About Amazon’s Wholesale Market :-
Friends, Amazon is a company that provides e-commerce website services, as well as other services such as Amazon Prime, Audible(Audio books),Amazon Business Account.
But today we are going to talk about Amazon’s website which is useful for your business. Amazon is offering you the products you need for business or you need in bulk from Amazon Business website at wholesale prices for your business growth and to increase your financial profit.
According to Amazon, everything you need for your business is available at one place i.e. Amazon Business website. Amazon does not charge any fee to register. By registering on this website you can take your business internationally.
The work of this website is divided into four steps.
1) GST Invoice.
2) Business Pricing & Bulk Discounts.
3) Fast, Reliable Shipping.
4) Easy Return & Replacements.
Benefits of Registering with Amazon Business :-
- More than 15 crore products are available on this website.
- Wholesale price of the product.
- International manufacturers available.
- About 28% GST input tax credit will be available on every order.
- Delivery in less time.
- Policy of Easy Return & Replacements.
- Competitive B2B prices and discounts.
- Amazon does not charge any fee to register.
So register today and see if there is anything useful for your business available on this website.Detailed Procedure to Register is given below.
Necessary things to register :-
- Your full address.
- Email Address.
- phone number.
- GST no.
How to Register on Amazon Business?
Step By Step Procedure:-
Step 1
After clicking on the button given above, you will go to the main page of Amazon Business Account. Here you are Register Now Click on this button

Step 2

After clicking on the Register Now button, this window will open, you have to enter your e-mail ID in the place shown in the below photo and then click on the Submit button.
Step 3
I) If already have an account on amazon.in.

If you already have an account on amazon.in, then you will see such a window open in which you have to enter your e-mail id and your password and click on the Login button.

Here amazon is asking you if you want to convert your existing account to business. Or you can open amazon business account by typing a new e-mail id. Select the option which is convenient for you.
II) If no previous account on amazon.in.

If you don’t have account on amazon.in then you will see this window here you have to fill your name, email id then type password 2 times and click on next step button.

If some characters appear on your screen, you need to type them below and click on Continue button.

Here you have to type the OTP sent to your e-mail id and click on Create your Amazon account button.
Step 4
Either way you go through both (A and B) given in point number 3 above, you will reach this stage on the screen shown in the photo below.

Here you have to fill in your business information, such as your name, phone number, then what type of business you have.

As shown in the photo below, you have to choose 1 option out of the 5 types of business given here. If your business is small and you are a sole proprietor, then you should choose Sole Proprietorship.

Then you have to select the industry in which your business falls. For example, if you are a manufacturer of an item, you have to select the Manufacturing option. You should select the industry option from the options given here according to your business.

Then below you have to fill information regarding your business license. Type your business GST number here and click the validate button. Amazon will automatically fill your business address, then you just click the submit button below.
Step 5

After doing this, a window like this will open in front of you and you will see a message that Amazon is taking 48 hours from you for verification.
But within 30-60 minutes your Amazon business account will be verified and you will receive an email confirming it.

Congratulations, your Amazon Business account has been opened. Now you can buy the goods required for your business or more in bulk at wholesale price. Specially, you will get 28% GST input tax credit on this purchase.
Do let us know in the comments what benefits you and your business have gained from registering an Amazon Business Account.