Nagpanchami Information in Marathi / Complete information about Nagpanchami – Nagpanchami Puja, Stories.

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Nagpanchami Information / Nagpanchami Information / How to Do Nagpanchami Puja / Nagpanchami Story in Marathi (Nagpanchami Mahiti In Marathi) >> The holy month in Hinduism is the month of Shravan. The month of Shravan is known as the most festive month according to the Hindu calendar. The festival that falls at the beginning of this month is Nagpanchami. The festival of Nagpanchami is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over India. It is customary to worship the serpent deity on this day. Women go to Varula and worship the serpent deity on this day with devotion.

In Hindu deities Lord Shankar has a serpent around his neck, while Lord Vishnu sits on the rest of the serpents and Ganapati has a serpent around his waist. Hence the serpent deity has a unique universal importance in Hinduism.

This year i.e. 2021, Nagpanchami falls on Friday 13th August.

Nagpanchami information in Marathi (Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi)- How to do Nagpanchmi Puja -Nagpanchmi Story Marathi

As for the origin of the Naga, it appears from the stories prevalent since the Vedic period that the Nagas were the eight serpent sons of a husband and wife named Kashyapa and Kadru. And this used to trouble the people so much that the Brahmin gods cursed them that you will be killed by the eagle who is your half brother. Since then eagles eat snakes.

Nagpanchami usually falls on the fifth day of Shuk Pasha in the month of Shravan. In this article we are going to see information about Nagpanchami. Such as how to worship Nagpanchami, Nagpanchami story in Marathi and Nagpanchami aarti.

So let’s know Nagpanchami information in Marathi.

How to Puja / How to Celebrate Nag Panchami (Nag Panchami Puja Mahiti in Marathi) – Nag Panchami Mahiti

  • While viewing Nagpanchami information in Marathi, first we need to know how Nagpanchami puja is performed. Nagpanchami has special significance as the first festival that falls in the month of Shravan. Snakes are said to be the friends of farmers because they keep the number of rats in check in the fields. Rats cause damage to agricultural crops and snakes eat rats thus avoiding loss to the farmer. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate this festival on Nagpanchami day to inculcate good feeling towards Naga in the society. On this day, the serpent deity is worshiped in every house.
  • While telling the information about Nagpanchami, it should be mentioned that if we look at it, the festival of Nagpanchami has been celebrated since a long time i.e. from the time of Vedas. On this day, women worship the serpent deity by wearing new clothes and ornaments. In Maharashtra, especially in rural areas, it is customary for all the women of the village to go to Varula and worship the serpent deity. The serpent deity is worshiped by going near the Varula and keeping a bowl of Ukdi made of Lahya, milk, sugar and purana near the Varula.
Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi (Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi)- How to do Nag Panchami Puja -Nag Panchami Katha Marathi
  • In the urban areas of Maharashtra and in some states other than Maharashtra, the way of worshiping Nag Panchami is different. As the women in the urban areas cannot go to Varula, on this day, they dress in traditional clothes and draw pictures of the snakes and their cubs on a plate using turmeric and sandalwood and give them to them. He is worshiped by carrying dinda, durva, agha and sugar made of milk, lahya, purana.
Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi (Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi)- Nag Panchami games
Nagpanchami Information in Marathi – Nagpanchami Games
Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi (Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi)- Nag Panchami games
Nag Panchami Mahiti (Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi) -Nag Panchami Games
  • Also, farmers do not plow their fields on this day. Old people say that on the day of Nag Panchami, nothing should be cut, fried and pan should not be placed on the stove etc. Then the newly married brides come to their homes and then play games like phugdi, zimma, tying a swing to a tree. Games like these make the festival special for brides and young girls. While young children enjoy flying kites during this festival. Young women celebrate this festival with joy by playing games like these.
Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi- Game
Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi-Nag Panchami game
  • A day before Nag Panchami, Sriya fasts to wish her brother a long life and to free him from all sorrows and troubles. The uniqueness of this Nagpanchami festival is that the sister fasts for the happiness of her brother.

Nagpanchami Katha In Marathi

There are many stories of Nagpanchami out of which we are giving four popular stories through this Nagpanchami information article.

  • First Nag Panchami Katha in Marathi A day before Nag Panchami, sister fasts for her brother, a popular story of it is as follows, There was a goddess named Satyeshwari, she had a brother named Satyeshwar. Satyeshwar died a day before Nagapanchami, and Sateshwari, who was deeply saddened by his death, gave up food and water and did not take a single ounce of food for the whole day. Sateshwari then sees her brother in the form of a snake, and she considers him as her brother. Seeing her immense faith, the Nagdevata promised that the sister who fasts for her brother on the half day of Nagpanchami and worships the snake deity on the day of Nagpanchami, I will protect her and her brother. Since then, every woman celebrates Naga Panchami by worshiping the snake.
  • Second Nag Panchami Katha in Marathi There was a king named Parikshit, one day this king goes hunting in the forest. While searching for prey in the forest, he is disturbed by thirst, that’s when he sees an ashram in front of him, the king reaches there in search of water. At that time, a bright sage named Astika was doing penance there, seeing him, the king, disturbed by thirst, asked him for water. But the religious sage ignores the king. The king asks them for water again but the sage is engrossed in his penance. The state gets angry about this, some state could not bear that we are such panchakroshi kings and this sage ignores our words. The enraged king throws a deadly snake around the neck of the religious sage. The son of the religious sage is watching all this happening, he is terribly angry with this act of the state. That son of a pious sage curses the kingdom that on the seventh day from today you will be bitten by a serpent named Dakshaka and will die. “Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi”

The king was greatly frightened by this curse of the son of a religious sage, and on reaching the palace told his son and his wife what had happened. The king’s son performs a sacrifice to save his father from this curse. All the snakes came and offered themselves in this glorious yajna. Afraid of this strange sacrifice, all the serpents went to the religious sages for help. Seeing their plight, the pious sage came to the king’s son and told him all the facts that had happened and why he had cursed the king. After hearing all this, the prince sought the sage’s forgiveness and the kingdom also sought the sage’s forgiveness. And since then princes started worshiping snake gods. From the day they started worshiping, Nag Panchami was celebrated everywhere.

  • Third Nag Panchami Katha in Marathi There was a small town, there lived a Brahmin, he had five daughters-in-law. The festival of Nagpanchami in Shravan came, all the daughters-in-law went to celebrate the festival of Nagpanchami with their respective wives, but there was one daughter-in-law who had no husband, so she stayed with her in-laws. She was sitting depressed, that’s when it occurred to her, thinking that Nagoba God will come to take me away from this festival, she started chanting that Nagoba God will come to take me away. Hearing her babbling, Lord Sesha took pity on her, took the form of a Brahmin and came to take the bride away. The Brahmin father-in-law was surprised to see the Shesha Naga who came in the form of a Brahmin, he wondered if this daughter-in-law had any relatives and if she had, where had she been for so long and where did she come from now. With this thought, he asked the girl who is this Brahmin man of yours, to which the girl replied that he is my uncle. Hearing this, the Brahmin father-in-law also sent her away.

Sesha Naga Devata in the form of a Brahmin took her to Varula, seated her on his chariot and told his wives and children not to disturb her. After a few days of happiness, the rest of the serpents came back in the guise of a Brahmin and left her with her in-laws. Her Nagpanchami passed happily, and to commemorate the same, every year her daughter-in-law started worshiping the Naga deity on Nagpanchami with great devotion.

  • The story of the fourth Nag Panchami It is above Lord Krishna when he defeats the Kaliya Naga and emerges safely from the Yamuna River bed. From that day the custom of celebrating the festival of Nagpanchami started.

Summary- Nagpanchami information in Marathi

We have seen all Nagpanchami information in Marathi about how the festival of Nagpanchami is celebrated as well as popular stories of Nagpanchami. If there are any errors in this or if you have any suggestion, please let us know by commenting.

When is Nagpanchami this year?

This year i.e. 2022, Nag Panchami falls on 02nd August, Tuesday.

How is Nag Panchami celebrated ?

In rural areas, it is customary for all the women of the village to go to Varula and worship the serpent deity. The serpent deity is worshiped by going near the Varula and keeping a bowl of Ukdi made of Lahya, milk, sugar and purana near the Varula. Since women in urban areas cannot go to Warula, on this day they dress in traditional clothes and draw pictures of snakes and their cubs on a plate using turmeric and sandalwood and carry them milk, lahya, purna, dinda, durva, aghada and sugar. They worship.
Also, the newly married brides come to their families on the Nagpanchami festival and then there are games like phugdi, zimma, tying a tree. Games like these make the festival special for brides and young girls. While young children enjoy flying kites during this festival. Young women celebrate this festival with joy by playing games like these.

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