Category: Bihar

  • परवलपुर में ही बने अस्पताल, दोनों पक्षों के बीच वार्ता संपन्न

    Nalanda : सामुदायिक अस्पताल निर्माण के लिए मंगलवार को परवलपुर प्रखंड कार्यालय में पंचायत प्रतिनिधियों के साथ सोनचरी गांव और परवलपुर के लोगों ने आपस में बैठकर वार्ता का आयोजन किया। बैठक में डाकबंगला स्थित जिला परिषद की जमीन पर सामुदायिक अस्पताल बनाने पर सर्वसम्मति से फैसला लिया गया। इसमें समाजसेवी सह बीजेपी नेता अक्षय कुमार सिंह का अहम योगदान रहा।

    इस बारे में बताते हुए परवलपुर प्रखंड के चौसंडा पंचायत के मुखिया मनोज यादव ने बताया की परवलपुर में जिला परिषद की जमीन उपलब्ध है, जहां अस्पताल का निर्माण कराया जा सकता है। जिला परिषद की जमीन में ही कस्तूरबा विद्यालय का निर्माण कर संचालन किया जा रहा है। बैठक में उन्होंने परवलपुर प्रखंड स्थित जिला परिषद की भूमि में अस्पताल निर्माण कराए जाने पर अपनी सहमति जताई।

    वहीं बीजेपी नेता अक्षय कुमार सिंह ने कहा कि अस्पताल का निर्माण जिला परिषद की जमीन पर ही हो। अगर ऐसा नहीं होता है तो हमलोग पुनः 13 जुलाई को आंदोलन करेंगे।

    दरअसल चार करोड़ की लागत से बनने वाले अस्पताल के समर्थन और विरोध में आंदोलन चल रहा था। लेकिन परवलपुर प्रखंड मुख्यालय में जमीन की उपलब्धता नहीं रहने के कारण इसे सोनचरी गांव में बनाया जा रहा था। लेकिन सोनचरी गांव में अस्पताल निर्माण को लेकर परवलपुर बाजार वासियों ने विरोध किया। इसके बाद डीएम ने निर्माण कार्य पर रोक लगा दिया।

    फिलहाल अब मामला शांत होता दिख रहा है। दोनों पक्षों के लोगों ने आपस में वार्ता कर परवलपुर प्रखंड मुख्यालय में ही अस्पताल बनाने पर सर्वसम्मति जताई है।

  • भारतीय बेलदार महासभा की बैठक Bosss के राष्टीय अध्यक्ष डॉ व्यंकटेश मौर्या

    भारतीय बेलदार महासभा के द्वारा कर्नाटका से चलकर बिहार आए हुए , bosss के राष्टीय अध्यक्ष डॉ व्यंकटेश मौर्या जी का पटना के पावन धरती पर हार्दिक स्वागत व अभिनंदन किया गया। इस मौके पर बेलदार समाज गण मान लोग शामिल हुए।

    जिसमें अरुण कुमार,(पूर्व विधायक प्रत्याशी हरनौत), बेलदार समाज के युवा अध्यक्ष नागेंद्र बेलदार, आइटेसल, कमलेश बेलदार, युवा समाज सेवी सुशील बेलदार , विक्की कुमार, अरविंद वकील साहब इत्यादि दर्जनों भर बेलदार समाज के लोग शामिल हुए। बेलदार समाज के सामाजिक आर्थिक शैक्षणिक व राजनीतिक विकास के लिए बुद्धिजीवी हो अपना विचार रखा।

    समाज के सभी लोगो को सूचित किया जाता है की कल पुनः 31 जुलाई को बैठक रखा गया है। समाज के बुद्धिजीबी सादर आमंत्रित हैं लोगो से अनुरोध है कीज्यादा ज्यादा के उपस्थिति सुनिश्चित करे।


    भारतीय बेलदार जनजागरण महासभा के द्वारा bosss के राष्टीय अध्यक्ष डॉ व्यंकटेश मौर्या जी को बिहार की धरती पटना में जोरदार स्वागत किया है। कल यानी रविवार को संध्या शाम को 5:00 से 7:00 मजिस्ट्रेट कॉलोनी, पटना में कल बैठक होनी जा रहा है, जिसमे बेलदार समाज के सामाजिक आर्थिक और राजनीतिक शैक्षिक विकास पर चर्चा किया जाएगा।आप सभी सादर आमंत्रित हैं,जय बेलदार जय बलवान

    जय बेलदार समाज साथियों।🙏

  • पूर्व विधायक इंजीनियर सुनील बने जदयू के राष्ट्रीय महासचिव, नेताओं ने दी बधाई

    कहते हैं सब्र का फल मीठा होता है। इसी वाक्ये को चरितार्थ हरनौत विधानसभा के पूर्व विधायक इंजीनियर सुनील कुमार ने सही कर दिखाया है। लंबे अरसे से पार्टी में एक सच्चे सिपाही के रूप में काम करने के बाद आखिरकार बिहार के मुखिया नीतीश कुमार ने पूर्व विधायक इंजीनियर सुनील पर विश्वास करते हुए उन्हें पार्टी में राष्ट्रीय महासचिव के पद पर नियुक्त किया है।

    आपको बता दें कि इंजीनियर सुनील का युवाओं में काफी क्रेज देखा जाता है। वैसे तो इनका हर क्षेत्र में काफी क्रेज भी माना जाता है। इसलिए युवाओं के राजनीतिक गुरु भी जाने जाते हैं। इंजीनियर सुनील के राष्ट्रीय महासचिव नियुक्त होने पर रहुई प्रखंड में मानो खुशियों की बहार आ गई हो।

    जदयू कार्यकर्ताओं में खुशी की लहर उनके चेहरे पर देखने को मिल रहा थी, तभी तो रहुई प्रखंड के जदयू कार्यकर्ताओं के द्वारा अपने नेता इंजीनियर सुनील का भव्य स्वागत फूल मालाओं से किया।



    More than 30 years into Independence, how did industries shape with further advancement in Bihar? How was Bihar making its way to stand with Developing India? This piece will trace the state of Industrial Growth in Bihar in the 1980s.

    An area developing should stand strong on the roots of Industries”  

    It was nearly thirty years of India being independent, which in turn meant thirty years of owning up the industries and technologies. This was the time when India stepped up into being one of the Developing Nations, taking planned and strategic steps, trying to make a global space. 
    While the country was putting together it’s 30 years’ of growth, the state of Bihar was tiring hard to start over.

    Industrial growth in bihar

    Primarily fed on the Coal and Steel industry, Bihar saw a decline in other possibly flourishing industries. However, stats suggest that there was significant growth in the Bihar’s GDP rate, and it is said that the economy was one of the fastest-growing in the country. 

    The then 5-Year plan called for a huge amount of investment in Bihar, nearly $4 billion. Now, this translates to $12 per person if the investment is to be mapped with the then population of Bihar. Though the investments were huge, they failed to reach out to the larger mass. Economists alleged that a huge budget deficiency drove inflation, decaying the already low standard of living of the people’s poorest sections from the state.


    This can pretty much be confirmed from the scenario in agriculture. Agriculture was supposed to be the largest sector. Around the early 1980s, the government sank to invest in the production of agriculture and preferably opted to import food grains from other parts of India. This decision helped increase problems faced by agricultural workers in the late 1980s.

    Apart from the strong Agriculture base, Bihar is also known to be rich in mineral resources and forests. More than 40% of India’s coal, 32% of its bauxite, 59% of its copper, 17% of its iron ore, about 80% of its silver, and 60% of its mica comes from Bihar. Bihar and UP are also rich in mineral resources and forests.

    Economy of bihar

    More than 40% of India’s coal, 32% of its bauxite, 59% of its copper, 17% of its iron ore, about 80% of its silver, and 60% of its mica comes from Bihar. Such an extensive rich resource center would point to one to expect that Bihar would be analogously well-off as compared with other mighty states of India. Regrettably, Bihar remains to be trapped in the nets of underdevelopment.

    There have been many efforts made to reduce poverty and expediting economic growth has been the key focus in development. But these efforts were nowhere to be visible. This was primarily the result of the failed attempt at understanding and judging the causes of economic growth. Bihar stood to be different from other states in India.

    Therefore, the growth pattern in other states did not apply to Bihar. It needed some alterations and modifications simply because of the demographical diversity that exists in Bihar. 

    There was a prolonged hindrance in the path of development in Bihar. Not only the industries but the economy as a whole was decreasing instead of growing. Many would point out the corruption that was instilled in the political front, but none of us can deny the fact that true potential of Bihar’s industries and agriculture has been kept under the eye of ignorance.

    There was a false lens of pride which made people and politicians brag with dignity about their state Bihar without actually giving it a chance to grow on its roots.

    Bihar had the potential to grow like a lotus in the mud, but the negligence that our state faced right from the start managed only to reduce it to Mud. Consequently, a potential high yielder bagged the tag of underdeveloped state. 

  • Every Festival Tells A Story || Festivals of Bihar

    Every Festival Tells A Story

    Bihar has a plethora of festivals, except Chhath Puja and we Biharis celebrate each one of them with full devotion.

    India is a land of diverse rich cultures which makes her different from other nations. Every state and region is known for some or the other such specialization or any unique feature and there comes Bihar, beholding a small India in itself. Bihar has a plethora of colorful festivals and some of which are not so known yet.

    Festivals of Bihar

    Bihar is a province of rich history and tract of festivals as well. The people here, do not hesitate to celebrate any occasion, which brings happiness to them or proves their love, concern and devotion. Amid the country going urbanized, Bihar still holds the roots of our spirituality and culture within. Every festival here is celebrated with tremendous zeal, incitement, elation and devotion.

    That’s why it doesn’t matter wherever a Bihari moves in pursuit of job or studies, but could not afford to miss the Bihari festivals and the way Bihar celebrates any festival.
    So, here is a list of the festivals, celebrated in Bihar, you must know about :


    A ritual, which marks the inception of summer and the entry of the Sun from Pisces into Aries, according to the Hindu calendar. It happens between the months of Chaitra and Baisakh and is celebrated with all reverence and trust among Hindus. The name Satuani comes from “sattu” or roasted chickpea flour, so on this day, after having holy bath and performing all customs, people eat sattu, aam tikola, pickles and onion.


    The Vat-Savitri puja is dedicated to Savitri, who saved her husband’s (Satyavan) life and got him back from Yama, the God of Death, under the Banyan tree. Therefore, with all veneration, the married Hindu women, on this day observe fast and pray for long life of their husbands. They wake up early, take bath, adorn themselves and go to the Banyan tree.

    After performing all the rituals, they tie a red-n-yellow ceremonial thread around the Banyan tree and offer Prasad.


    Being celebrated on the 2nd day after Diwali, it is Bhai dooj for other states but for Biharis, it is Godhan. In Bihar, this brother-sister bond is celebrated in an all different way. Ladies of a similar area congregate together at a place, enclosing a large rectangular structure of cowdung.

    This rectangular structure includes figures like Yama(the God of death) and his sister Yami (riverYamuna) in between, others are- ants, scorpions, snakes etc., all made of cowdung. The ladies first curse their brothers to die and then repent for it by piercing their tongues with a rengni kaanta.

    They tell stories related to the festival, sing folk songs, make garlands of cotton, which they crush on the cowdung’s made structures with a moosal and pray for their brothers’ long lives.


    This festival celebrates the altruistic love of mother as they hold Nirjala fast throughout the day and night for well-being of her children. As per the Hindu lunar calendar, Jitiya is observed on the 8th day of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin. In this, the mothers of the same area join in for the puja at a common place and perform all the rituals, listens to katha related to the festival and pray for their children’s long life.


    Teej is counted among the most religious festivals, dedicated to Goddess Parvati and her marriage with Lord Shiva. As Hindu mythology says, Goddess Parvati observed this fasting to marry Lord Shiva and after the puja, Lord Shiva took notice of her love and devotion.

    So the Hindu women, following the liturgy with full adoration not eat anything and pray for long life of their husbands and their togetherness. They even offer delicacies and sing religious songs in front of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva.


    The festival, especially belonging to Mithila region, is celebrated during winter season, starting from the 7th day of the Kartik and ending on Kartik Purnima. It has a mythological importance- once Lord Krishna’s daughter, Sama was falsely accused and punished by her father for a wrong doing.

    She was turned into a bird but her brother, Chakeva’s love and sacrifice eventually allowed to regain her human form. So, the festival commemorates the bond of brother and sister and also welcomes the birds, migrating from Himalayas towards the plains. Girls welcome the advent of the migratory birds by singing Mithila’s famous Sama songs and make their colorful clay idols.


    The most ancient, prominent and purest festival of Hindus in Bihar, celebrated in the month of Kartik, according to Hindu calendar. The word “chhath” means sixth in maithili and bhojpuri languages. So as the name says, it is celebrated 6 days after Diwali. This 4 days’  festival is committed to Lord Sun, his wives Devi Usha and Pratyusha, the Vedic Goddess of Dawn and Dusk respectively and Shashthi Mata (Chhathi maiya).

    Every Festival Tells A Story

    We thank and worship them for sustaining life on Earth and request to grant certain wishes. The person who performs Chhath, called Parvati, has to follow many rituals – holy bathing, abstaining from drinking water, fasting till the last Arghya, carrying suup to offer Prasad  and Arghya to the setting and rising Sun while standing in water(ghat).

  • Why? | Sushant’s case matters

    Why? | Sushant’s case matters

    After Continuous allegations by Bihar Police and counter allegations by Mumbai Police, the 2 month long controversy of jurisdiction has come to an end when Supreme Court  announced that the CBI will take over the probe of Sushant Singh Rajput.

    Sushant’s case matters

    Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead inside his apartment on June 14 after which the death was cited as a suicide case under 20 minutes. Several mental health campaigns were started by big celebs by citing the actor’s death as an example and how mental health should be considered as a serious issue.

    Social Media was suddenly flooded with mental health experts and therapists for a few days. Although , this is a good news that people are more aware of this serious issue, it must not be a short lived campaign like other social media initiatives.

    Aftermath of the death

    One cannot deny the fact that Sushant Singh Rajput’s death investigation was not only about giving justice to the late actor. Instead, It was a malicious game of allegations between Bihar Police, Mumbai Police, Bihar government, Maharashtra government, sushant’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty and many more.

    It later even involved the actor’s late manager Disha Salian who also allegedly commited suicide some days before the actor’s death.

    Mumbai police had not even filed any FIR till this date related to Sushant’s death but when Bihar Police arrived in Mumbai to investigate the death on the basis of FIR filed in patna by the actor’s father, Mumbai Police not only refused to share evidences and reports but also obstructed in the investigation being done by Patna Police.

    When IPS Vinay Tiwari arrived in Mumbai to probe the matter, BMC quarantined him by citing rules and guidelines, but the four policemen who had also arrived in Mumbai from Patna were not quarantined by the BMC. This clearly states that some secrets and evidences are hidden from the public and some powerful people will go all the length to keep those secrets hidden.

    There are many protocols and SOPs which must be followed in these situations which were not followed, Patna Police team were mishandled and they were not allowed to talk to the press. There were many videos which were going viral in the social media which assures the above claims.

    This whole matter was cleverly redirected from finding truth of the actor’s death to Bihar Police vs Mumbai Police to Maharashtrians vs Biharis so the people responsible had enough time to clear evidences and to set their story straight. The statements which were said by Maharashtra ministers were aimed to divide the public support for CBI in the case and atleast have the popular support of maharashtrians  by directing the criticism on Maharashtra Police.

    When CBI took over

    When CBI started its investigation, it found many lapses which were done deliberately and had many missing links which should not be the case if it was a suicide like CCTV footage were missing from the building, all the case files of Disha case were ‘mistakenly deleted’ when Patna Police were trying to find any link between Disha Salian’s and Sushant’s case, Kotak Mahindra Bank(Bandra) did not provide proper account and transaction details when Patna Police team arrived at the bank.

    Mumbai Police only filed a death report but not any FIR, Mumbai Police did some investigation but it could be clearly identified that it was only because of the public uproar. The mainstream media did not even raised any questions (either from political pressures or no potential TRP attraction) like why Mumbai Police was arbitrarily questioning random producers and actors instead of following the thread which was clearly visible(as CBI found out later).

    Only Republic TV stood out among all of the media houses. Even if people do not agree with Arnab Goswami or do not like the way he hosts his show, he should be praised for bringing the actual matter into public sight, although it could be said that he is continuously highlighting the case because of  his past conflicts with Shiv Sena.

    The Channel(Rep. TV) unearthed many evidences which led to massive public demand for proper investigation by CBI. Mumbai police has been always seen as heroes by people all over the country , but the police department could be seen acting under some kind of political pressure or trying to hide some things to protect some people.

    Impact of upcoming Bihar Elections

    Bihar DGP Gupteshwar pandey was continuously in national headlines in this case and it did not seemed like he was only there for the case. Normally, police department officers are not in news other than when they brief media about new updates in a case but he was seen in many TV debates. Common people hardly saw him doing TV debates in any other local case.

    This can be easily explained because he had political ambitions since a long time as he once gave VRS from his service to contest elections. Bihar elections are few months away and maybe he was reaching out to the voters and announcing his existence to common people so if he decides to fulfill his wish and start a political career, he would have a significant advantage and Bihar would also have better chances at rapid development if people clearing UPSC represented the common people.

    If the Bihar elections were not so near, it can be said with full confidence that this case would not get such political backing or politicians would never demand CBI for SSR. All the political figures or media houses were raising their voice for Sushant Singh Rajput to get a share of the credit and to come in good light of the people.

    Those who actually made the difference were common people and not driven by personal gains but to get justice for an AIR 7 ranker genius who followed his dreams despite having a comfortable engineering career ahead of him.

    CBI is currently investigating the case therefore the information may need to be updated.

  • Bihar has Dirtiest Cities in India

    Bihar has 6/10 Dirtiest Cities in India

    The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, on Thursday, announced the results of Swachh Survekshan 2020. Not very surprisingly, but definitely quite alarmingly, 6 cities among the top 10 Dirtiest cities in India, with a population less than 10 lakhs are from Bihar. The state’s capital Patna has come out as the dirtiest city in India with more than 1 million population. Check the list here:

    Bihar has Dirtiest Cities in India

    Bihar is amongst the bottom ranks in almost all the major parameters that are accounted for in the traditional or the more recent view of development. Bihar ranks the last (36th) in the Human Development Index (HDI) among all the states and UTs in India (HDI-2018). Despite being a non-industrial state, the fact that we are at the lowest position in cleanliness is not just worrisome but also shameful for us.

    These stats, accompanied by the poor law and order situation are picked up by groups that have, since aeons demeaned Biharis and their stereotype of presenting Bihar as some filthy, lawless, anarchical piece of land gets reinforced.

    The political neglect and henceforth, faulty and lukewarm implementation of laws such as the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Green Skill Development Programme, Toilets before temples(?) Namami Gange Programme, and myriad others inherently have been a causative factor in the long-prevalent poor state.

    We, however, are no less a culprit for we choose to shrug off our responsibilities, with the usual ‘Oh! It’s the government’ cliché. And to elect our netas, we analyse everything including their caste, creed, religion, colour, gender, ethnicity but their commitment to work.

    It’s fine to lose trust in the government/ state machinery because pollution seemingly never was an issue of concern for them. Subsequent governments showed a similar apathy towards administering the grave issue of cleanliness. 

    Firstpost states, ‘The progress of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s much-hyped programme to make the country open defecation free (ODF) under Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) has been lackadaisical in Bihar,’ In Patna, only 27.40 percent of the rural area is ODF (Open Defecation Free), as per Swacch Bharat Mission website (2019). There have been instances of impractical grants to missions for alleviating pollution; there’s no check done whatsoever.

    The 28-days Swachh Survekshan 2020 survey covered 4,242 cities, 62 cantonment boards and 97 Ganga towns. In its category, Bihar has secured the last lank, amongst 12 states. Jharkhand has bagged the first position amongst the cleanest state with less than 100 cities.

    It’s also grievous to see that Bhagalpur, a Smart City is the 4th most polluted city with a population under 10 lakhs. Indore became the cleanest city for the fourth consecutive year. It is followed by Surat. Navi Mumbai is 3rd in the same list. Varanasi was declared as the cleanest Ganga town.

    There’s a limit to how far we can brush aside our responsibilities. Now that we have known how ineffective the ones yielding power can be, let’s try being Aatmanirbhar, at least for the cleanliness of our own area. We ought to work collectively organizing cleanliness drives in small target areas.

    The least that we can do; and the idea is repeated quite often; is to stop throwing garbage at places where they shouldn’t be disposed off. Bihar doesn’t profound in industrial wastes. All other forms of wastes can be brought under control through easy, cognitive human efforts. The government might make Utopian plans that’d never be executed. We, however, have the dynamism to be the agents of social and environmental change.

    It’s the civilian and not the government that constitutes the majority. If all the residents of the 7 cities that have scored abysmally in terms of cleanliness work diligently in one accord, aiming not to see their respective cities in the dirtiest city list, decent milestones in the next Swachh Survekshan are bound to be achieved. 

    • The Times of India (2020, August 21). And the dirtiest cities of India are…, The Times of India.
    • Yadav, Anubhavi (2020, August 20). Swachh Survekshan 2020: Check out 10 dirtiest cities of the country, Times Now.
    • Rajshekhar, M. (2017, July 25). State wrap: Bihar is struggling with development while communal cracks grow wider. The Scroll
    • Zee Media Bureau (2020, August 21). Indore cleanest, Patna dirtiest city in country; learning lessons for Delhi and Chennai. Zee News
    • FPJ Webdesk (2020, August 21). Six of 10 dirtiest cities in India are from Bihar, Lalu wonders if Nitish will still blame him, Free Press Journal
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