gravity in physics.

    Gravity Information English – What is Gravity | History of Research | Rules, Formulas and Importance (gurutwakrshan(gravity)-information-in-marathi)

    In this article we are going to see gravity information in Marathi, first we will know what gravity is, then we will know the history of gravity research, law of gravity, formula (formula) and in the last stage of the article let us know the importance of gravity in physics.

    Gravity is a topic taught to all of us from school and its importance is not only in our studies but also very common in daily life so it is very important for you to understand gravity.

    What is gravity in marathi

    Before knowing gravity information in Marathi, we need to understand what gravity is. So let’s know what gravity is.

    All objects on earth are pulled towards earth, this attraction is called gravity. Any object or substance thrown up towards the sky is attracted towards the surface of the earth is called the gravity of the earth. According to Newton’s theory, both the attraction of the earth’s matter to the center of the earth and the attractive interaction between the earth and the moon are the same. Similarly, the attraction between planets, comets, stars and planets in space is gravitational attraction. This means attraction between two objects or substances i.e. gravity.

    Gravity Information Marathi - What is Gravity |  History of Research |  Rules, Formulas and Importance (gurutwakrshan(gravity)-information-in-marathi)
    Gravity Information Marathi

    History of Gravitational Research in Marathi

    Some philosophers in ancient India studied gravity. In particular, Brahmagupta proposed the principle that the force of gravity is attractive and gave it the name Grhitvakarshan. Aryabhatta said that gravity is the reason why matter does not fall due to the rotation of the earth. It was also shown that the rooms of houses are elliptical.

    It is safe to say that the modern understanding of gravity dates back to the 1564-1642 researches of Galileo Galilei. Before Galileo’s descent experiment proved that different objects decay at the same speed, Aristotle’s theory held that objects of greater mass fall to Earth faster. Therefore, the conclusions of Galileo’s experiments were not compatible with Aristotle’s theory.

    Before that, Johannes Keller (1571-1630) discovered the laws of planetary motion around the Sun. He proved that the orbits of the planets around the Sun are ellipses, similar to Galileo’s research, and Kelspey’s law became the basis for Newton’s law of gravitation

    Sir Isaac Newton studied this attractive force and discovered the law of gravitation in 1687. According to this theory, the attraction of matter on the earth to the center of the earth is gravity.

    Gravity Rule in marathi

    Newton’s Law of Gravitation:- Both the attraction of earth’s matter to the center of the earth and the attractive interaction between the earth and the moon are the same. Similarly, the attraction between planets, comets, stars and planets in space is gravitational attraction.

    Newton’s law of gravitation can be used to study the motion of planets, satellites, stars and galaxies to predict their future positions, so the law of gravitation is considered an important milestone in astronomy.

    Gravity Information Marathi

    According to Newton’s law of gravitation, the force of gravity is proportional to the masses of any two masses of matter and is always attractive.

    according to the law of gravity m1 and m2 The force between two particles with masses is proportional to the product of these two masses, inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, and is in the direction from one particle to the other. Gravitational Varuna We understand that any two particles are attracted to each other with the same force. So Newton’s third law of gravity, which states that action and reaction are equal, applies.

    It is clear from the standard model of particle physics that gravity is one of the four fundamental interactions. Among the fundamental interferometers, strong and electromagnetic interferometers are based on field theory and have been successfully quantized. But it has not yet succeeded in quarantining the gravitational field.

    Gravity Formula & Importance of Gravity in Physics

    In his book Principia in 1687, Newton published the ‘Law of Gravitational Squares’. In this book, Newton stated that the force exerted on the planets by the Sun is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the Sun and the planets. He further demonstrated by calculation that the same inverse square law could be used to predict the acceleration of objects due to gravity on Earth.

    As written in the beginning, the law of attraction between two particles is F = [G (m1 m2)]/r2 n can be written as Here G is the gravitational constant and m is1 and m2 These are the masses of the two particles, the distance between the two particles, and f and n are the force on the particles and the unit vector in the direction from one particle to the other, respectively.According to Newton’s law, the acceleration due to Earth’s gravity on the Earth’s surface GME/ R2 There is so much. Here ME and R are the mass of the Earth and the radius of the Earth respectively. This acceleration acts towards the center of the earth.

    Gravitational constant :- Gravitational constant (G) is a fundamental constant in physics. Its value has been measured by many experiments.[गुरुत्वाकर्षणाचा स्थिरांक] Knowing the structures of the planets and the sun and the orbits of the planets, Newton was able to calculate the value of G. The value of G was later accurately measured by experiments on Earth and found to be 6.67408 x 10-11 (m3 kg-1 S-2) is

    Summary – Gravity Information in Marathi (Summary of gravity information in Marathi)

    Information about gravity in Marathi In this article we have learned almost all the information about gravity. Gravitation and its theory are of unique general importance in physics and astronomy. No matter what discipline you are a student of, you must know exactly what gravity is.

    What is gravity?

    All objects on earth are pulled towards earth, this attraction is called gravity. Any object or substance thrown up towards the sky is attracted towards the surface of the earth is called the gravity of the earth. According to Newton’s theory, both the attraction of the earth’s matter to the center of the earth and the attractive interaction between the earth and the moon are the same. Similarly, the attraction between planets, comets, stars and planets in space is gravitational attraction. This means attraction between two objects or substances i.e. gravity.

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  • Motion and Types of Motion | All information about displacement of objects due to motion

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    Motion and Types of Motion | Displacement of an object due to motion – complete information >> In our daily life as well as in academic studies, ‘Gati’ has a place of value. In Physics, more information about motion is given and many things like ‘motion and types of motion’ and nature of motion are included for the students’ knowledge acquisition. Motion applies to many physical systems, functions, objects. Speed ​​is also important in our daily life. In this article we are going to know all the information about this ‘speed and types of speed’.

    Motion and types of motion in Marathi – complete information

    At the beginning of the article we asked what exactly is speed? We are going to know its definition and information, then let’s see the different types of speed. So let us know about speed and types of speed.

    What is speed?

    The change in position of an object is its ‘motion’. Motion is the change in position of an object with time. Motion is an important concept in physics. Speed ​​is also known as speed or motion in English. In terms of motion, if an object is moving from a fixed position with time, then that object is said to be in motion. Also ‘If an object does not move from its position or its position does not change with time, then that object is said to be stationary. Motion applies to various physical systems. Motion can be used to estimate the degree to which a change in position of a moving or stationary object occurs or does not occur.

    Motion requires force to act. That is, a force is applied to a stationary object to accelerate it or to set it in motion. When a force is applied, the object leaves its position i.e. it acquires momentum.

    In our daily practice we see that we use many words related to speed such as fast, slow, steady. Fast / fast or slow or in a short time, in a long time, soon are all descriptions of the type of motion or speed, dynamic. But there are certain types of motion. And all of them depend on the speed of the object.

    Types of motion and their detailed information / How many and which types of motion?

    In day to day life we ​​come across many moving objects or objects with motion. We see innumerable objects or things in motion like a spinning fan, a moving motor car, an ant walking, water falling from a tap, the swing of a swing, the flight of a bird, the running of a clock, the speed and direction of rotation of a celestial watch, the flight of butterflies on flowers, the motion of an airplane in the sky, a bicycle. .

    If we ask briefly about the types of motion from these, we can say fast, slow. But after studying motion in a broader way, you get to see and learn very different forms. So in the next article we will see ‘types of motion’. Following are five important types of motion.

    1) Linear Motion

    २) Agitated Motion

    ३) Periodic Motion

    ) Random Motion

    ५) Circular Motion

    There are two subtypes of linear motion.

    A) Uniform Linear Motion

    b) Non – Uniform Linear Motion

    Now let us have a detailed look at the various types of motion above.

    1) Linear motion (Linear motion and types of motion) (Linear Motion)

    Motion and types of motion in marathi
    Linear Motion – Motion and types of motion in marathi

    If an object moves in a straight line, then the motion is called linear motion. Linear motion is seen to happen in a straight line, cars passing on the road, fruit falling from a tree, if a ball is dropped from the hand, it also falls in linear motion i.e. in a straight line. Two subtypes of linear motion are as follows:-

    A) Uniform Linear Motion

    A motion that covers a certain distance in a certain time, a certain thing, a certain distance in the same time is called Uniform Linear Motion. That is, when the distance covered by an object moving in a straight line is the same in a given period of time, the speed is called ‘uniform linear speed’.

    E.g. Movement speed of the storage soldiers.

    Uniform Linear Motion – Motion and types of motion in marathi

    b) Non-Uniform Linear Motion

    If a fixed object continuously covers a non-uniform distance in a fixed time, then the motion is called non-uniform linear motion. That is, the speed of migration of an object is linear but not uniform.

    २) Agitated Motion

    A continuous motion for a certain distance can be called Agitated Motion. Motion acquired by an object due to motion is called angular momentum. As the curve moves from one end to the other end and back to the first end. It is called agitation. Just like the speed of a fan is also called the oscillating speed.

    Jhoka - Agitated Motion
    Jhoka – Agitated Motion

    ३) Periodic Motion

    The motion in which a certain object passes through a certain point after a certain time is called Periodic Motion. A periodic motion completes one revolution in a given time.

    E.g. The motion of the earth around the sun is periodic.

    Periodic Motion – Motion and types of motion

    4) Random Motion

    A motion whose direction changes continuously is called random motion. A random motion has no fixed direction of any kind, and no specific duration.

    E.g. The direction in which butterflies fly from one flower to another is not fixed, so the motion is called random motion.

    5) Circular Motion

    The motion of an object moving in a circular path is called circular motion. Circular motion is always felt in a circular path. The wheels of cars rotate in a circular motion, fan blades, children watching the sky are all examples of circular motion.

    Follow the sky – circular motion

    Summary – Motion and Types of Motion Self-study

    Thus in this article we have learned about motion and types of motion. Motion is acquired by the moving object itself. A moving object is moving from one place to another. Linear motion includes uniform and uneven linear motion, oscillatory motion, circular motion, periodic motion and random motion and we have also learned their various examples.

    What is speed ?

    Motion is the change in the position of an object with time or by the application of force. Motion is an important concept in physics. Speed ​​is also known as speed or motion in English.

    Do let us know by commenting how you liked the information “Motion and Types of Motion”. Also if you have any suggestion send it to us.

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  • Eligibility to become Talathi- Educational qualification, age limit

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    Eligibility to be Talathi / Talathi Recruitment Eligibility – Educational Qualification, Age Limit, Required Documents and All Information (Talathi honyasathi patrata marathi / talathi bharti patrata) / Eligibility to be Talathi>> Talathi is a very important post in every village. Many of us are willing to take the exam for this post and they want to know what are the qualifications to become a Talathi. So for all such we are going to provide information about the qualifications to become a Talathi in this article.

    Eligibility to be talathi / Talathi recruitment eligibility (Talathi honyasathi patrata marathi) / Eligibility to be talathi

    So let’s know the educational qualification to become Talathi, age limit to become Talathi and what are the required documents.

    Educational Eligibility to be Talathi (Talathi honyasathi shaishanik patrata marathi) / Educational Eligibility to be Talathi

    If you say academics to become a talathi, you should only be a graduate. You should have a degree in any discipline i.e. Arts, Commerce, Science or any other. Along with this, you should have passed the MS-CIT course conducted through MKCL and should have its certificate. These are the only two educational qualifications to become a Talathi, which you can easily complete and become a Talathi.

    Eligibility to become a Talathi / Talathi Recruitment Eligibility – Educational Qualification
    Eligibility to become Talathi – Educational Qualification

    Age Eligibility to be Talathi (Talathi honyasathi vayomaryada marathi)

    The age limit for becoming a talathi varies according to different categories. Know the age limit according to which category you fall into.

    1) Backward Class – 43 years

    2) Amagas (Open Category) – 38 years

    3) Disabled – 45 years

    4) Sportsman – 43 years

    5) Project affected / Earthquake affected – 45 years

    6) Ex-serviceman – 46 years

    7) Part time employee – 46 years

    Eligibility to be Talathi / Talathi Recruitment Eligibility
    Talathi Recruitment Eligibility

    Documents Required For Talathi (Talathi honyasathi avashyak kagadpatre marathi)/ Documents Required For Talathi

    You don’t need any special documents to become a Talathi, you just need the mark sheets and certificates of the education you have taken till date. So let’s know in detail what are the documents required for Talathi.

    1) Your 10th Result and Certificate i.e. SSC Mark Sheet and Certificate.

    2) Your 12th Result and Certificate i.e. HSC (HSC) Mark Sheet and Certificate.

    3) Mark sheet and certificate of the degree you have taken i.e. degree.

    4) MS-CIT pass certificate.

    5) Caste certificate.

    6) Certificate as per reserved category.

    Summary – Eligibility for Talathi / Talathi Recruitment Eligibility (talathi bharti patrata)

    The information regarding age limit, educational qualification and necessary documents to become Talathi is given above in this article. So, what are you waiting for, start preparing to become Talathi. We wish you all the best for that.

    What does it take to become a Talathi?

    To become a talathi you need to have a graduate degree and at the same time you should have completed the MSCIT course. Education is all you have to do to become a Talathi. Now if you say study, even if you start studying for Talathi about 1 year before, you can easily clear the exam, because you are a graduate, your IQ ability will be good.

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  • How to focus on studying Increase concentration in studies

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    How to focus in studies | What measures to focus in studies | How to increase concentration in studies >> In the case of many children, parents face these problems. Or some children also want to study, but they do not have control over their minds. It is necessary to develop an inclination towards study in the minds of children.

    What is with children is the same with each of us, we do the things we like, or the things behind which we have some purpose. It is also about study, children should develop interest in it in order to be interested in it. Or the children themselves should decide what they want to achieve by studying. No matter how many goals are set by the parents, only if the children set the goals, the children will study with their heart.

    Always remember one thing, he who has control over his mind can have the power to conquer the world in fact he wins but he who has control over his mind has to lose everything. So if you want to know how to concentrate on studying, you must be able to master your own mind.

    Many students say that we want to study but we don’t feel like studying, so we don’t study. So some parents are seen asking the question that what should be done to make our children interested in studies? For all such, in this article, we are giving 6 solutions to keep your heart in study. If you take the measures, you will definitely see a change in yourself or your children and they will study with heart.

    How to concentrate on study – Remedies and implementation of remedies | Some ways to concentrate on studying | (If you want to wash your hair – silly)

    How to concentrate on studies (Method 1) – Get inspired

    Unless you inspire your mind with something, nothing will be done. Until both you and your mind come together and decide to do something, it will not be done. The same is the case with studies, you have to get inspiration from something or other to study or to be interested in studies.

    How to concentrate in studies, solutions to concentrate in studies - motivation

    Read information about a scientist like APJ Abdul Kalam, a life character that will inspire you. Parents should inform their children about the people who have grown up after studying something like this, show inspiring movies, show videos. So that children get inspiration from it. I was not born to live a straight and simple life, until you tell your mind that I want to grow up in life, you will not be interested in studying.

    How to Focus on Studying (Method 2) – Find a reason why you should study

    How to focus on studying

    Everyone has different reasons for studying. Like some want to clear government exams and some want to clear school exams with good marks. Studies can be of different types, so one should decide what his goal is in that field. Only crazy people succeed without a goal in mind.

    To focus on studying (Measure 3) – Exercise

    What to do to get interested in studies

    Exercising keeps you healthy. If your body is strong, your mind will also be happy. Regular exercise can also help you stay focused on studying. So if you want concentration of mind while studying, do exercise daily.

    To concentrate on studies (Measure 4) – Meditate or chant for concentration of mind

    Study does not require mind - meditate

    Man’s mind is very fickle, when he sits down to study he wants to watch TV and sometimes he wants to go out to play or take a walk. You need to be able to control these states of mind, for that you can calm your mind by meditating. Chanting a mantra for 10 minutes every morning and evening or sitting quietly with eyes closed and meditating without any thoughts can also help you control your mind. .

    To concentrate on studies (Measure 5) – Get enough sleep

    Get enough sleep to concentrate
    get enough sleep

    Just like your body needs rest, so does your mind. Getting enough sleep also helps keep your mind happy. So when you sit down to study, you want to study. Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night is necessary to keep your body happy as well as your mind.

    To get interested in studying (Measure 6) – Keep your study area inspiring and pleasant

    The room or table where you study should always be clean. Just as your body gets tired after working, your mind gets tired of looking at a solid place or a cluttered space, so keep your study area tidy to keep your mind happy and relaxed.

    Keep the study space pleasant
    Study space

    Paste photos of inspirational people or some motivational quotes on your study space to encourage you to study, there are plenty of such quotes available on the internet. By doing this, whenever your mind wanders from your goal, the thought and photo will remind you of your goal.


    6 solutions are given for how to focus your mind in study. If you follow these 6 solutions, you will be able to control the fickle state of your mind and you can do any work with concentration, not just study. So, these solutions will definitely be beneficial to keep you motivated in studies.

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