Category: Social

  • जयंती विशेष: रामधारी सिंह जिन्हें राष्ट्रकवि और जनकवि दोनों का दर्जा प्राप्त है।  

    जयंती विशेष: रामधारी सिंह जिन्हें राष्ट्रकवि और जनकवि दोनों का दर्जा प्राप्त है।  

    ‘दिनकर’ हिंदी के उन गिने-चुने कवियों में से हैं, जिन्होंने कविता को मनोरंजन का साधन नहीं, जागृत करने का ज़रिया बनाया। आज ही के दिन ‘दिनकर’ बिहार के बेगूसराय जिले में 1908 में पैदा हुए थे।

    रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

    दिनकर ने कविता को मनोरंजन का साधन नहीं बल्कि लोगों को जागृत करने का ज़रिया बनाया। राष्ट्रकवि दिनकर का साहित्य में क्या कद है अगर यह जानना हो तो बस दो कालजयी कृति ‘संस्कृति के चार अध्याय’ और ‘परशुराम की प्रतीक्षा’ पढ़ लीजिए। इससे भी अगर मन न भरे तो रश्मिरथी के पन्ने पलटिए।

    आप एक ऐसे लेखनी से परिचित होंगे जो सत्ता के साथ रहते हुए भी सत्ता के खिलाफ रही। एक ऐसी लेखनी जिसमें ऐतिहासिक शौर्य का वर्णन बड़े ही ओजस्वी ढंग से की गई है। उनकी तठस्तता ही थी कि उनको सत्ता का विरोध करने के बावजूद साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार, ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार, पद्मविभूषण आदि तमाम बड़े पुरस्कारों से नवाजा गया।

    ‘केवल मनोरंजन न कवि का कर्म होना चाहिए, उसमें उचित उपदेश का भी मर्म होना चाहिए’, राष्ट्रकवि मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की ये पंक्तियां राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर के लिए बिल्कुल सटीक बैठती है।  

    दिनकर सारी उम्र सियासत से लोहा लेते रहे। उन्होंने कभी किसी राजनेता की जय-जयकार नहीं की। उनके लिए किसी भी नेता से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण देश और देश की संस्कृति रही। उनके अंदर देश प्रेम की भावना नदी में बहने वाले पावन जल की तरह था।  

    राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

    रामधारी सिंह दिनकर ने आज़ाद भारत के पहले प्रधानमंत्री जवाहर लाल नेहरू से लेकर राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी तक पर अपनी कलम चलाई। एक वाकिया ऐसा ही है जब सीढ़ियों से उतरते हुए नेहरू लड़खड़ा गए। । तभी दिनकर ने उनको सहारा दिया। इसपर नेहरू ने कहा- शुक्रिया। । , दिनकर तुरंत बोले-”जब-जब राजनीति लड़खड़ाएगी, तब-तब साहित्य उसे सहारा देगा। ”

    दिनकर ने यही तेवर ताउम्र बरकरार रखा। जब देश में आपातकाल लगा और सभी अपनी-अपनी कलम सत्ता के आगे झुका रहे थे, ऐसे वक्त में भी दिनकर ने क्रांतिकारी कविता लिखी

    टूट नहीं सकता ज्वाला से, जलतों का अनुराग सखे!
    पिला-पिला कर ख़ून हृदय का पाल रहा हूं आग सखे!
    इजाजत लेकर लिखने से बेहतर मैं लिखना छोड़ दूं

    आजकल बोलने की स्वतंत्रता पर देश में काफी बहस चलती रहती है। ऐसे में दिनकर को याद करना इसलिए भी जरूरी है क्योंकि उन्होंने सत्ता के खिलाफ लिखने और निर्भिक होकर बोलने की वकालत की है। उन्होंने आज़ादी के बाद देश की सत्ता से लोहा तो लिया ही लेकिन उससे पहले उन्होंने अंग्रेजी हुकूमत से भी दो-दो हाथ किया था।  

    सत्ता के खिलाफ जो कवि होता है वह समाज के साथ होता। दिनकर भी ऐसे ही थे। वह राष्ट्रकवि भी थे और जनकवि भी थे। उन्होंने ऐसे वक्त में जब देश की जनता परेशान थी और सत्ता की तरफ से सताई गई थी, ऐसे वक्त में जो सुविधाभोगी बने रहे उनको दिनकर ने कविता में फटकार लगाई।  

    राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी और राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

    राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी और राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर में एक समानता थी। दोनों के लिए देश किसी भौगोलिक संरचना से कहीं ज्यादा महत्व रखता था। दिनकर के लिए गांधी मानवता की सबसे बड़ी मिसाल थे। दिनकर ने गांधी के लिए कई कविताएं लिखी। वह महात्मा गांधी के विचारों से इतने प्रभावित थे कि 1947 में ‘बापू’ नामक उनकी काव्य संग्रह छपी जिसमें उन्होंने बापू को समर्पित चार कविताएं लिखीं थीं.

    इकबाल, टैगोर, मार्क्स और गांधी सब उनकी लेखनी में मौजूद हैं। दिनकर को लेकर एक बहस हमेशा चलती रहती है कि उनकी लेखनी इकबाल के करीब हैं या टैगोर के। मार्क्स से प्रभावित है या गांधी से, लेकिन जिन्होंने उनकी कविता ‘रोटी और स्वाधीनता’ पढ़ी है, उन्हें मालूम है कि दिनकर के लेखनी में इकबाल भी आते हैं और टैगोर भी। यहां मार्क्स भी हैं और गांधी भी हैं।  

    करीब और राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

    दिनकर वह कवि थे जो सत्ता के करीब रहकर भी कभी जनता से दूर नहीं हुए। उनकी लेखनी हर दौर में प्रासंगिक बनी रही। उन्होंने अपने बारे में कहा था, ”जिस तरह मैं जवानी भर इकबाल और रवींद्र के बीच झटके खाता रहा, उसी प्रकार मैं जीवन भर गांधी और मार्क्स के बीच झटके खाता रहा हूं। इसलिए उजले को लाल से गुणा करने पर जो रंग बनता है, वही रंग मेरी कविता का रंग है। मेरा विश्वास है कि अंततोगत्वा यही रंग भारतवर्ष के व्यक्तित्व का भी होगा। ”

  • Do you know, Who the King of the LUDO KING is..!

    Do you know, Who the King of the LUDO KING is..!

    Story of a young boy from Bihar, who is now ruling the gaming zone.

    Baking, binge watching or wait, how about the dice game first! A leading source of entertainment for many, the Ludo King has become a major support during this phase of Covid-19. Crossing over 300+ million downloads, this casual yet classic dice game has been ranked no. 1 in the “Top Free Board Games” category on the Play Store and App Store.

    No doubt, the authentic board game will give you nostalgia. Roll the dice, beat other players and become the Ludo King- It’s just so simple. It can be played with anyone from anywhere, be it our family or friends, to even unknowns or friends on facebook. But do you know the prodigy behind this sleeper hit app?

    Who the King of the LUDO KING

    The young boy from Bihar, Vikash Jaiswal, who used to pay one Rupee for playing each game at video parlours, is now the real king of Ludo king. An Indian Entrepreneur and the Founder and Director of the Gametion Technologies Pvt. Ltd., mainly hails from Danapur. After completing schooling from Patna, Vikash tried competing for IIT exams.

    He tried again and again for 2 years, but did not succeed. Of course, God had some other, better plans for him but also, God help those who help themselves first, like Vikash. He did not give up. He learnt about some softwares, doing a multimedia course. That was the time, he realized persisting his career in programmings and computer science, though not games yet.

    For pursuing Engineering in Computer science, he went to MIT, Bulandshahar, where his interest in games flourished. He used to perform all sorts of analysations on the gaming CDs.

    “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. The famous proverb fits perfectly for Vikash’s allegiance and adherence, when he was once talking to his friends in college and shared his yearning to discover a game. And, within only 3 months, he developed ” Eggy Boy” named video game, as a part of his thesis. It was named PCQuest magazine’s ‘ Game of the Month’ for July 2003.

    He said in an interview, “I made sure before graduating in 2004, I’ve sent my developed gaming CDs to various gaming companies but unfortunately it did not arrive to any of them, except Indiagames.” Vikash moved to Mumbai after getting a call from Indiagames Ltd. and started working there as a tech lead.

    In the desire of starting a venture of his own, his dreams got wings. With just 4-5 people along and Rupees two lakhs investment, he set up Gametion in 2008 and made 10-15 desktop games, including racing, puzzles and action related ones.

    Though for a short span, but he got the taste of success in 2013, when almost 20 million people started visiting Gametion’s website monthly. Just an year later, the mobile games started winning over the desktop ones. Gametion had no other option but to switch their way to be in the race. He tried launching his popular games like Baby’s Big Adventure and brought many other such games to mobile versions but none of his advancement attained any benefit.

    Then, one fine day, a simple game of snake and ladder drew his attention and the idea of launching ludo game striked to him. Though he was not able to convince his team members for the same but Vikash did not let his faith in the idea drop. And Gametion finally launched the Ludo King on December 2016. Never knew that the game soon will be a big hit, until the team noticed a difference in the Google Play Store dashboard’s and Google Analytics’ statistics just few months later.

    And they were amazed to know that the app was being transferred among the users through sharing apps. In another interview Vikash said, “I was sleeping, when I got a call at 5 am, asking for the cheat code of the game, and that’s when I realized, it’s a hit.”

    Without any external promotion, the game has been topping the Google Play download charts since May, 2017 with almost 10 million active users, Daily and 70 million users, Monthly.
    According to Vikash, what attracts the users most is the interesting music, easy user interface, authentic board design, different themes and various new features, including the emojis and chit-chat options.

    Talking about his achievements, Vikash Jaiswal received the Mobile and Tablet Game: Arcade (International) in gaming for Ludo King at the 19th FICCI Frames Best Animated Frames (BAF) Awards in 2018. Also, was recognized as “Icons of Navi Mumbai” by the Economic Times Group in 2020. 
    Who knew the little child of Bihar, who was a fan of Nintendo Mario game once, will now rule the gaming zone!

  • Know Rahul Mishra, who secured 202nd rank in UPSC 2019 while studying in his village.

    Know Rahul Mishra, who secured 202nd rank in UPSC 2019 while studying in his village.

    Rahul Mishra, a resident of Dhurlak, a village three kilometres from Samastipur city, has passed the UPSC exam. Mishra has secured 202nd rank in the Civil Services Examination 2019. There is a celebration in his village on this mind-blowing success of Rahul

    The result of the Civil Services Examination 2019 of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has been released. The result of the Civil Services Examination is special for Bihar. Like every year, this year too, many students of Bihar have set flags of success. One such student is Rahul Mishra. Rahul’s whole village is celebrating his success. He has secured 202nd rank in Civil Services Examination 2019. This was Mishra’s second attempt.

    Dhuralak village, three kilometres from Samastipur district, remains a topic of special discussion these days. Rahul Mishra, the elder son of Bipin Mishra, the teacher of this village, has cleared civil services examination. According to Rahul Mishra, he has prepared for UPSC by the motivation of his father. Rahul is an engineering graduate from IIT. He has also worked in a multinational company for six months before starting the preparation of UPSC. The Son of Samastipur has cleared UPSC as an IAS.

    Know Rahul Mishra, who secured 202nd rank in UPSC 2019 while studying in his village.

     On his success, Rahul says, “he has worked hard for this achievement. During this whole journey my father has also provided a lot of support in this. My dad wanted me to pass the UPSC exam with a good rank, so he made a lot of efforts in my preparation, so that, I could get a good rank.”

    On the success of Rahul in UPSC 2019, his father says, “Rahul has achieved this success with strong will power and sincere dedication. Staying in the environment of the village, Rahul has done this feat. For UPSC exam, students often go to big institutions and cities, but Rahul has studied in his village itself,”

     Rahul Mishra completed his primary education from Samastipur only. Rahul completed his graduation in 2016 and worked in an MNC company for six months. Keeping in mind the desire for civil services, Rahul left the job and started preparing for UPSC

    . He started preparations by staying in his native village, where his father supported him. In his 1st attempt of Civil services examination, he did not get success, but without getting frustrated, he continued to prepare.

    Finally, he passed the UPSC exam in his second attempt. With this achievement of Rahul, the whole village is cheering. Rahul’s friends, his brother and father say that he was sharp from childhood. This is the result of his hard work. Rahul’s grandmother is also feeling happy for his grandson’s success.



    More than 30 years into Independence, how did industries shape with further advancement in Bihar? How was Bihar making its way to stand with Developing India? This piece will trace the state of Industrial Growth in Bihar in the 1980s.

    An area developing should stand strong on the roots of Industries”  

    It was nearly thirty years of India being independent, which in turn meant thirty years of owning up the industries and technologies. This was the time when India stepped up into being one of the Developing Nations, taking planned and strategic steps, trying to make a global space. 
    While the country was putting together it’s 30 years’ of growth, the state of Bihar was tiring hard to start over.

    Industrial growth in bihar

    Primarily fed on the Coal and Steel industry, Bihar saw a decline in other possibly flourishing industries. However, stats suggest that there was significant growth in the Bihar’s GDP rate, and it is said that the economy was one of the fastest-growing in the country. 

    The then 5-Year plan called for a huge amount of investment in Bihar, nearly $4 billion. Now, this translates to $12 per person if the investment is to be mapped with the then population of Bihar. Though the investments were huge, they failed to reach out to the larger mass. Economists alleged that a huge budget deficiency drove inflation, decaying the already low standard of living of the people’s poorest sections from the state.


    This can pretty much be confirmed from the scenario in agriculture. Agriculture was supposed to be the largest sector. Around the early 1980s, the government sank to invest in the production of agriculture and preferably opted to import food grains from other parts of India. This decision helped increase problems faced by agricultural workers in the late 1980s.

    Apart from the strong Agriculture base, Bihar is also known to be rich in mineral resources and forests. More than 40% of India’s coal, 32% of its bauxite, 59% of its copper, 17% of its iron ore, about 80% of its silver, and 60% of its mica comes from Bihar. Bihar and UP are also rich in mineral resources and forests.

    Economy of bihar

    More than 40% of India’s coal, 32% of its bauxite, 59% of its copper, 17% of its iron ore, about 80% of its silver, and 60% of its mica comes from Bihar. Such an extensive rich resource center would point to one to expect that Bihar would be analogously well-off as compared with other mighty states of India. Regrettably, Bihar remains to be trapped in the nets of underdevelopment.

    There have been many efforts made to reduce poverty and expediting economic growth has been the key focus in development. But these efforts were nowhere to be visible. This was primarily the result of the failed attempt at understanding and judging the causes of economic growth. Bihar stood to be different from other states in India.

    Therefore, the growth pattern in other states did not apply to Bihar. It needed some alterations and modifications simply because of the demographical diversity that exists in Bihar. 

    There was a prolonged hindrance in the path of development in Bihar. Not only the industries but the economy as a whole was decreasing instead of growing. Many would point out the corruption that was instilled in the political front, but none of us can deny the fact that true potential of Bihar’s industries and agriculture has been kept under the eye of ignorance.

    There was a false lens of pride which made people and politicians brag with dignity about their state Bihar without actually giving it a chance to grow on its roots.

    Bihar had the potential to grow like a lotus in the mud, but the negligence that our state faced right from the start managed only to reduce it to Mud. Consequently, a potential high yielder bagged the tag of underdeveloped state. 



    The onset of Industries has been brought in the time when India was a colony. This piece explores the unheard saga of the Industries in Bihar in the colonial times.

    ‘Industry is the Soul of Business and the Keystone of prosperity’

    -Charles Dickens

    India as a country began assembling under the English Colonial Umbrella from the mid 19th Century. How could Bihar- a state from North/East be exempted from colonization? Though the British Raj is remembered for its oppressive behaviour, we sure can give credits for the setup and development of Industries that was done by them. 

    Talking of Bihar, did the setting up of Industries benefit the state? Did it ever go down as it was planned? 

    Major industries in bihar

    Industries in Bihar in Colonial times was just on papers. A part of the Bengal Presidency (along with parts of Orissa) till as late as 1911 and Bihar was excluded from even the passing goods of colonisation. Since all development was focussed around Calcutta, Bihar remained as rural as it had been for centuries. The land of the Mauryas, the land of the Golden age was thrown to the thick dark clouds of underdevelopment.  

    Other than setting up industries in parts of Bihar which had excellent trade routes, the Colonizers decided to re-orient Bihar’s agriculture to attend to foreign markets, paying very little interest to local affairs. New laws such as the Permanent Settlement not only leveraged centuries-old casteist-feudal structures but made them even more exploitative in nature. 

    Manufacturing industries in bihar

    Largely agriculture-based town and villages of Bihar were far from the league of Industry Set Up in the early 20th Century. Since the state already had a significant set of small scale industries which were entirely put by the locals, Bihar saw a rise in the same by a very meagre margin.

    Medieval history of bihar

    The Babu Sahabs who were fascinated with the small scale industry products like Bangles, handmade fans contributed to the business growth in the region. These small-scale enterprises were directly contributing to the self-sustainability of the villages and towns.

    The famous cities of Bihar such as Magadh (Gaya), Patliputra, Sitamarhi, Purnea, Bhagalpur, Chhapra, Ara acted as prime areas for the development of the state economy on a whole.

    Although with the arrival of the external trading forces and successive invasions as well as the internal weaknesses, the village economy began to debase. The so-called elite started replicating the better and original goods produced in the state. The cheaply available British finished products such as clothes made the rural economy to deteriorate.

     The regional market of various towns of Bihar had a well-acquired name throughout the country until all the goods were started off being made with the help of big machines and in the newly set up factories. The cheap price of those goods brought down on the beautifully crafted products and the reason why even the small scale industries had to face a downfall.

    Not able to bear this downfall financially, the people started moving towards the last resort that would help them earn their bread and butter- Agriculture. 

    Industrial growth in bihar

     Twenty years into the new century, Bihar failed to rise as an Industry settlement in India and was merely known as a wheat-producing state. The people of Bihar thus were deprived of the massive employment opportunity these industries and factories would make flow. 

     This very foundation of setting up of new technology was not offered to Bihar, making the state a crippled economy for the adversities to come in future.