
  • Does Mamu not trust trolling anymore?

    Online advertising

    Does Mamu not trust trolling anymore? >> When the BJP government came to the country including Maharashtra in 2014, how did the BJP i.e. its IT cell kill many leaders of the Congress and others? Troll the bananas We don’t need to tell you that we all know it.

    now This is from BJP digital marketing of Mechanism It is seen that it has come with BJP. All over the country even Modi and his IT cell Although everything seems to be going well, but in Maharashtra, it happened 6 months ago Assembly Elections the latter Sharad Pawar of powerful Because of knocks Former Chief Minister of BJP (Mamu) Fadnavis And to his team fierce trolling have to face.

    Now there is lockdown everywhere due to corona virus, meanwhile due to mysterious actions and statements of Maharashtra BJP leaders Mamu and their associates netizen They seem to be falling prey to trolls.

    Meanwhile, BJP’s uncles do not seem to have come out of their previous position, and they are going to meet the governor with the same enthusiasm.

    The netizens are not so open minded to not know why they were going to the governor in the same way, that’s why they are being trolled.

    Meanwhile IFSC Support for the decision to shift the center to Gujarat By doing this, Mamu and the team have drawn the wrath of the netizens even more.

    Mamu – Colleague Ashish Shelar’s reaction

    Attention to trolling of netizens taking yesterday Mamu Trustee of By Ashish Shelar He replied in a different language to those who laughed at him by tweeting “We smile at others and sneeze at our noses”.

    Who are the vulgar critics?

    Formerly Mamu and his “Army…..” This team of journalists had trolled the leaders of Congress and NCP through inappropriate language and photos.

    “The front is broken” “Devendra Fadnavis for Maharashtra” Who was paying for advertising on Facebook pages like this? And needless to say, what kind of posts these pages were posting.

    Mamu - (aghadi bighadi facebook page)
    aghadi bighadi facebook page

    Jayant Patil reaction

    Talking about this double policy of BJP Jayant Patil It is said that in the last 5 years on us In social media Extremely from a specific group Criticism in obscene language When it was happening, we demanded action, but at that time they action did not

    And now people are just laughing at them but they are demanding action.

    Now only troll On the doers Mamu And his team has said that they will take action.

    So listen up trolling chi king containing B J P But now she looks scared. And sometimes it is seen that he is getting stuck in his own net.

    Over the last 5 years on opponents Criticism in obscene language By doing them Troll the bananas While going, opposition leaders are being trolled with false allegations IFSC The former who remained silent during the procedure of the office in Gujarat Chief Minister But now they are speaking the language of action.

    That’s why I want to say “Ma.M. Does Cha not trust trolling anymore?

    Note :- Do share your feedback by commenting.

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  • महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर किंमत | महिंद्रा च्या विविध ट्रॅक्टर विषयी माहिती

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    चला तर मग बघूयात महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर ची किंमत किती आहे. कोणते मॉडेल तुम्हाला उपयुक्त आहे. तुमच्या वापरासाठी व तुमच्या बजेट मध्ये कोणते मॉडेल बसते ते.

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    महिंद्रा जिवो 225 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 20 HP सीसी क्षमता – 1366 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 4 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – २ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Brakes
    क्लच टाइप – सिंगल क्लच वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा जिवो 225 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा युवराज 215 एनएक्सटी ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 2,56,000 – ₹ 2,79,000

    महिंद्रा युवराज 215 एनएक्सटी ट्रॅक्टर
    महिंद्रा युवराज 215 एनएक्सटी ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 15 HP सीसी क्षमता – 863.5 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 6 फॉरवर्ड + 3 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – १ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ऑइल बाथ टाइप ब्रेक – ड्राय डिस्क ब्रेक
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूल्ड इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2300
    महिंद्रा युवराज 215 NXT ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    २१ ते ३० एचपी महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर ची किंमत व माहिती (21 to 30 HP Mahindra Tractor Price & All Information)

    महिंद्रा जिवो 245 DI 4WD ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 3,86,000 – ₹ 4,07,000

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    महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर – महिंद्रा जिवो 245 DI 4WD ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 24 HP सीसी क्षमता – 1366 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 4 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – २ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय क्लीनर ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Brakes
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2300 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा जिवो 245 DI 4WD ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 255 डीआई पॉवर प्लस ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 3,70,000 – ₹ 4,35,000

    महिंद्रा 255 डीआई पावर प्लस ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर – महिंद्रा 255 डीआई पॉवर प्लस ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 25 HP सीसी क्षमता – 1490 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – २ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ऑइल बाथ टाइप ब्रेक – ड्राय डिस्क ब्रेक
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूल्ड इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2300
    क्लच टाइप – सिंगल ड्राय फ्रिक्शण प्लेट जास्त विक्री असलेले मॉडेल
    महिंद्रा 255 DI पॉवर प्लस ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 265 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत :  ₹ 4,58,000 – ₹ 4,91,000

    महिंद्रा 265 डीआई ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर – महिंद्रा 265 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 30 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2048 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ३ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Brakes
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूल्ड क्लच टाइप – सिंगल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 1900 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 265 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    ३१ ते ४० एचपी महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर ची किंमत व माहिती (31 to 40 HP Mahindra Tractor Price & All Information)

    महिंद्रा जीवो 365 DI 4WD ट्रॅक्टर किंमत :  ₹ 4,72,000 – ₹ 5,58,000

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    महिंद्रा जीवो 365 DI 4WD ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 36 HP इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2600
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 8 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ३ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय एयर क्लीनर ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Brakes सोबत ३ डिस्क
    क्लच टाइप – सिंगल ड्राय वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा जीवो 365 DI 4WD ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा युवो 275 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत :  ₹ 5,35,000 – ₹ 5,80,000

    महिंद्रा युवो 275 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा युवो 275 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 35 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2235 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 12 फॉरवर्ड + 3 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ३ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Brakes
    कूलिंग – लिक्विड कूल्ड इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2000
    क्लच टाइप – सिंगल क्लच ड्राय फ्रिक्शण प्लेट वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा युवो 275 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा युवो 415 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 5,61,000 – ₹ 5,90,000

    महिंद्रा युवो 415 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा युवो 415 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 40 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2730 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 12 फॉरवर्ड + 3 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय एयर क्लीनर ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Brakes
    कूलिंग – लिक्विड कूल्ड इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2000
    क्लच टाइप – ड्राय टाइप सिंगल / डबल (ऑप्शनल) वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा युवो 415 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 265 DI पावर प्लस ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 4,75,000 – ₹ 5,09,000

    महिंद्रा 265 डीआई पावर प्लस ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर – महिंद्रा 265 DI पावर प्लस ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 35 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2048 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ३ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ऑइल बाथ टाइप ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Brakes
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूलेंट क्लच टाइप – सिंगल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 1900 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 265 DI पावर प्लस ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 275 DI Eco ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 4,62,000 – ₹ 4,99,000

    275 डीआई ईको किंमत
    महिंद्रा 275 DI Eco ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 35 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2048 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ३ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ऑइल बाथ टाइप ब्रेक – ड्राय डिस्क ब्रेक / Oil Immersed Brakes
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूल्ड क्लच टाइप – सिंगल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 1900 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 275 DI Eco ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 275 DI TU ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 4,87,000 – ₹ 5,34,000

    275 डीआई टीयू किंमत
    महिंद्रा 275 DI TU ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 39 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2048 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ३ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप ब्रेक – ड्राय डिस्क ब्रेक / Oil Immersed Brakes
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूलेंट क्लच टाइप – ड्राय टाइप सिंगल / ड्युल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2100 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 275 DI TU ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 275 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 4,97,000 – ₹ 5,24,000

    महिंद्रा 275 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा 275 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 37 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2235 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ३ सिलेंडर
    कूलिंग – 3 स्टेज ऑइल बाथ टाइप प्री क्लीनर सह ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Brakes
    क्लच – सिंगल / ड्युल वॉरंटी – ६ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 275 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 415 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 5,06,000 – ₹ 5,58,000

    महिंद्रा 415 डीआई ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर – महिंद्रा 415 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 40 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2730 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – वेट टाइप ब्रेक – ड्राय डिस्क ब्रेक / Oil Immersed Brakes
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूल्ड क्लच – ड्राय टाइप सिंगल / ड्युल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 1900 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 415 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    ४१ ते ५० एचपी महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर ची किंमत व माहिती (41 to 50 HP Mahindra Tractor Price & All Information)

    महिंद्रा युवो 475 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 6,00,000 – ₹ 6,30,000

    महिंद्रा युवो 475 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा युवो 475 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 42 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2730 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 12 फॉरवर्ड + 3 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Brakes
    कूलिंग – लिक्विड कूल्ड क्लच – सिंगल फ्रिक्शण प्लेट / ड्युल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 1900 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा युवो 475 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा युवो 575 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 6,22,000 – ₹ 6,97,000

    महिंद्रा युवो 575DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा युवो 575 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 45 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2979 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 12 फॉरवर्ड + 3 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय एयर क्लीनर ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Brakes
    कूलिंग – लिक्विड कूल्ड क्लच – ड्राय टाइप सिंगल / ड्युल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2000 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा युवो 575 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 475 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 5,37,000 – ₹ 5,88,000

    महिंद्रा 475 डीआई ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा 475 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 42 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2730 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ऑइल बाथ टाइप ब्रेक – ड्राय डिस्क ब्रेक / Oil Immersed Brakes
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूल्ड क्लच – ड्राय टाइप सिंगल / ड्युल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 1900 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 475 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 575 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 5,50,000 – ₹ 6,09,000

    महिंद्रा 575 डीआई ट्रॅक्टर किंमत
    महिंद्रा 575 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 45 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2730 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ऑइल बाथ टाइप ब्रेक – ड्राय डिस्क ब्रेक / Oil Immersed Break
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूल्ड क्लच – ड्राय टाइप सिंगल / ड्युल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 1900 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 575 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 475 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर किंमत :  ₹ 5,57,000 – ₹ 5,99,000

    महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर – महिंद्रा 475 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 44 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2979 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – 3 स्टेज ऑइल बाथ टाइप, प्री क्लीनर सह ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Break
    क्लच – ड्राय टाइप सिंगल / ड्युल वॉरंटी – ६ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 475 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 475 DI SP PLUS ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 6,00,000 – ₹ 7,00,000

    महिंद्रा 475 DI SP PLUS सीरीज़ ट्रॅक्टर
    महिंद्रा 475 DI SP PLUS ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 42 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2979 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    क्लच – सिंगल / ड्युल ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Break
    वॉरंटी – ६ वर्ष ….
    महिंद्रा 475 DI SP PLUS ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 585 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 6,09,000 – ₹ 6,56,000

    महिंद्रा 585 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    महिंद्रा 585 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 50 HP इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2100
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – साइक्लोनिक प्री क्लीनर ऑइल बाथ सह ब्रेक – ड्राय डिस्क ब्रेक / Oil Immersed Break
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूल्ड क्लच – हेवि ड्यूटि डायाफ्राम टाइप – २८० मिमी.
    वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 585 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 575 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर : ₹ 5,60,000 – ₹ 6,29,000

    महिंद्रा 575 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर
    महिंद्रा 575 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 47 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2979 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – 3 स्टेज ऑइल बाथ टाइप, प्री क्लीनर सह ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Break
    क्लच – सिंगल / ड्युल वॉरंटी – ६ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 575 DI XP प्लस ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा 595 DI ट्रॅक्टर : ₹ 6,00,000 – ₹ 6,60,000

    महिंद्रा 595 डीआई ट्रॅक्टर
    महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर – महिंद्रा 595 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 50 HP सीसी क्षमता – 2523 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप ब्रेक – मल्टी डिस्क Oil Immersed Break
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूल्ड क्लच – सिंगल / ड्युल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2100 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा 595 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा अर्जुन 555 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 7,00,000 – ₹ 7,50,000

    MAHINDRA ARJUN ULTRA -1 555 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    महिंद्रा अर्जुन 555 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 50 HP सीसी क्षमता – 3054 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप ब्रेक – ऑइल ब्रेक्स
    कूलिंग – वॉटर कूलेंट क्लच – सिंगल / ड्युल
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2100 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    महिंद्रा अर्जुन 555 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI-MS ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 8,00,000 – ₹ 8,40,000

    महिंद्रा अर्जुन नोवो 605 डिआई-एमएस ट्रॅक्टर
    अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI-MS ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 50 HP इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2100
    गियर बॉक्स – 15 फॉरवर्ड + 3 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप, क्लोग इंडिकेटर सह ब्रेक – मेकॅनिकल / मल्टी डिस्क Oil Immersed Break
    कूलिंग – फोर्स सर्कुलेशन ऑफ कूलेंट क्लच – ड्युल डायाफ्राम टाइप
    वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI-MS ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    ५० एचपी पेक्षा अधिक क्षमतेचे महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर (50 HP Plus Mahindra Tractor Price & All Information)

    महिंद्रा अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – I ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 6,65,000 – ₹ 7,26,000

    महिंद्रा अर्जुन नोवो 605 डीआई–आई
    अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – I ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 57 HP सीसी क्षमता – 3531 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 15 फॉरवर्ड + 3 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप, क्लोग इंडिकेटर सह ब्रेक – मेकॅनिकल / मल्टी डिस्क Oil Immersed Break
    कूलिंग – फोर्स सर्कुलेशन ऑफ कूलेंट क्लच – हेवि ड्यूटि डायाफ्राम टाइप
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2100 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – I ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – PS ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 6,74,000 – ₹ 7,37,000

    अर्जुन नोवो 605 डीआई–पीएस
    महिंद्रा ट्रॅक्टर – अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – PS ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 52 HP सीसी क्षमता – 3531 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 15 फॉरवर्ड + 3 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप, क्लोग इंडिकेटर सह ब्रेक – Oil Immersed Break
    कूलिंग – फोर्स सर्कुलेशन ऑफ कूलेंट क्लच – ड्युल डायाफ्राम टाइप
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2100 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – PS ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – I – 4 WD ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 8,88,000 – ₹ 9,69,000

    अर्जुन नोवो 605 डीआई - आई – 4 डब्ल्यूडी ट्रॅक्टर
    अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – I – 4 WD ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 57 HP सीसी क्षमता – 3531 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 15 फॉरवर्ड + 3 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप, क्लोग इंडिकेटर सह ब्रेक – मेकॅनिकल / मल्टी डिस्क Oil Immersed Break
    कूलिंग – फोर्स सर्कुलेशन ऑफ कूलेंट क्लच – ड्युल डायाफ्राम टाइप
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2100 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – I – 4 WD ट्रॅक्टर तपशील

    महिंद्रा अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – I (एसी केबिन सह) किंमत : ₹ 9,50,000 – ₹ 9,90,000

    अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI I एसी केबिन सह
    अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – I (एसी केबिन सह)
    एचपी – 57 HP सीसी क्षमता – 3531 CC
    गियर बॉक्स – 15 फॉरवर्ड + 3 रिर्वस सिलेंडर संख्या – ४ सिलेंडर
    एयर फिल्टर – ड्राय टाइप, क्लोग इंडिकेटर सह ब्रेक – मेकॅनिकल / मल्टी डिस्क Oil Immersed Break
    कूलिंग – फोर्स सर्कुलेशन ऑफ कूलेंट क्लच – ड्युल डायाफ्राम टाइप
    इंजिन रेटेड आरपीएम – 2100 वॉरंटी – २ वर्ष
    अर्जुन नोवो 605 DI – I (एसी केबिन सह) तपशील

    महिंद्रा अर्जुन अल्ट्रा 1, 605 DI ट्रॅक्टर किंमत : ₹ 7,50,000 – ₹ 8,00,000

    MAHINDRA ARJUN ULTRA 1 605 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    महिंद्रा अर्जुन अल्ट्रा 1, 605 DI ट्रॅक्टर
    एचपी – 57 HP हायड्रौलिक क्षमता – 1650 KG
    गियर बॉक्स – 8 फॉरवर्ड + 2 रिर्वस
    महिंद्रा अर्जुन अल्ट्रा 1, 605 DI ट्रॅक्टर तपशील


    वर दिलेल्या सर्व महिंद्रा कंपनी च्या ट्रॅक्टर पैकी तुमच्या वापरा नुसार व तुमच्या बजेट नुसार ट्रॅक्टर तुम्ही निवडू शकता. या लेखामध्ये दर्शवलेल्या ट्रॅक्टर च्या किंमती ह्या लेख पब्लिश करते वेळीच्या असून ह्या मध्ये थोडा बहुत फरक आढळू शकतो.आपल्याला अधिक माहिती हवी असेल तर आपण महिंद्रा कंपनीच्या या संकेत स्थळाला भेट देऊ शकता.

    आपल्याला ही माहिती कशी वाटली आम्हाला कमेंट करून जरूर कळवा,तसेच आपल्या काही सूचना असल्यास आम्हाला कमेंट मध्ये सांगा.

    यांसारख्या इतर माहितीच्या अपडेटसाठी लाईक करा आमच्या फेसबुक पेजला आणि टि्वटरवर  फाॅलो करा.

  • Maharashtra Day 2022 Information |Maharashtra Din- 1 May 2022 Celebration

    Online advertising

    Maharashtra Day 2022 / Maharashtra Day Information Marathi :- “Mangal Desha Pavitra Desha Maharashtra Desha” What is Maharashtra? Maharashtra is the tolerance taught by saints like Tukaram Maharaj, Bahin Bai, Maharashtra is a state based on the ideas of social reformers, this progressive Maharashtra is enriched by literature.

    Maharashtra Day 2022:-

    1st May means Maharashtra Day, after the sacrifice of 105 martyrs, united Maharashtra was established on 1st May 1960. Yashwant Rao Chavan became the first Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Before that, 1st May was celebrated as Labor Day since 1811.
    But after 1960, Maharashtra Day is also celebrated on this day because of the active participation of the workers in this fight for united Maharashtra, this fight was successful, therefore Labor Day and Maharashtra Day are celebrated with great enthusiasm on this day.

    Maharashtra Day >>History of Creation of Maharashtra :-

    Even when India became independent in 1947, 105 people had to sacrifice their lives in the fight for United Maharashtra. It happened that on November 21, 1955, the then government resorted to inhuman lathi charge and firing on the march for United Maharashtra. Thousands of people were injured and 105 people lost their lives. took

    After that, the agitation became more intense. In this movement, many influential people like Acharya Atre, Senapati Bapat, Prabodhankar Thackeray, Shahir Amar Sheikh, Keshavrao Jedhe, Balasaheb Thackeray protested against the anti-united Maharashtra policies of the government in their own way.

    Eventually, the Union Finance Minister C.D. got frustrated with the two-pronged policy of the then Nehru Government regarding United Maharashtra. Deshmukh resigned from his post. Due to this strong movement of the people and the political situation at that time, Union Maharashtra was finally recognized on 21 April 1960 in the Lok Sabha. And on May 1, 1960, the Union of Maharashtra State was formed and then Bombay i.e. now Mumbai was declared as the capital of Maharashtra State.

    Maharashtra Day>>Proud Things of Maharashtra:-

    Regardless of the region and time, Maharashtra has always been ahead of other states. Maharashtra is imaged as a state that pulls the country’s spending cart. That’s why it is said that “Maharashtra survives if the country survives”.
    Be it industry, literature, sports or education, Maharashtra has always been number 1 in the country.

    maharashtra day
    maharashtra din 2022

    5 Proud Persons of Maharashtra:-

    1) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj who inspired not only India but the whole world was born in this land.

    2) Shahu Maharaj and Phule, who gave the message of equality to the country, were born in Maharashtra.

    3) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, who wrote the constitution of India, the largest democracy in the world, is from Maharashtra.

    4) Dadasaheb Phalke, who produced the first film, is from here.

    5) Sachin Tendulkar, who made the world crazy with his game, came from this Marathi soil.

    World countries and Maharashtra:-

    1) The area of ​​Maharashtra state is about 307713 sq. km. So much and this area is more than many countries in Europe.

    2) The development of any country is based on the movement of that country and the first railway in our country ran from Mumbai to Thane in 1853 in Maharashtra.

    3) The richest state in the country is Maharashtra and it has many important financial institutions in the country. such as NSE(National Stock Exchange), BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange), RBI, SEBI have their offices in Maharashtra.

    4)Maharashtra receives the largest foreign investment because Maharashtra has always been at the forefront in the industrial sector.

    5) The largest planned city not in the country but in the world is in our Maharashtra, and that is Navi Mumbai. In view of the increasing population in Mumbai, the city of Navi Mumbai was built in the 70s and while developing this city, all the planning was done in a systematic manner.

    When I see my Maharashtra like this, I want to say only one thing, “Looking ahead at the map of India, fill the lochani with Maharashtra first” This is the importance of my Maharashtra.

    Do comment if you like this article.

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  • The injustice done to Bahujan leaders is a Manusmriti poem

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    People are now saying that injustice done to Bahujan leaders in BJP is Manusmriti Kava.

    Injustice to Bahujan leaders>> Mohite Patil joined BJP from NCP. When Gopichand Padalkar, who failed to save his own deposit against Ajit Pawar in Baramati tun assembly, gets the Legislative Council ticket.

    When there was no power for such a long time, the leaders like Eknath Khadse, Vinod Tawde, Pankaja Mundhe and Chandrasekhar Bawankule, who ate khasta for the BJP, would surely be in turmoil, but who will tell.

    People’s leaders are being eliminated like this how Eknath Khadse was treated even when he was in power for 5 years at the center and in the state and then he was denied ticket.

    Defeat of Pankaja Mundhe, rejected ticket of Chandrasekhar Bawankule and Vinod Tawde.

    All these are leaders of Bahujan Samaj and they were rejected Manusmriti Due to the trend of dirty caste discrimination, such a feeling has been created in the minds of these leaders or not, but in the minds of the activists and the activists are now whispering among themselves.

    The people of Maharashtra are not crazy enough to not know why these Bahujan leaders were defeated once again during the Legislative Council. Former Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis is being heavily criticized by people from the Bahujan community.

    Was Fadnavis’ 5-year rule based on Manusmriti? Is their procedure the same? Why is she being pretended to be? The answers to this question are mysterious.

    Bahujan leaders, Fadnavis and reaction:-

    Maharashtra is enriched by the bravery of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the tolerance taught by Tukaram Maharaj and the thoughts of numerous social reformers.

    Over the last several decades Politics in Maharashtra It operates on a progressive basis Hindutva Although this is a matter of politics Manusmriti No one has ever done politics on the basis of Brahmin community, like Shiv Sena’s Manohar Joshi or BJP’s Pramod Mahajan or Nitin Gadkari.

    The real change in this happened in 2014. BJP came to power in Maharashtra and Manusmriti raised its head. It was due to the working methods of the person leading the state (Fadnavis).

    In Maharashtra This kind of politics has never been seen, especially because of this procedure, independent parties are being filled. The man who was frantic for that power was not aware of this. Such discussions are being seen among the people.

    Maharashtra Many leaders have seen the conflict, be it Balasaheb Thackeray and Sharad Pawar, Gopinath Mundhe and Sharad Pawar, or Balasaheb and Sonia Gandhi. But there was never so much bitterness and cruelty even against them.

    The same Fadnavis Sadabhau Khot, Mahadev Jankar, Vinayak Mete Like this Bahujan leader How systematically it was ended. And now these 4 independent leaders are on their target. It seems that they have decided to establish themselves in the party forever. The people of Maharashtra are now directly saying this.

    Babasaheb Ambedkar bribed on 25 July 1927 Raigad Manusmriti was burnt at Mahad in the district, but still Fadnavis is holding on to the same Manusmriti and hating these Bahujan leaders.

    They want to end their politics. Such have been the sentiments of the workers of those leaders and their opponents. We are presenting the reaction of one of the opposition activists in front of us through the following photo.

    The injustice done to Bahujan leaders is a Manusmriti poem
    Manusmriti Kava

    Behind these leaders are constantly put down Manusmriti of caste discrimination At that time there are thoughts that do social media Criticism was coming from, and people were discussing. At that time it spread rapidly on social media Manusmriti This is the middle one text found It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with this case, and if it does, it should be considered a coincidence.

    Manusmriti Part 11, Line no. 31 and 32
    Manusmriti Part 8
    Manusmriti Part 8, Line no. 413, 414 and 417

    now Manusmriti does not exist now it is democracy, And it is based on an incident written by Babasaheb Ambedkar. Fadnavis is a leader who believes in events and he should not be acting with such things in mind.

    In this democracy the people are the king and no one is bigger than the people. So now the people will decide the future of these leaders and the politics of Fadnavis without them.

    Meaning :- There is no confidence in what topic the activists will take where and how they will connect with it.

    Note :- Fadnavis There are accusations against him that he Manusmriti They are trying to treat these Bahujan leaders as such. We are not at all saying that they are doing so, but we do not want to make such a claim.

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  • Maharashtra Defense Movement is the depression of Fadnavis.

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    Maharashtra Rescue Movement>> Today he is trying his best to face this epidemic of corona virus.Maharashtra State While the government has also achieved its goal, since the last 3 months, the opposition party in Maharashtra seems to be engaged only in politics.

    Maharashtra Defense Movement and Fadnavis’ Depression

    Today, when thousands of lives are at stake across the globe, while the whole world is united in fighting this crisis, in Maharashtra, the opposition seems to be busy making a fuss. Uddhav Thackeray His Vidhan Parishad MLA elections. Or now Fadnavis It was started by Maharashtra Rescue Movement asudaya

    In this 3 month period, Fadnavis is just looking for an opportunity to take over the state government. Whether it is going to meet the Governor or demanding the resignation of the Chief Minister. Maharashtra Rescue Movement It has been called. Such a discussion has started among the people.

    Actions by Fadnavis and his followers

    The reactions of Fadnavis and his followers on social media are very eloquent. That is, on the day when discussions were going on in the Mahavikas Aghadi about unopposed seats in the Legislative Council. At that time, Congress was also saying to contest 2 seats, but Fadnavis’ followers/activists said that Fadnavis is 100% the Chief Minister again. It seemed that it would happen and he also made such posts. People are talking about Fadnavis as if he is still the Chief Minister.

    Maharashtra Rescue Movement
    Post dated May 6, 2020
    Maharashtra Rescue Movement
    This is also a post dated May 6, 2020

    Modi announced self-reliant India and within 2 days Fadnavis’ Twitter handle Almost 30-35 posts of self-reliance were dropped from different designs. Fadnavis is seen assuring the Warkari sect that even in the situation of Corona, we should do Vari without breaking the tradition of Vari, but now people are feeling that Fadnavis is doing anything.

    Fadnavis’s actions and body language are now telling that he has gone into depression due to the good performance of the state government and has escaped making any accusations.

    On the other hand, the Chief Minister of the state, Uddhav Thackeray, is telling everyone not to worry, we will definitely get Maharashtra out of this Corona crisis, because the rhetoric of Thackeray is coming from his speech, whether he likes me or not, he is using the language to accommodate the opponents in this difficult situation. appear

    and of Maharashtra Maji Chief Minister (Mamu) But even in the dire situation of this corona virus, challenge the Varkari sect and say or Maharashtra Rescue Movement Let’s say they are taking over Maharashtra. Should we call it depression or what else? People are seeing such discussion now.

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  • After Jalna, Parbhani, the Chief Minister’s convoy will be black flagged in Hingoli today.

    mahajanadesh yatra
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    It has to be said that the Maha Janadesh Yatra of the BJP Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis government is full of disruptions.

    Till now, these yatras, which have been closed and restarted twice, are not ending with any hiccups in between. This Mahajanadesh Yatra, which was stopped earlier due to the Kolhapur Sangli flood situation and later due to the death of Arun Jaitley, has now been resumed by the Chief Minister.

    After the arrest of Pooja More, who was questioning the Chief Minister yesterday, it seems that the problems of the Chief Minister have increased. The convoy was intercepted in Jalna the day before yesterday, the meeting broke up in Parbhani yesterday and black flags were shown to the Chief Minister in Hingoli today.

    mahajanadesh yatra

    Chief Minister’s today Mahajanadesh Yatra Hingoli has arrived in While the yatra was coming to Hingoli, the police tried to stop the Chief Minister’s convoy by showing black flags near Hingoli. But it was unsuccessful.

    till now In Mahajanadesh Yatra Yesterday, the video of Pooja More’s arrest went viral while Varun was criticizing the police system being misused.

    Pooja More The above injustice is being opposed from all levels. In social media BJP After the video of Pooja More’s arresting a young woman in the Yatra went viral, people had expressed their reactions in strong words.

    People are protesting that this government is not doing anything when there are numerous problems like farmer loan waiver, farmer suicide, unemployment etc.


    Protest of Mahajanadesh Yatra by showing black flags

  • Benefits of Clove Marathi/Uses of Clove/Benefits of Eating Clove

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    Benefits of Clove Marathi / Clove Uses / Benefits of eating cloves / Benefits of lavang in Marathi >> Cloves are a common thing found in our household, many foods in the diet are incomplete without cloves so every household has cloves, not only in India but worldwide, cloves are in demand. Cloves are famous all over the world and widely used by people but cloves are not only used to add flavor to food but also have some medicinal properties.

    Benefits of Clove Marathi / Clove Uses / Benefits of Eating Clove >>

    Small in size but with medicinal properties, this clove is beneficial for our health. We will see the benefits of clove in this article.

    Medicinal properties of cloves Advantages / Benefits of eating cloves :-

    • Cloves have been used since ancient times for general health problems. Its results are also visible strongly and quickly. Cloves are very beneficial for our health.
    • Cloves are beneficial for toothache. The oil in cloves is beneficial in stopping pain in toothache.
    • Clove is also effective in other diseases related to the mouth.
    • Cloves are also used to relieve sore throat.
    • Cloves are used for many diseases like cold and cough to serious diseases like cancer
    • Cloves are also used to repel mosquitoes.
    • Cloves have antibacterial properties, so cloves are used in making toothpaste, mouth washes and creams.
    • Clove oil is very effective but this clove oil should not be applied directly on the skin but should be mixed with any other oil.
    • Cloves are also beneficial for relieving ailments like sinus. People who suffer from sinus problems should add three to four teaspoons of clove oil in water. This will reduce infection and reduce difficulty in breathing.
    • Clove is also effective in stomach ailments. Gastric juice present in cloves improves digestion Grind two cloves and boil them in half a cup of water and drink this mixture after it cools down and take it three times a day to help get rid of gas problems in the stomach thus cloves are effective in problems like gas burning in the stomach.
    • Cloves are also beneficial during pregnancy. If you feel nauseous, chewing cloves gives relief. Sometimes during pregnancy, women feel nauseous many times in the morning.
    Benefits of cloves
    Cloves – Benefits of eating cloves

    Uses of Cloves in Medicine :-

    • Cloves are used not only in Ayurvedic but in all medical systems. Like -Homeopathy Allopathy and Ayurveda.
    • Cloves contain carbohydrates, potassium, sodium and hydrochloric acid. Cloves also contain vitamin E and C fiber.
    • Clove is a natural pain reliever.
    • Doctors prefer to apply clove oil in case of toothache and get instant relief.
    • Cloves are used for bone pain. It contains more Pleuronol.
    • Ayurvedic medicine places primary emphasis on the use of clove oil for bone healing.
    • It is advised to take the aroma of cloves in respiratory problems and since the aroma of cloves is very strong, taking it immediately relieves asthma, cold, sinus problems etc.
    • Clove oil is a great anti-septic. Hence, cloves are used for fungal infections, burns, injuries or skin related problems.
    • Cloves are also used for cancer diseases.
    • Clove increases immunity and purifies the blood
    • Eating cloves destroys stomach worms.
    • Cloves help prevent lung cancer and skin cancer.
    • Also, cloves are used during the treatment of diseases like malaria, gonorrhea.
    • If a diabetic patient consumes cloves daily, the glucose levels will decrease.

    Summary – Lavang Che Fayade

    Thus, cloves are useful in our daily and therapeutic regimens as well. Therefore, we should always use cloves so that our body’s immune system increases and we can stay fit.

    (Note :- A doctor must be consulted before any treatment.)

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, don’t forget to comment them.

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  • How to do Lakshmi Puja | Diwali Lakshmi Pujan | Effective Mantra | Wreath

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    How to do Lakshmi Pujan | How to do Diwali Lakshmi Pujan (lakshmi pujan kase karave in marathi) >> Diwali is said to be the most important day of Lakshmi Puja, so we need to know how to perform Lakshmi Puja, what to do and which puja to perform. In this article we are going to know all about how to perform Lakshmi Puja.

    Lakshmi means not only wealth and money, the arrival of Lakshmi means wealth, opulence, wealth, power, health, prosperity, success, dignity, honor, popularity, longevity, or her arrival is expected to come.

    How to do Lakshmi Puja |  How to do Diwali Lakshmi Pujan (lakshmi pujan kase karave in marathi)
    How to do Lakshmi Puja | How to do Diwali Lakshmi Pujan (lakshmi pujan kase karave in marathi)

    How to perform Lakshmi Pujan (lakshmi pujan kase karave in marathi) – How to do Diwali Lakshmi Pujan Marathi / diwali lakshmi pujan vidhi marathi

    Many times during Shri Lakshmi Pujan, one forgets to remember and pray to Shri Vishnu. The peculiarity of Shri Mahalakshmi Tattva is that she resides wherever Vishnu is remembered and prayed. Since she does not live without Vishnu, do not forget that it is in order to remember Lord Vishnu before worshiping her. Just remember mentally or “Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevai”. Chant this mantra 11 times.

    Lakshmi Pujan and other decorations

    Swastik should be drawn on both sides near the door of the house, steps of Lakshmi and cows should be drawn from Tulsi to the God of the house with rangoli. Puja should be done by lighting lamp and incense stick near Tulsi and carrying turmeric-kunku flowers.

    lakshmi pujan kase karave in marathi

    Rangoli should be drawn on the side of chairanga, first place the photo of Shri Lakshminarayana on the chairanga, gold, silver coin, bank passbook, certificate, note should also be worshiped, if there is a mark of the deity, it should also be kept. Keep a coin or image of Shri Lakshmi. And swastika should be drawn by keeping coconut and Kersuni Puja should be performed. All the doors and windows of the house should be kept open while doing this Lakshmi Puja.

    Some Effective Mantras for Lakshmi Puja / Laxmi Pujan Mantra / Laxmi Pujan Aarti

    Mantra japa should preferably be done after Pujan. Chant 108 times while chanting. Prayer should be done after chanting. Wealth, wealth, wealth, power, health, prosperity, success, prestige, respect, popularity, longevity should be achieved. Pray like this. After showing the offerings, the Prasad should be distributed to the family members who are present, they should also recite Srisukta or Mahalakshmi Ashtaka after chanting the mantra.

    Om Sri Namah Yat

    ॐ Sri Mahalakshmi Devi Namah

    ॐ Mahalakshmicha vighmahe, Vishnupatnaicha dhimahi, tanno lakshmiprachodaya

    ॐ Heem Padye Svaha

    Aarti Ritual Aarti is performed by keeping one or four Vadas of Kapara lit. Salute to the feet of Om Mahalakshmi.

    Flower Wreath Ritual and Apology

    Take flowers or flower petals in your hand and offer the flowers at the feet of Goddess by chanting the above mantra. And offer salutations to Mahalakshmi and offer mantra garlands. Pradakshina Mantra All the sins committed by man are destroyed step by step while doing Parikrama. Salutations to Mahalakshmi and offer Pradakshina.

    O Mahalakshmi. O conqueror of obstacles and endowed with knowledge, my obeisances at your feet O Lakshmi, always destroy all obstacles in my work.

    Deepak Pujan And Puja dedication

    How to do Lakshmi Puja |  How to do Diwali Lakshmi Pujan (lakshmi pujan kase karave in marathi)
    Deepak Pujan

    Put ghee in the lamp vessel and put a cotton wick, after lighting the lamp, wash your hands. Then light the lamp on a bed of rice or flower on the right side of the idol.

    Then take the flower petals in your hands and say the following mantra.

    mantra:- O Deep Devi, may you always keep me auspicious and happy. As long as the puja is going on, we should remain calm and steadily lit.

    Lakshmi Pujan should be performed in this manner.

    Prostration should be done at the end of the ritual puja. First prostrate yourself, then take water in your hand and say the following mantra and release the water into the vessel.

    mantra:- May Lakshmi be satisfied with Siddhi Buddhishit due to this puja. She has the right to this puja and not mine.

    Summary – How to perform Diwali Lakshmi Pujan in Marathi complete information

    We have made an honest attempt to tell you how to perform Lakshmi Pujan through this article. In this article, we have been given detailed information about how to properly perform puja while doing Lakshmi Pujan on Diwali, some effective mantras, floral wreath rituals, prayers for forgiveness, Deepak Pujan and Puja Samarpan. However, different regions may have different ways of worshiping Lakshmi.

    Please let us know by commenting how you liked the information on how to perform Lakshmi Pujan and if you have any suggestions please let us know.

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  • Kids Bicycle Price | 31 Best Children’s bicycle price…

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    Children’s Cycle Price / Children’s Cycle Full Details / lahan mulanchi cycle >> If you are thinking of buying a bicycle for your child, you must be asking the question, which bicycle to buy? What is the cost of children’s bicycles? So there is not one specific answer to this question but many things have to be taken into consideration. One or more factors like your or the person you are buying the bike for, age, physical ability, your financial budget, and the purpose of using the bike are all related to your question.

    Given below are some of the best children’s bicycles and their prices according to the age group of children. We have tried to provide information about this. So let’s take a look at some of these well-designed and durable kids bikes.

    According to the age group of children Children’s Bicycle Price and Complete Information

    Bicycle price for children up to 3 years

    Children in this age group do not need to think too much when buying a bicycle, because the subject of a bicycle is basically new to children of this age group. Whatever bike you bring them, they try to ride it with passion.

    For children up to 3 years of age, generally the color of the bicycle should be attractive so that the child feels happy when looking at it. Generally, the height of this bicycle should be 11 to 15 inches. Also, preferably such a child’s bicycle should have side wheels and a basket as well.

    You will find some such attractive and best bicycles for kids up to 3 years in this section of the article, see which one you like. Children’s bicycle prices in this age group range from a minimum of 999 to a maximum of 3,300.

    Toyzone Trike Kids Toy Cycle ₹ 999

    Baybee Ducky Baby Tricycle | Kids Tricycle ₹ 1,198

    AV INT Kids Foldable 3 Wheel Scooter Cycle ₹ 1,199

    Toyshine Ducky Baby Tricycle ₹ 1,299

    Amardeep and Co Baby Tricycle ₹ 1,550

    KHOOSHI Baby Panda Magic Car Ride on for Kids  ₹ 1,599

    GOPAL TRENDZ Kids 3 Wheel Foldable Scooter Cycle with Height Adjustment & Led Light on Wheel ₹ 1,599

    Toyshine Crazy Baby Tricycle ₹ 1,699

    FunRide Tricycle for Kids, EVA Tyres & Rear Storage Basket ₹ 1,899

    LuvLap Go Baby Kids Tricycle with Anti-Slip Pedals ₹ 1,999

    FunRide Tricycle for Kids – Razor Baby Tri-Cycles with EVA Tyres and Leather Seat and Backrest ₹ 1,999

    FOUR DIAMONDS Ecofriendly Tricycle ₹ 2,221

    Little Pumpkin Classic T20 Baby Tricycle Smart Plug and Play Tricycle for Kids ₹ 3,294

    Bicycle price for children up to 3 – 5 years

    There is no need to be too confused when buying a bicycle for children of this age group. Because children in this category do not need to look at many brands even while buying a bicycle. Children like the stylish looking bicycle.

    Children in this age group ride this bicycle indoors or very rarely in the yard, so the height of this bicycle should also be around 16 inches so that they can ride it properly.

    Some of such stylish bicycles are shown below. All the following bicycles are good to use and durable. Children’s bicycle prices in this age group range from a minimum of 2,400 to a maximum of 6,400.

    Rising India 14 Inch, Kids Sports Bicycle ₹ 2,499

    Alpine cycles 14T BMX Unisex Kids Cycle ₹ 2,559

    Alpine cycles 14T BMX, Kids Cycle ₹ 2,560

    BSA Champ Phillips Supercat 10″ Bicycle ₹ 3,199

    ORBIS 14 Inches Single Speed Cycle for Kids ₹ 3,199

    R for Rabbit 14T Inches, Steel Bicycle for Kids ₹ 6,399

    Children’s bicycle price above 5 years

    It is necessary to think a little while buying a bicycle for this age group of children. Some bicycles in this category are very heavy, often not even for small children. So, if your son is older than 5 years, take a bicycle with some thought while getting him a bicycle. Generally a bicycle in this category should be 18 to 22 inches in height and should preferably be lightweight and without single gear suspension.

    Most of the time children of this age group insist on getting a gear bike but try to explain them, because gear bikes need to be used very carefully and either kids use it as a kid and if there is a grandpa living next door then ask them to ride it. Can and while driving, the work of gear shifter of that bicycle can be done by putting any gear. So, there is no problem in giving the children a bike with a good gear when they are a little older, i.e. around 10-12 years old.

    Below are some of the best bicycles for children of this age group, all of which are durable and attractive. Children’s bicycle price in this age group ranges from a minimum of 3,500 to a maximum of 10,000.

    Ollmii Bikes Destrro Steel Kids Cycle 20 inches ₹ 3,498

    Hero Blast 20T Single Speed Kids’ Bike ₹ 3,731

    Speed Bird Cycle Industries, Kids Sports Bicycle ₹ 3,749

    Beetle Storm 20T Kids Cycle for Boys & Girls ₹ 4,999

    Beetle Panache 20T Kids Cycle ₹ 5,399

    Hero Flake 20T 6 Speed Cycle ₹ 5,402

    Vaux Max 20T – 20 Inch Kids Single Speed Bicycle ₹ 6,552

    MDS CYCLES-K8 Daredevil 20 Inch Cycle ₹ 7,799

    Geekay 20-inch, Wheel Non-Gear Cycle ₹ 9,199

    R for Rabbit Bicycle for Kids – Smart Kids Cycle ₹ 9,999

    Hero Kyoto 26T Single Speed Mountain Bike ₹ 4,941

    Hero Firefly 26T 1-Speed Cycle  ₹ 7,300

    Summary – Lahan mulanchi cycle price / lahan mulanchi cycle

    All the above cycles are good to use and durable. According to your child’s age, physical ability and your budget, if you like a bicycle and want to know more about it, you can see the necessary information by clicking on the “Check It On Amazon” button.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

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