
  • Narli Purnima Information Marathi | Koli Song | Rakshabandhan

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    Narali Purnima Information In Marathi / Narali Purnima Koli Geet / Narali Purnima Rakshabandhan Narali Poornima is a festival especially celebrated by Koli brothers who live on the sea coast. Among the Koli brothers, Narli Purnima has a unique universal significance. This festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Koliwandaya as this Koli community is closely associated with the sea. Similarly, the Bhui community who fish on the banks of other rivers in Maharashtra also celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm.

    The festival of Rakshabandhan is also celebrated on the day of Narli Purnima itself. In other states of India including Maharashtra, this day is celebrated to highlight this sacred relationship between brother and sister. Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on this day by sister tying rakhi to her brother.

    Narali Poornima Rakshabandhan (Narali Pornima Information In Marathi)
    Raksha Bandhan

    In this article, we have tried to give information about the important festival of this month of Shravan. So let’s know about Narli Purnima information.

    Narali Poornima Information In Marathi / Narali Poornima Koli Song / Narali Poornima Rakshabandhan

    In the beginning we will learn about the Narli Poornima festival and then we will see Koli songs and songs sung by Koli and Bhui brothers on Narli Poornima.

    Narli Purnima information in Marathi (Narali Pornima Information In Marathi)

    Shravan Poornima is called Koli Bandhav / Bhui Samaj Narali Poornima. Samudra i.e. Varuna is believed to be the deity. Varundev is the guardian of the west direction. He is thanked by offering coconuts on this Naralipurnima day. The entire life of a spider is united with the ocean. Therefore, the Koli brothers celebrate the festival of Naralipurnima with great joy, praying to the ocean for its continued grace.

    Much before Naralipurnima, the Koli brothers stop going to the sea. Either that time is considered to be the time of fish breeding and secondly because it is rainy season, the sea is rough. Due to this reason Koli brothers do not go for fishing in sea during coconut full moon.

    Koli brothers wear their traditional attire on the festival of Naralipurnima. A t-shirt with a waist scarf and a hat on the head and the women wear rich clothes and are literally covered in gold. Since Koli always wears a lot of gold ornaments on his body, the common people have always felt it inappropriate.

    The worship of the ocean (sea).

    All the Koli brothers go out to worship the sea at dusk. On the occasion of Narali Purnima, on behalf of the Nimmit Koli brothers, a golden coconut i.e. coconut is wrapped in golden paper ornaments and is offered to the Coconut Ocean. Sagara is sacrificed by offering Godadhoda. Koli brothers decorate their boats colorfully, boats are decorated with flags. Boats are worshiped and floated in the sea for fishing.

    Narali Poornima Information In Marathi / Narali Poornima Koli Song / Narali Poornima Rakshabandhan
    Narli Purnima information in Marathi

    Koli women pray to Sagara on this day. When my master comes to the sea, protect him and do not give him any trouble. On the occasion of Naralipurnima, a special coconut karanja is offered to the sea and the boat. In this way the Koli brothers celebrate the Coconut Purnima with great enthusiasm.

    Narli Purnima Koli Geet

    The holidays are coming

    Mani Anand Mawana of Narli Punav

    The world of spiders

    Oh, hurry, hurry, go to the shore

    This is the cluster of gods

    The holidays are coming

    Mani Anand Mawana of Narli Punav

    The world of spiders

    Naralipurnima songs


    Valhav re nakhva Valhav Valhav

    Amuchi Dole Hori on the river

    Taking the drum of flies we are the species of cockroaches

    Whether it is a storm or a wind, it is a stream of rain

    Stormy ocean waves

    Hyo Koli is not afraid of Kona’s threats

    Laun Bhandara of Khandu God

    Relying on it, that’s all

    Ashore with gale force winds

    The sea is our king

    We will make fun of him

    Naralpunvela Naral of gold

    Let us all honor the river together


    Ganga Jamuna Doghya

    Ganga – Jamuna both bayani go pani jhuljhul whay

    A bungalow by the sea go water go- fire – go

    The fish killed the Danka go to the water tank

    The cockroach girl is a beautiful one standing there

    Nesli Paithan goes all the way to the winds

    Angana Choli Gajnichi Pori is dancing

    Nakhwa Gelay, will you please Dolly?

    Bapus Kavat Chor is sitting on the mango tree

    The wedding ceremony was held on the mango tree

    The husband shook the mango tree and gave it to his wife.

    Summary – Narli Purnima Information in Marathi

    On the full moon in the month of Shravan, two festivals namely Narali Poornima and Raksha Bandhan/Rakhi Poornima are celebrated on the same day. Koli Bandhav near the sea coast in Maharashtra and Bhui Bandhav on the banks of some big rivers perform sea and river pujas respectively on Narli Purnima. All the information about Narli Poornima is given in the above article.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, please comment them.

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  • Nagpanchami Information in Marathi / Complete information about Nagpanchami – Nagpanchami Puja, Stories.

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    Nagpanchami Information / Nagpanchami Information / How to Do Nagpanchami Puja / Nagpanchami Story in Marathi (Nagpanchami Mahiti In Marathi) >> The holy month in Hinduism is the month of Shravan. The month of Shravan is known as the most festive month according to the Hindu calendar. The festival that falls at the beginning of this month is Nagpanchami. The festival of Nagpanchami is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over India. It is customary to worship the serpent deity on this day. Women go to Varula and worship the serpent deity on this day with devotion.

    In Hindu deities Lord Shankar has a serpent around his neck, while Lord Vishnu sits on the rest of the serpents and Ganapati has a serpent around his waist. Hence the serpent deity has a unique universal importance in Hinduism.

    This year i.e. 2021, Nagpanchami falls on Friday 13th August.

    Nagpanchami information in Marathi (Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi)- How to do Nagpanchmi Puja -Nagpanchmi Story Marathi

    As for the origin of the Naga, it appears from the stories prevalent since the Vedic period that the Nagas were the eight serpent sons of a husband and wife named Kashyapa and Kadru. And this used to trouble the people so much that the Brahmin gods cursed them that you will be killed by the eagle who is your half brother. Since then eagles eat snakes.

    Nagpanchami usually falls on the fifth day of Shuk Pasha in the month of Shravan. In this article we are going to see information about Nagpanchami. Such as how to worship Nagpanchami, Nagpanchami story in Marathi and Nagpanchami aarti.

    So let’s know Nagpanchami information in Marathi.

    How to Puja / How to Celebrate Nag Panchami (Nag Panchami Puja Mahiti in Marathi) – Nag Panchami Mahiti

    • While viewing Nagpanchami information in Marathi, first we need to know how Nagpanchami puja is performed. Nagpanchami has special significance as the first festival that falls in the month of Shravan. Snakes are said to be the friends of farmers because they keep the number of rats in check in the fields. Rats cause damage to agricultural crops and snakes eat rats thus avoiding loss to the farmer. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate this festival on Nagpanchami day to inculcate good feeling towards Naga in the society. On this day, the serpent deity is worshiped in every house.
    • While telling the information about Nagpanchami, it should be mentioned that if we look at it, the festival of Nagpanchami has been celebrated since a long time i.e. from the time of Vedas. On this day, women worship the serpent deity by wearing new clothes and ornaments. In Maharashtra, especially in rural areas, it is customary for all the women of the village to go to Varula and worship the serpent deity. The serpent deity is worshiped by going near the Varula and keeping a bowl of Ukdi made of Lahya, milk, sugar and purana near the Varula.
    Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi (Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi)- How to do Nag Panchami Puja -Nag Panchami Katha Marathi
    • In the urban areas of Maharashtra and in some states other than Maharashtra, the way of worshiping Nag Panchami is different. As the women in the urban areas cannot go to Varula, on this day, they dress in traditional clothes and draw pictures of the snakes and their cubs on a plate using turmeric and sandalwood and give them to them. He is worshiped by carrying dinda, durva, agha and sugar made of milk, lahya, purana.
    Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi (Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi)- Nag Panchami games
    Nagpanchami Information in Marathi – Nagpanchami Games
    Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi (Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi)- Nag Panchami games
    Nag Panchami Mahiti (Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi) -Nag Panchami Games
    • Also, farmers do not plow their fields on this day. Old people say that on the day of Nag Panchami, nothing should be cut, fried and pan should not be placed on the stove etc. Then the newly married brides come to their homes and then play games like phugdi, zimma, tying a swing to a tree. Games like these make the festival special for brides and young girls. While young children enjoy flying kites during this festival. Young women celebrate this festival with joy by playing games like these.
    Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi- Game
    Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi-Nag Panchami game
    • A day before Nag Panchami, Sriya fasts to wish her brother a long life and to free him from all sorrows and troubles. The uniqueness of this Nagpanchami festival is that the sister fasts for the happiness of her brother.

    Nagpanchami Katha In Marathi

    There are many stories of Nagpanchami out of which we are giving four popular stories through this Nagpanchami information article.

    • First Nag Panchami Katha in Marathi A day before Nag Panchami, sister fasts for her brother, a popular story of it is as follows, There was a goddess named Satyeshwari, she had a brother named Satyeshwar. Satyeshwar died a day before Nagapanchami, and Sateshwari, who was deeply saddened by his death, gave up food and water and did not take a single ounce of food for the whole day. Sateshwari then sees her brother in the form of a snake, and she considers him as her brother. Seeing her immense faith, the Nagdevata promised that the sister who fasts for her brother on the half day of Nagpanchami and worships the snake deity on the day of Nagpanchami, I will protect her and her brother. Since then, every woman celebrates Naga Panchami by worshiping the snake.
    • Second Nag Panchami Katha in Marathi There was a king named Parikshit, one day this king goes hunting in the forest. While searching for prey in the forest, he is disturbed by thirst, that’s when he sees an ashram in front of him, the king reaches there in search of water. At that time, a bright sage named Astika was doing penance there, seeing him, the king, disturbed by thirst, asked him for water. But the religious sage ignores the king. The king asks them for water again but the sage is engrossed in his penance. The state gets angry about this, some state could not bear that we are such panchakroshi kings and this sage ignores our words. The enraged king throws a deadly snake around the neck of the religious sage. The son of the religious sage is watching all this happening, he is terribly angry with this act of the state. That son of a pious sage curses the kingdom that on the seventh day from today you will be bitten by a serpent named Dakshaka and will die. “Nag Panchami Mahiti in Marathi”

    The king was greatly frightened by this curse of the son of a religious sage, and on reaching the palace told his son and his wife what had happened. The king’s son performs a sacrifice to save his father from this curse. All the snakes came and offered themselves in this glorious yajna. Afraid of this strange sacrifice, all the serpents went to the religious sages for help. Seeing their plight, the pious sage came to the king’s son and told him all the facts that had happened and why he had cursed the king. After hearing all this, the prince sought the sage’s forgiveness and the kingdom also sought the sage’s forgiveness. And since then princes started worshiping snake gods. From the day they started worshiping, Nag Panchami was celebrated everywhere.

    • Third Nag Panchami Katha in Marathi There was a small town, there lived a Brahmin, he had five daughters-in-law. The festival of Nagpanchami in Shravan came, all the daughters-in-law went to celebrate the festival of Nagpanchami with their respective wives, but there was one daughter-in-law who had no husband, so she stayed with her in-laws. She was sitting depressed, that’s when it occurred to her, thinking that Nagoba God will come to take me away from this festival, she started chanting that Nagoba God will come to take me away. Hearing her babbling, Lord Sesha took pity on her, took the form of a Brahmin and came to take the bride away. The Brahmin father-in-law was surprised to see the Shesha Naga who came in the form of a Brahmin, he wondered if this daughter-in-law had any relatives and if she had, where had she been for so long and where did she come from now. With this thought, he asked the girl who is this Brahmin man of yours, to which the girl replied that he is my uncle. Hearing this, the Brahmin father-in-law also sent her away.

    Sesha Naga Devata in the form of a Brahmin took her to Varula, seated her on his chariot and told his wives and children not to disturb her. After a few days of happiness, the rest of the serpents came back in the guise of a Brahmin and left her with her in-laws. Her Nagpanchami passed happily, and to commemorate the same, every year her daughter-in-law started worshiping the Naga deity on Nagpanchami with great devotion.

    • The story of the fourth Nag Panchami It is above Lord Krishna when he defeats the Kaliya Naga and emerges safely from the Yamuna River bed. From that day the custom of celebrating the festival of Nagpanchami started.

    Summary- Nagpanchami information in Marathi

    We have seen all Nagpanchami information in Marathi about how the festival of Nagpanchami is celebrated as well as popular stories of Nagpanchami. If there are any errors in this or if you have any suggestion, please let us know by commenting.

    When is Nagpanchami this year?

    This year i.e. 2022, Nag Panchami falls on 02nd August, Tuesday.

    How is Nag Panchami celebrated ?

    In rural areas, it is customary for all the women of the village to go to Varula and worship the serpent deity. The serpent deity is worshiped by going near the Varula and keeping a bowl of Ukdi made of Lahya, milk, sugar and purana near the Varula. Since women in urban areas cannot go to Warula, on this day they dress in traditional clothes and draw pictures of snakes and their cubs on a plate using turmeric and sandalwood and carry them milk, lahya, purna, dinda, durva, aghada and sugar. They worship.
    Also, the newly married brides come to their families on the Nagpanchami festival and then there are games like phugdi, zimma, tying a tree. Games like these make the festival special for brides and young girls. While young children enjoy flying kites during this festival. Young women celebrate this festival with joy by playing games like these.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, please comment them.

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  • na harkat certificate sample pdf download /na harkat praman patra…

    No Harkat Certificate Sample pdf/Business No Harkat Admission Gram Panchayat/na harkat praman patra format in marathi>> If you are living in Gram Panchayat then you need No Objection Certificate sometime or the other and then you are wondering what is No Objection Certificate? How to get it. An attempt has been made in this article to answer all these questions. So let’s know about Gram Panchayat No Objection Certificate Sample.

    No Objection Certificate Sample pdf Gram Panchayat (na harkat praman patra format in marathi/ na harkat dakhala marathi) – Application Process in Gram Panchayat – Benefits of Certificate

    At the beginning of this article we have given the link to download the application for getting the no objection certificate, after that how to apply for getting this certificate from the Gram Panchayat and at the end of the article the benefits of the no objection certificate have been given.

    Grampanchayat Na Harkat Dakhala Sample Application Pdf Download (Na Harkat Praman Patra Format In Marathi Download / Na Harkat Dakhala Marathi)

    Na Harkat Certificate Sample pdf Gram Panchayat Application (na harkit praman patra format in marathi/ na karaat dakhala marathi) - Process of applying in Gram Panchayat
    Application for no objection certificate

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    How to apply for No Objection Certificate in Gram Panchayat?

    Any business within Gram Panchayat limits requires no objection certificate from Gram Panchayat. Or whether you are doing any work within Gram Panchayat limits like installing household electricity meter or digging a road and carrying pipe line etc., everything requires no objection certificate from Gram Panchayat.

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    To get this Gram Panchayat No Objection Certificate you have to apply the above downloaded application in the name of Sarpanch in Gram Panchayat. Along with that you can also add proof of your work or business if required.

    Benefits of Na Harkat Certificate

    If you have a business and you want to open a bank account for business, you have to submit the business no objection certificate issued by Gram Panchayat to the bank. Also, these certificates are useful if you want to take a loan. There are many benefits like these that you will get by getting a no objection certificate.


    In this article, we have made an honest effort to give you the information about how to submit the No Harkat certificate/certificate sample application form to the Gram Panchayat and what are the benefits of the certificate.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

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  • How Murmures are made | Murmure Process Industry Complete Information

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    How Murmures are made | Murmure Processing Industry | How to make Murmures | Murmure >> Murmures are made from rice. In some parts of the state, it is also known as Churumure. Bhel, Bhadang, Ladu Chivda etc. Murmures are widely used for food preparation. Moreover, Murmures are used to prepare Prasad in pilgrimage temples or to distribute to devotees as Prasad in events like Tulsi Vivah. Moreover, today people are using it only for eating Murmure.

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    How Murmures are made | How to manufacture murmure (How to manufacture murmure)

    Long ago some families in rural areas used to create murmurs at the household level. The surrounding farmers were also preparing Murmures by giving rice from the said person, but today the picture has changed. In this modern age of rush, there is not enough time to prepare neun murmures on rice murmures units, hence buying ready-made murmures is preferred today.

    How Murmures are made
    How Murmures are made

    In urban areas, due to lack of time, the amount of buying crushed murmure and other products made from it is increasing rapidly. Considering today’s rapidly growing population and changing food culture as well as the above scenario, there seems to be a lot of scope for the Murmure manufacturing and sales industry. Since making Murmure from rice is a technical industry, today only people who know this technique do this business. So let’s know how to make Murmure.

    How Murmures are made – puffed rice Ways of manufacturing process

    The milled rice is immediately heated along with sand to prepare Murmure. Such rice swells and expands immediately, but parboiled rice, if heated with sand, expands more, which is why parboiled rice is used more than uncooked rice in the process of making Murmures. There are mainly 2 methods of Murmure production one is the traditional method and the other is the advanced method.

    How Murmure is made – Traditional method

    In the method of making Murmure at home, the rice is soaked in hot water for 24 hours, then the water is drained and the rice is roasted in a pan with sand. Special types of furnaces and pans are used for this. Dry boiled rice is obtained from this. This rice is then dried by the heat of the sun. The parched paddy is then threshed through a huller mill, the process yielding bran, tussock and rice. You use this as fuel for the kiln while the rice is heated through a pan to reduce the moisture content. This rice is then mixed with a salt solution. The rice with the salt solution is once again roasted in a pan on high heat for a few seconds. At the same time, murmurs are formed from it.

    How Murmures are made
    How to make Murmures

    How To Make Murmures – Advanced Method

    In the advanced method, Murmures are made by slightly modifying the traditional method. Mainly two or three aspects have been considered in this. One is Ukda Bhaat which makes the rice puffy and long and the other is to homogenize the process of making Murmures. The third most important aspect is that Murmures are prepared by machines instead of old-fashioned pans and furnaces. Among the methods of parboiled rice (steam, dry hot air and pressure), dry hot air parboiling has proven to be the best in the process of making murmures. The better the boiling, the better the puffing.

    In the modern method of making Murmures, the rice (husk) is first washed, or washed in a bisulphite solution. But in this process, instead of soaking the rice in water or bisulfite solution, the solution is removed by keeping it for a short time only.

    After this, take this rice (husk) in a vessel and spread 2 to 2.5 kg per square cm on it. After 15 minutes of releasing the steam under this pressure, the rice is dried in a dryer or in the sun. After reaching 12 to 13 percent moisture, the huller is fed from the mill. In this process you get boiled rice which becomes maximum long and fluffy during the process of making Murmures.

    Such rice is generally 10 to 12 percent longer than the original rice. Then this rice is processed in the same way as the Junya method and used to make Murmures. The rice produced by the modern method is slightly reddish in color, so the murmures are also reddish in color. If a reddish color is not desired (sal), washing with 2 percent sodium bisulfite solution is the method.

    Important information:

    • The huller used for making Murmures can also be used as a house bell for flour mill.
    • Food and Drug Administration license is required for this industry.
    • Availability of clean water is essential for industry.
    • Murmure can sell the chaff / bran produced in the process to generate additional production.

    Available market for Murmure industry (murmure manufacturing business market)

    the market

    Market/customer is also an important factor for any process/industry development. Murmures can be wholesaled to retail shops, Bhel centers, Farsan mart, bakeries, hotels, sweet shops, malls, besides weekly markets, markets, fairs, pilgrimages, and tourist places.

    puffed rice Manpower required for industry (murmur manufacturing business – manpower required)

    Generally, to start a Murmure unit with a capacity to produce 1 quintal/day of Murmure, a total of 3 workers, 1 skilled, 1 helper, 1 salesman are required. Since the said industry is expected to run for 300 days in a year, it has to be ensured that the availability of the said manpower remains permanent.

    puffed rice Raw materials required for industry (murmur manufacturing business raw material)

    The following points should be kept in mind while purchasing raw material sal for Murmure production:

    • Choose a well-fed and clean breed
    • After harvesting, the sali should be handled properly
    • Chemicals should not be used in excess on the salli
    • The sali should be properly packed so that it should not be disturbed much during transportation
    • The bark should be well dried. Also it should be well stored
    • The purchase of sarees should generally be done when the arrival of goods is high so that the best quality saree can be obtained at a lower price.

    puffed rice Business premises and building (murmur manufacturing plant location & building)

    While selecting the site for the industry, it is necessary to ensure the availability of transport, water, electricity etc. At the same time, the site should be selected where raw materials can be obtained easily and in large quantities and disposal of the remaining waste material is possible so that production can continue continuously and the waste material does not cause nuisance to others.

    The site should be conveniently located along the road to facilitate transportation of the manufactured goods. The site of the process industry should have ample water facility as water is an integral part of our process industry. Similarly, there should be clean drinking water facilities for the laborers working in the industry. While setting up the industry, electricity is required for the machinery and electricity should also be available at the site of the processing industry.

    How Murmures are madepuffed rice Industry essential machinery (murmur manufacturing machines)

    The following machinery and other materials must be available for setting up the said industry.

    Poha & Murmure manufacturing machines
    • Large sized kadai – 2 nos.
    • huller machine
    • baskets
    • easy
    • buckets
    • Reversal
    • Iron broom / sieve
    • Large aluminum cap

    puffed rice Industry Ebook (murmur manufacturing Ebook)How Murmures are made

    This is the information above puffed rice As far as introducing you to the industry is concerned. But if you puffed rice Need more detailed information about the industry such as where to buy machinery, the entire economics of the swimming industry, puffed rice You can get more information by downloading our Poha and Murmure Process Industries Ebook to know all the government schemes for getting loans and subsidies for the industry. Given below to download Ebook “Purmure – Ebook” Click on the button.

    Summary – puff pastry industry

    puffed rice An honest attempt has been made in this article to give you information about the industry. If you puffed rice If you want to start a manufacturing industry and need more information, you can download the Ebook given above. Before starting this industry puffed rice You must visit the plant where the industry is running once. Wish you all the best for your future industry.

    Do let us know by commenting how you feel about this information and if you have any suggestions or if you have any more information then do comment.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook page And on twitter Follow me on Twitter.

  • India’s most learned leader, recorded in the Limca Book of Records.

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    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar India’s most learned man and the leader >> Let’s find out IAS, IPS, Doctor, Lawyer, MLA, Minister,So seen work An educated person About.

    Many in our country Educational degrees of leaders Question marks are raised about. But among all these In Indian politicsof Maharashtra a leader There was one that had not 1-2 but as many as 20 degrees.

    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar is the ‘fittest person’ in India. (Most Qualified Person Of India) therefore whose Limca Book Recorded in the World Record. Even today Most educated Indians are known as

    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar (Most Learned Leader)
    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar (Most Educated Leader)

    Good for many of us Education Have been or are studying, but we must have a degree or two or three in our life degree We are doing work/business in that related field. But today we from India We are going to learn about such a person, who has not two or three but as many 20 degree were and that too with excellent marks. He also received gold medals in several of these degrees.

    Some surprising facts about Shrikant Jichkar :-

    • jickar He had mastered many subjects, including agriculture, journalism, medicine, law.
    • First of all they MBBS of degree had obtained. After that he laws (LLB) of Education turned on
    • of the law LLB of degree After taking he international law viz LLM of Study After that he did MBA of and later he majored in journalism Bachelor in Journalism hee degree took

    • Between 1973 and 1990 he 42 University of the examinations and in most of the examinations they passed with first class and them gold medal Also received.
    • At the age of 25, he IPS Passed the exam but did not join and he IAS and also passed.
    • ४महिने IAS But after working, he resigned again and entered politics.
    • 1980 At the age of 26, he Congress from MLA (MLA) done
    • In the next period Dr. Srikant Jichkar This is from the state of Maharashtra Minister also happenedMinister While he was looking after the work of more than 14 departments. This proves his wonderful scholarship.
    • During 1992-98 Dr.Jichkar He was also a member of the Rajya Sabha.
    • Sanskrit He also in D. A little (Doctor of Literature) degree.
    • them Gita, Vedas and Puranas He had deep knowledge of books like these.
    • Dr. Jichkar Being so educated, it is obvious that he was very fond of reading and therefore in his personal library. More than 52000 books was
    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar and former President Abdul Kalam
    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar and former President Abdul Kalam
    • Dr. Jichkar This Versatile personality It was one professional photographer, painter Also stage actor was also

    Dr. Shrikant Jichkar has also obtained Masters (MA) degree in 10 subjects.

    1. M.A.(Political Science)
    2. M.A.(Philosophy)
    3. M.A.(History)
    4. M.A.(Psychology)
    5. M.A.(Culture & Archaeology)
    6. M.A.(English Literature)
    7. M.A.(Sanskrit)
    8. M.A.(Public Administration)
    9. M.A.(Sociology)
    10. M.A.(Economics)

    Speech by Dr. Shrikant Jichkar at Fitness Movement in Nagpur :-

    Death :-

    Dr. Srikant Jichkar
    Death of Dr. Shrikant Jichkar

    come like this of a genius Just age At the age of 49 passed away On 2 June 2004 Nagpur A road near in an accident They had to lose their lives.

    Dr. Srikant Jichkar This Scholar Maharashtra son Not among us, but from his incomparable knowledge to countless youths of the country including Maharashtra Inspiration Will continue to receive.

    Note:- Do let us know what you think of this article by commenting.

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    All this change has happened because now a day’s technology and the internet presenting us faster, secure, and reliable money transfer options by using android/iOS applications.

    Now we can use an app for transferring money to anywhere in India/internationally in a few seconds or minutes from your home/offices.

    In this article, we will do comprehensive research on the application for transfer money in India. And as a result, we share the information of the top 10 best money transfer apps in India by using these apps you can transfer money to your friends, family, a client within a typical time.

    List of Top 10 Best Money Transfer Apps – In India

    Bhim App

    This is a very good app, for Indians to transfer money from any place to any place within India. Moreover, by using the BHIM app you can do fast, secure, reliable money transfer through your mobile phone.

    Bhim app - money transfer apps
    Bhim app


    • Your phone should have an active SIM linked to your Bank

    • In the case of Dual SIM, kindly ensure that you’ve selected the SIM card linked to your bank account.

    •The mobile number is used for accessing BHIM, which is to be linked with your bank account and also the same is used for accessing BHIM.

    • The transaction limit is Rs. 20,000 per transaction and Rs. 40,000 per day (for 1 bank account)

    (Please note that your Bank’s Transaction Limit may vary from
    BHIM’s limit.)

    • This app is compatible with Android 4.2.2 and above.

    To Download App Click Here

    Google Pay (Tez)

    Google Pay is one of the most popular apps in the money transfer apps category. By using this app you should do almost all bank money transfer. It also offers rewards almost on every transaction you should do.

    Gpay - money transfer apps
    Google pay

    Benefits: –

    • Pay and receive money directly from your bank account. There is no need for reloading wallets and also you don’t need to do additional KYC.
    • Pay anyone – By entering anyone’s UPI ID or bank details.
    • Conveniently pay bills – By using google pay you can easily pay bills for electricity, gas, water, DTH, mobile, and also many more.
    • Pay online with Google Pay – You can pay online your hoteling, and also your purchase in the market, even your breakfast bill.
    • It will protect your money with a world-class security system and also you can safeguard your account with a device lock method.
    • Transfer money to anyone nearby – This app also has an easy way of money transfer like, Use Tez Mode to send money securely to people nearby without sharing private details like your phone number.
    • Offer reward – Get scratch Cards in the app and be eligible to win up to ₹1,000 with each eligible transaction. And also, your rewards go directly into your bank account.
    • Paying in shops is easier than ever – The teashop, restaurant, neighborhood general store, and even your salon can now accept payments on the spot with Tez Mode.

    Requirements: –

    • Need an Indian bank account with a phone number linked to it.
    • Transaction limit is Rs. 50,000 per transaction and Rs. 1,00,000 per day.

    To Download App Click Here


    Paytm offers a comprehensive list of payment services for both customers and merchants to make seamless payments using the App, credit/debit cards, from banks.

    It is India’s most used wallet & UPI payments app. Therefore, you can use this app for mobile recharge, postpaid & utility bill payments, UPI payments & money transfer, online shopping, movie tickets, LIC premium payment, bill payment, DTH recharge, bus & flight booking, train ticket booking, metro card recharge, buying gold, making loan payments & more.

    By using Paytm you should send money from wallet to wallet or from your bank account to any bank account at 0% charge.

    paytm money transfer apps

    Benefits: –

    • No service charge on IRCTC ticket bookings.
    • Best rates on bus & flight tickets.
    • Also besides Check PNR status, get live train running status & get amazing offers on bus & flight ticket bookings.

     Requirements: –

    • Link to UPI or add money to wallet & scan QR codes at nearby stores for payments.
    • You need to link your bank account or open a savings account with Paytm Payments Bank.

    To Download App Click Here


    PhonePe is a frequently used app to make mobile payments in India. From UPI payments to recharges, money transfers to online bill payments, you can do it all and many more as a result of using the PhonePe App.

    Phonepe money transfer app

    This app works over the UPI platform developed by the NPCI and is powered by YES Bank. The PhonePe app is safe and secure, meets all your payment and banking needs, and is much better than Internet banking.

    On the other hand, there is no need to remember IFSC codes, account numbers, or other inconvenient details. You can be made instant bank transfers by just using a mobile number or a unique payment identity.

    Benefits: –

    • You can send money and request money from your contacts from anywhere.
    • Like other apps in this app also you can do prepaid Mobile Recharge.
    • Pay postpaid mobile bills.
    • Pay for electricity and gas bills.
    • You can also check your account balance and manage multiple bank accounts.
    • Get refunds and cashback to your bank account directly.
    • It has a feature to shop on Flipkart, Myntra, Jabong, and other online shopping websites.
    • You can transact up to Rs.1 lakh per transaction, 24*7.
    • Also, you can transact in the language of your choice.
    • In this app currently, over 40 banks are UPI enabled.

    To Download App Click Here

    Jio Money

    Jio money is one of the apps to transfer money through your mobile app in an easy way. It also provides cashback; discount offers for users while purchasing online from the Jio money app. Also, by using this app you can easily buy on any store, pay bills, recharge, ticket booking and many more. 

    jio money
    jio money

    Benefits: –

    • You can do Jio Recharges & get the best offers on your Jio payments.
    • Recharge your prepaid or post-paid phone, and also DTH with the unique PayMyBill feature.
    • You can also make secure bill payments of billers such as Mahadiscom, Mahanagar Gas, Reliance Landline, Airtel, Tata Sky and many more
    • Make payments faster to a shopkeeper’s mobile number
    • Enjoy exclusive discounts and coupons from JioMoney’s partner brands
    • Book your bus tickets at the lowest price quickly.
    • You can pay your insurance premiums
    • Instantly book train & movie tickets
    • Get additional cashback on your favorite shopping destination such as Amazon, Flipkart, AJIO, ABOF, Jabong & more
    • Have a feature to pay directly to charitable trusts like Siddhi Vinayak Trust
    • By using JioMoney, in addition, you can enjoy the convenience of paying at any Reliance Retail outlet.

    To Download App Click Here

    PayZapp(By HDFC)

    PayZapp is the best money transfer app by India’s leading privet sector bank that is an HDFC bank. Like other apps, it also has the facility to Recharge, Online Bill Payments, BharatQR Payments, Travel, Shopping, Movies and more in just One Click.

    This app is convenient, fast and secure. Link your Debit and Credit Card one time and pay every time.

    payzapp - money transfer app

    Benefits: –

    • By using PayZapp you can do a recharge of your mobile, DTH and data card, pay your utility bills, book flight tickets, bus, and hotels, shop, buy movie tickets, music, and groceries, avail great offers at Smart Buy, and also you can transfer money to anyone in your phone book.
    • There is no need to re-load money again and again. Moreover, your card details are secure with the bank.
    • It has three security checks for each transaction.

    To Download App Click Here

    Yono (By SBI)

    Yono is also in this category of best money transfer app in India. The good thing about this app is, this app is developed by India’s leading public sector bank SBI.

    SBI is the most secure and trusted bank in India. One of the basic requirements for using this app is you have an SBI bank account in any branch within India.

    yonosbi - money transfer apps
    yonosbi – money transfer apps in india

    Benefits: –

    • India’s largest shopping marketplace – Be it buying your groceries, the latest electronics, booking your flight/train tickets, or your next vacation, YONO SBI has you covered. Exclusive discounts and offers for SBI customers across merchants who offer shopping, vacation bookings, flight, and bus ticket bookings, train ticket bookings through IRCTC, food delivery, and also much more.
    • You can check your balance, creating a fixed deposit, and also adding a beneficiary.
    • You are unable to transfer money to a newly added beneficiary up to Rs. 10,000/-
    • By linking you can view your relationships with all State Bank entities such as Credit Cards, Life Insurance, SIP, Mutual Funds in one app.
    • You can easily get pre-approved personal loans on the go within 2 minutes, with no documentation up to Rs. 5 Lac.
    • And also by using this, you will get a one-click facility to avail overdraft against Fixed Deposit.

    Getting started

    If you have an account in the State Bank of India, use your internet banking credentials to register and log in to YONO SBI. If you do not have internet banking credentials, you can generate it by using your debit card and also register using the same.

    This App is supported on Android 5.0 and above.

    To Download App Click Here


    Freecharge app also has a feature to transfer money anywhere within India.

    By using Freecharge user can pay mobile, gas, electricity, landline, broadband bills, recharges, make charity donations, invest in mutual funds, shop at your favorite brands & pay with Freecharge across categories like movies, entertainment, food, shopping, travel to get cashback & discounts, send & receive money in an instant, link bank account for instant fund transfer.

    freecharge - money transfer apps

    Benefits: –

    • UPI Payments: Its UPI powered by Axis Bank. You can transfer money by entering just the recipient’s UPI ID or bank account + IFSC code, request money, scan & pay, or request money through UPI enabled QR codes.
    • Mobile Recharges and also Bill Payments.
    • Also, by using Freecharge you can invest in tax saving Mutual Funds.
    • In addition, Freecharge has a QR Code Feature, by using this feature you have the convenience of just scanning a QR code for the transaction.
    • This app allows you to buy amazing discount coupons from your favorite brands.
    • However, amazing discounts and cashback are available when you transact using Freecharge.
    • You can easily view the transaction history.

    To Download App Click Here

    Ola Money

    Another online money transfer app which is made available in
    India is Ola Money. Basically, this is a money wallet, which is easier, fastest
    and safest.

    This app is most widely used by Ola passengers to pay for their OlaCabs rides. Ola Money wallet can also be used at many more places like IRCTC, BookMyShow, eBay, Quikr, Yatra, Goibibo, Cleatrip, Dominos, Cafe Coffee Day, Runner and Mumbai Metro with just one touch.


    You can recharge your Ola Money wallet via Credit Card, Debit Card, and Net Banking. Also, you can do prepaid mobile recharges, pay your postpaid mobile bills, electricity bills, gas bills and also pay at several stores with just one click.

    Benefits: –

    • Send money to your loved ones anytime, anywhere in India.
    • Easy mobile recharges and also postpaid bill payments.
    • Pay Electricity and Gas bills.
    • Like other apps in this app also you can do Recharge your DTH and Data Cards.
    • And also you can recharge your Mumbai Metro card.
    • On a few clicks, you can withdraw your Ola Money from wallet to your bank account.
    • By using saved debit/credit cards to make even faster recharges and postpaid bill payments.
    • Check your transaction history.

    To Download App Click Here

    Airtel Thanks

    Airtel Thanks is an easy money transfer app that will empower you to be able to make payments from anywhere and at any time. Most importantly, this is the first payment bank in India to integrate the UPI on its digital platform, Airtel Thanks can facilitate instant fund transfers between two bank accounts on its mobile platform.

    Airtel thanks
    Airtel thanks – money transfer apps

    By using the Airtel Thanks app you can enjoy amazing rewards and recharge offers. Also, you get benefits of Airtel online recharges like, DTH recharge, easy online mobile prepaid recharge, postpaid bill payments, Airtel UPI, BHIM, and more.

    However, the great thing about this app is that it has personalized offers, customized services, and tons of privileges.

    Benefits: –

    • You should get exclusive recharge offers, exciting cashback & also coupons on prepaid online recharges.
    • By creating Airtel Money Wallet you get guaranteed instant cashback on 1st transaction.
    • And also you can easily pay your insurance premiums and loan EMIs.
    • You are eligible to earn 4% interest per annum on your savings bank account.
    • Also, you should get free personal accident insurance of ₹1 lakh on opening a savings bank account with Aitel Thanks.
    • Make payments with Airtel UPI instantly.
    • Get instant cashback on bills, utilities, and also recharges.
    • With Airtel Payments Bank, Savings Bank account you can get a virtual debit card with a limit of up to ₹1 Lakh.
    • You can book OLA cabs, train tickets on IRCTC  and OYO rooms & also pay via bank or wallet balance.

    To Download App Click Here

    #Conclusion: –

    With such a lot of reliable app choices at hand,
    transferring your hard-earned cash ought to be a breeze for you currently.

    And mind you, all of them on top of online money transfer apps go along with progressive security protocols in situ at each step of each financial dealing you create – thus you can rest simple with the boldness of knowing your cash is totally safe the least bit times.

    So go ahead and take your pick.

  • Are you tracking the Modi government? Taking advantage of the fear of coronavirus.

    Online advertising

    Modi Sarkar will track >> Modi Sarkar For the past several days, there has been an allegation that this government is using modern technology on people’s movements Monitoring. This issue came to the fore around the world about 5 years ago in america happened Presidential election In, at that time Donald Trump This accusation was made against him.

    Between about 1 to 2 years ago in India also whats apps People are being monitored through Modi government is tracking Such an allegation was made on the central government.

    Now worldwide Corona virus while the Indian Govt Aarogya-Setu This App It is meant to be used by the public. But this is it App Opponents accuse people of surveillance.

    In this context Rahul Gandhi by Tweet It has been done, he said “Arogya Setu App” It is a sophisticated surveillance system, outsourced to a private operator. Without institutional oversight – raises serious data security and privacy concerns. Technology may help keep us safe; But without the consent of the citizens The benefit of fear of citizens Track Shouldn’t be taken.”

    You need to know this information about Aarogya Setu app :-

    • Arogya Setu This Central government of Electronics And IT One developed by the Ministry Covid-19 contact tracing app is
    • This App GPS and Bluetooth Tracks the movement of the user with the help of sensors.
    • And if database And algorithm If the user comes in contact with infected people, it sends the information to them.
    • AppRegister on while users Personal information Have to enter and this data Only India will be shared with Govt.
    • App does not involve third parties as set out in its privacy policy.
    • Although the privacy policy of this app states that there is no third party involved, the opposition is alleging that, but the opposition is ready to hold the government on edge on this issue in the coming period.
    Modi government truck by Aarogya Setu App ?
    Aarogya Setu App
    Modi Sarkar Truck by Aarogya Setu App
    Aarogya Setu App
    • Meanwhile Scientific Adviser to Government of India Pvt. Of. Vijayaraoghavan He has said that in the coming time, the government will use this app as an e-pass for people to move from one place to another.
    • Economics Times According to the circle given by the App in tracking This is done through a social graph created through Bluetooth and location, which can show your interactions with anyone who tests positive.

    Some tweets alleging that the Modi government is tracking:-

    Modi government Policies of :-

    • Modi Govt This app for all govt employees has been made mandatory.
    • opponent If the government is really collecting this information as they are saying and obliterated company All this if shared with Dangerous Because of this, it belongs to every person private life Will not be private.
    • social media There are also discussions that Pakistan Arogya Setu like fake app Made in India To steal datahow much in these discussions truth It is not known yet. If this is true then India may face a big threat from this in future.

    What do you think Modi government is tracking? Comment your opinion.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook pageAndon twitter Follow me on Twitter.

  • Metrology Meaning|Define Metrology,Types | Instruments|Calibration…

    Metrology Meaning |What is Metrology?

    It is the scientific study of measurement. Metrology is the branch of science dedicated to measurement

    Metrology Definition:-

    It is defined as the science of measurementprimarily concerned with the establishment, reproduction, conservation & transfer of units of measurement & their standards.

    Basics Of Metrology Audio Tutorial:-

    Importance of Metrology:-

    • To achieve standardization.
    • Used for minimizing the cost of the inspection.

    Types of Metrology:-

    • Legal/Scientific metrology.
    • Deterministic/Industrial metrology.

    Classification of Metrological Instruments:-

    Classification of Metrological Instruments

    Terms Which Relates with Metrology


    Checking of quality characteristics of a given job.

    Checking Characteristics of job
    Take Action after checking

    Need for inspection:-

    • To develop a reputation for the company.

    Meanwhile, Interchangeability can refer to Interchangeable parts, the ability to select components for assembly at random, and fit them together within proper tolerances.


    Interchangeability - best example
    Best Example Of Interchangeability

    Accuracy & Precision:-


    The ability to do something in an exact manner. It is nothing but a degree of correctness.


    Precision refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to each other.

    metrology-Accuracy & Precision
    Difference between accuracy and precision (1)
    Difference between accuracy and precision
    Difference between accuracy and precision (2)

    All of the above figures show exactly what is accuracy and what is precision.


    Firstly sensitivity is the ability to receive sensations.

    Moreover, Sensitivity is the ability to measuring instruments to detect small variations in a quantity being measured.

    Best example of sensitivity


    • Validation of specific techniques and measurements of equipment.
    • Comparison of measurements with a known standard or other devices.
    • Scientifically assessing a system’s response to known controlled signal inputs.

    Define Calibration:-

    Firstly calibration is defined as a set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrumentand the corresponding standard.


    In addition, The Calibration process is a comparison of one instrument’s response with that of a reference instrument of known response and accuracy.


    It is the ability of the measuring instrument to give the same value every time, the measurement of a given quantity is repeated under the same conditions.


    It is related to taking reference to a national or international standard.


    It is the quantitative measure of the closeness of the agreement, between the results of measurement of the same measured. Carried out by changing the method of measurementobserver, measuring instrumentlocation, condition of use, time, etc.

    Different Types Gauges In Metrology:-

    1.Radius Gauge:-

    metrology instrument-radius gauge
    Measurement using Radius Gauge

    BUY Radius Gauge On Amazon

    2.Screw pitch gauge:-

    metrology instrument-screw pitch gauge
    Screw Pitch Gauge
    Measurement using screw pitch gauge
    Measurement using Screw Pitch Gauge

    BUY Screw Pitch Gauge On Amazon

    3.Filler Gauge

    metrology instrument-Filler Gauge
    Filler Gauge
    Measurement Using Filler gauge
    Measurement Using Filler Gauge

    BUY Filler Gauge On Amazon

    Errors In Metrology Instruments

    The difference between the true value of the size is measured and the value found by measurement is called Error.

    Types of error in measuring instruments:-

    • Systematic error/controllable error

    Concept of least count of measuring instruments:-

    Least Count/Resolution:-

    The smallest dimension that can be read on an instrument is called as least count of that instrument.

    For example, in below mention photographs of the scale, visually we can conclude that there are 5 lines between 0 and 1, which means 1 line indicates 2mm means 0.2cm.

    Therefore the minimum reading that can be measured on this instrument (scale) is 0.2cm.

    Hence we conclude that this scale has the least count of 0.2cm.

    LC(Least Count)
    Concept of Least Count

    Metrology Instruments

    Vernier Calipers:-

    metrology instrument-vernier caliper
    metrology instrument-vernier caliper
    metrology instrument-vernier calipers
    Simple Vernier Caliper
    Two Scales on vernier caliper one is the main scale and another is vernier scale

    Therefore, as a result

    The formula for Least Count & Total Reading (TR) On Vernier:-

    metrology instrument-vernier calculation
    metrology instrument-vernier calculation

    BUY Vernier Caliper On Amazon


    metrology instrument-micrometer
    Simple Micrometer
    Two Scales on micrometer one is the main scale and another is circular scale

    Therefore, as a result

    The formula for Least Count & Total Reading (TR) On Micrometer:-

    metrology instrument-micrometer calculation
    metrology instrument-micrometer calculation
    MICROMETER Formula
    MICROMETER Formula

    BUY Micrometer On Amazon

    Make sure you also check our amazing article on Quality.

    Similarly, you should download our amazing android application regarding Metrology & Quality Control

  • How to make Masala Bhaat/Masala Bhaat Recipe Marathi

    Online advertising

    How to make masala rice / masala rice recipe marathi>> Masala Bhaat is a traditional tasty Maharashtrian dish, Maharashtrian Masala Bhaat is a type of casserole that has a place in Maharashtrian cuisine. Generally, if masala rice is made, we add onion, potato, peanuts and chilies to it. Sometimes sticky and somewhat masala bhat is made in weddings too, actually masala bhat is a casserole and its cooking method is important.

    Basmati rice is used in making masala rice or pulao. As such, long-grain basmati rice is considered best for pulao or masala rice. Everyone has a different way of making masala rice. Some make masala rice by adding only vegetables.

    How to make Spiced Rice / Spiced Rice Recipe Marathi – Ingredients and Preparation Method Complete Information

    While making Maharashtrian masala rice, potatoes, carrots, peas, cauliflower, peas, vegetables are added to it. The sweet masala of Maharashtra has the ability to flavor any food. Goda Masala as the name suggests is aromatic, sweet, flavorful and made using all the sweet spices i.e. Cinnamon, Chakriful, Nagkeshar. The joy of eating masala rice with ghee fried cashews, wet coconut and masala rice along with tomato chutney curd or sour sweet curry is something else. Masala rice is very popular in Maharashtra. So let’s know how to make this everyone’s favorite masala rice.

    Ingredients for making masala rice / Seasoning ingredients

    Spice ingredients required for making masala rice

    One spoon coriander, 1 chakraful 7 to 8 cloves, 1 cinnamon stick, Nagseksar, 1 spoon mustard, 1 spoon cumin, 4 to 5 bay leaves, 1/2 asafoetida and 3 spoon sweet masala.

    Other ingredients required for making masala rice

    oil, finely chopped onions , 2 tablespoons garlic paste ,green chillies, red chilli powder, turmeric , 1 small finely smashed potato, finely chopped carrot , 1/2 cup peas, cauliflower, one cup long grain basmati rice, 1 cup oral , finely chopped tomatoes, 10-12 cashews , 1/4 cup water, salt to taste ,finely chopped sambhar,finely chopped coconut.

    Spiced Rice Recipe Marathi / How To Make Spiced Rice - Ingredients
    How to make Spiced Rice – Ingredients

    How to make spiced rice / To make masala rice method

    • Wash basmati rice 3-4 times and cook for 30 minutes. should be kept After heating oil in a pan, roast coriander, cinnamon and cloves one by one until fragrant. After cooling, grind it into fine powder.
    • Heat 4 tbsp of oil in a pan and fry the cashews in it, when the cashews turn light gray in color, keep them aside. In the same oil, saute bay leaves, mustard seeds and asafoetida, then fry finely chopped onion in it. Then add ginger garlic paste and cook well.
    How to make spiced rice
    How to make spiced rice
    • Now add turmeric, red chillies, sweet masala, and fine masala powder prepared at the beginning and salt to taste.
    • Then add all the vegetables like cauliflower peas, tondli, potato flakes and 1 cup of water and mix it, then cover it and cook it on low flame.
    • Vegetables cook in 12 to 13 minutes, then add rice, fry rice in a little oil. The taste is good.
    • When it boils, add 1 tsp of ghee and fry it gently, then let the spices cook on a low flame.
    • Cook the rice completely on low flame for 15 minutes then switch off the flame and add the sambar and grated coconut. Keep covered until ready to eat.
    • This Maharashtrian masala rice tastes amazing when eaten with curd curry.

    Summary – How to make Masala Bhat / Masala Bhat Recipe Marathi

    First, take out all the ingredients required for making masala rice and then start the process of making masala rice. By following the above recipe you can also make masala bhat very well. So try the above masala bhat recipe in Marathi and let us know your experience by commenting.

    Let us know how you like this masala rice recipe / masala rice recipe in Marathi by commenting.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook page And on twitter Follow me on Twitter.

  • Marathi Language Day Information | Creation and conservation

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    Marathi language day Mahiti / Marathi language pride day Mahiti (marathi bhasha din mahiti) >>

    We are fortunate to speak Marathi

    Jahlo is truly blessed to hear Marathi

    Religion, Pant, caste, one knows Marathi

    Marathi is considered my in this world

    marathi bhasha din mahiti

    Marathi Language Day Information At the beginning of this article, we are going to see information about the creation and conservation of Marathi language. After that we will see information about why Marathi language day is celebrated and at the end of the article the method of celebrating Marathi language day.

    So let’s know Marathi language day special information.

    Creation and Conservation of Marathi Language / History of Marathi Language (Marathi Language Information)

    The Marathi language has been in use since the 9th century and is derived from Sanskrit. Marathi is the official official language of the two states of Maharashtra and Goa. Marathi is the third largest language in India and the fifteenth largest in the world in terms of Marathi speaking population.

    Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj always protected Marathi culture and Marathi language. Many saints have become saints in this Marathi soil of ours. Many saints like Sant Ramdas, Sant Dnyaneshwar, Sant Tukaram wrote verses and verses in Marathi language and gave good message to the people and left an impression of Marathi language on the people.

    Not only this, many famous artists were born in this Marathi soil. Song empress Lata Mangeshkar, Sachin Tendulkar, Nana Patekar, Madhuri Dixit and the first woman President Pratibhatai Patil. Social worker Anna Hazare, social reformer Baba Amte and great Marathi writer, dramatist P.L. Many gems like Deshpande were born in Marathi soil.

    The heritage of our Marathi culture is very big. Marathi films, plays, poetry, poetry etc. have a great share in our Marathi soil.

    For the preservation of Marathi language we all should use Marathi language as much as possible. Only then the celebration of Marathi language day will get real meaning.

    Marathi Language Day is celebrated

    World Marathi Language Day is celebrated everywhere on February 27. The ‘Marathi Language Day’ is celebrated on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar alias Kusumagraj, the oldest writer of Marathi language and Jnanpith award winner.

    He has published poetry collections like Jeevanlahari, Kinara, Marathi Mati, Tyangavel etc. Also, there are other popular plays like Second Peshwa, Vij Gaya Dhartila, Natsamrat, Rajmukut etc. Many literatures like Vaishnava, Janhavi, Kalpane Tiravar, Kandaba, Kusumagraj’s birthday is celebrated with many names like Marathi Language Rajbhasha Day, Gaurav Day. Kusumagraj’s contribution to Marathi literature is indescribable. He started his literature with poetry. Later the story was embodied in the writings of Kandaba-ya, the famous literary composition of Lalit Vadhamaya.

    Method of celebrating Marathi Language Day

    The custom of celebrating Marathi Raj Bhasha Day was started so that the future generation would continue this legacy of Marathi. This day is celebrated on 27th February not only in Maharashtra in India but all over the world. While celebrating this day, Marathi singing, music, poetry competition, Marathi essay competition, classical music are organized.

    We should respect the language in which we were born and the language that shaped us. Marathi language should be conserved and for that we all should celebrate Marathi language glory day.

    “I appreciate my speaking Marathi.
    Pari amritatehi paijasi jinke.
    I love such letters. Getting.”
    Writing thus, Saint Dnyaneshwar says that the sweetness of Marathi language is more than nectar.

    Summary – Marathi Language Day Information

    A Marathi speaking person has gone to every corner of the world for job, business, higher education and is forgetting Marathi language by learning other languages ​​like Hindi and English. People are abandoning Myboli and adopting English language. English is the need of the hour. Of course, there is no doubt about it, but it is not right to forget Marathi language.

    The new generation of today should be encouraged to read the history of Maharashtra, the history of Marathi, our literature. We all should use the Marathi language as much as possible. This should start from our homes. Only such things will make the celebration of Marathi Day truly worthwhile.

    When is Marathi Language Day / When is Marathi Language Day?

    Every year on February 27, World Marathi Language Day is celebrated everywhere, ‘Marathi Language Day’ is celebrated on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar alias Kusumagraj, the senior writer of Marathi language and Jnanpith award winner.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

    Like us for other updates like this Facebook page And on twitter Follow me on Twitter.