
  • Amazon Business Account | Learn how to register…..

    About Amazon’s Wholesale Market :-

    Friends, Amazon is a company that provides e-commerce website services, as well as other services such as Amazon Prime, Audible(Audio books),Amazon Business Account.

    But today we are going to talk about Amazon’s website which is useful for your business. Amazon is offering you the products you need for business or you need in bulk from Amazon Business website at wholesale prices for your business growth and to increase your financial profit.

    According to Amazon, everything you need for your business is available at one place i.e. Amazon Business website. Amazon does not charge any fee to register. By registering on this website you can take your business internationally.

    Amazon Business Account Registration
    Amazon Business

    The work of this website is divided into four steps.

    1) GST Invoice.
    2) Business Pricing & Bulk Discounts.
    3) Fast, Reliable Shipping.
    4) Easy Return & Replacements.

    Benefits of Registering with Amazon Business :-

    • More than 15 crore products are available on this website.
    • Wholesale price of the product.
    • International manufacturers available.
    • About 28% GST input tax credit will be available on every order.
    • Delivery in less time.
    • Policy of Easy Return & Replacements.
    • Competitive B2B prices and discounts.
    • Amazon does not charge any fee to register.

    So register today and see if there is anything useful for your business available on this website.Detailed Procedure to Register is given below.

    Necessary things to register :-

    • Your full address.
    • Email Address.
    • phone number.
    • GST no.

    How to Register on Amazon Business?

    Step By Step Procedure:-

    Step 1

    After clicking on the button given above, you will go to the main page of Amazon Business Account. Here you are Register Now Click on this button

    Amazon Business Account Registration Step 1
    Amazon Business Account Main Page

    Step 2

    Business Account Registration Step 2
    Business Account Registration Step 2

    After clicking on the Register Now button, this window will open, you have to enter your e-mail ID in the place shown in the below photo and then click on the Submit button.

    Step 3

    I) If already have an account on


    If already registered on
    If already registered on

    If you already have an account on, then you will see such a window open in which you have to enter your e-mail id and your password and click on the Login button.


    convert amazon account into business
    convert amazon account into business

    Here amazon is asking you if you want to convert your existing account to business. Or you can open amazon business account by typing a new e-mail id. Select the option which is convenient for you.

    II) If no previous account on


    Amazon Business Account Registration Step 3
    Amazon Business Account Registration Step 3

    If you don’t have account on then you will see this window here you have to fill your name, email id then type password 2 times and click on next step button.


    Insert characters as shown
    Insert characters as shown

    If some characters appear on your screen, you need to type them below and click on Continue button.


    Verify your email address with amazon business
    Verify your email address with amazon business

    Here you have to type the OTP sent to your e-mail id and click on Create your Amazon account button.

    Step 4

    Either way you go through both (A and B) given in point number 3 above, you will reach this stage on the screen shown in the photo below.


    Type your business information
    Type your business information

    Here you have to fill in your business information, such as your name, phone number, then what type of business you have.


    Select your business type
    Select your business type

    As shown in the photo below, you have to choose 1 option out of the 5 types of business given here. If your business is small and you are a sole proprietor, then you should choose Sole Proprietorship.


    Select industry type
    Select industry type

    Then you have to select the industry in which your business falls. For example, if you are a manufacturer of an item, you have to select the Manufacturing option. You should select the industry option from the options given here according to your business.


    Insert your GST number
    Insert your GST number

    Then below you have to fill information regarding your business license. Type your business GST number here and click the validate button. Amazon will automatically fill your business address, then you just click the submit button below.

    Step 5
    Final Step Of Amazon Business Account Opening
    Final Step Of Amazon Business Account Opening

    After doing this, a window like this will open in front of you and you will see a message that Amazon is taking 48 hours from you for verification.

    But within 30-60 minutes your Amazon business account will be verified and you will receive an email confirming it.

    Congratulation your Amazon Business Account is registered
    Congratulation your Amazon Business Account is registered

    Congratulations, your Amazon Business account has been opened. Now you can buy the goods required for your business or more in bulk at wholesale price. Specially, you will get 28% GST input tax credit on this purchase.

    Do let us know in the comments what benefits you and your business have gained from registering an Amazon Business Account.

  • Ajit Pawar is a farmer :- A farmer is like that…

    ajit pawar
    Online advertising

    Ajit Pawar a farmer>>Today, Ajit Pawar’s resignation drama has come to an end. And whether or not this church was freed from speculating for a day or not, now the matter of resignation is completely over.

    but today Ajit Pawar He became emotional in his press conference and what he said spoke true to his original eloquent nature.

    Ajit Pawar is a farmer

    • farmer It is also the same. Mar mar labors in the field until his harvest comes, while that crop is in the forest farmer He is just trying to make the crop grow, even if he has to do something for it, he does it, he takes care of whatever disease has occurred, but by doing whatever he does, he keeps the crop alive, and spends as much as he can to keep it alive. Then he borrows from wherever he can for that.
    • While doing all this farmer It never thinks whether we will get as much income from those crops now as we are spending. He feeds that crop until it is fully harvested. But when they Crop He takes it for sale when he goes there merchant The way people name that crop, ask for it, but he gets disappointed, discouraged and depressed. The same Suicide out of despair does

    Ajit Pawar Journalist Council

    • The condition of the farmers is exactly the same By Ajit Pawar They said today that it happened. This is the summary of what he said while speaking at the press conference In the cooperative sector Anytime while working A farmer owned factory is in trouble.
    • At that time he factory While getting him out of that trouble, we have allocated the loan with a view to get him out of that trouble first and that loan has not been paid all that. recover debt is done
    • And Bank Now in profit but still more than the deposit amount in bank 25 thousand crores Scam is being told. They also like the traders who named the farm.
    Ajit Pawar
    Ajit Pawar (a farmer) press conference

    Highlights of Ajit Pawar’s speech

    • The purpose of his speech was the same farmer when drought If they fall into trouble, their factory running on those farmers also gets into trouble, then the job of helping those factories and getting them out of trouble has been done through the bank.
    • And there is no corruption in this, and if there is a perception that there is, I was a director in it and there were 70 other directors with me from all parties.
    • Actually, out of 12 crore people of the state, only about 1 crore people know what the cooperative sector is and how it works, but still it is only spread that Ajit Pawar has committed a scam of thousands of crores.
    • Therefore, the remaining 11 crore people will feel that this is a scam of thousands of crores. Actually this is not a scam but a subsidy to farmers’ factories.
    • Ajit Pawar said if even after working in the cooperative sector with so much intimacy and affection, there are always such allegations, then there will be trouble, after all I am also a human being.
    • And I was a director in that bank but Pawar sir is not even a member of that bank and his name is included in it only as my relative.
    • Even though he spent 51 to 52 years of his life for the betterment of farmers and working class, a case was registered against him. And because I suffered from the same thing, I went into the unknown.
    • Ajit Dada’s eagerness to work is the nature of Maharashtra, especially the rural areas, and today Ajit Dada handled that press conference in the same manner.
    • The summary of all these developments is that the wave of sympathy for Sharad Pawar is being created in Maharashtra, now the sympathy for the continuous disregard of a leader like Ajit Dada who takes decisions in the interest of the rural people has also been added.

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  • Today’s Live Match/Current Cricket Match/IPL 2022 Live Match- Latest

    Today's Live Match Cricket Match
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    Today’s Live Match / Current Cricket Match / IPL 2022 Live Match / 2022 IPL Match>> Scroll down to check cricket match live scores. Here you can see today’s match (Live Match), yesterday’s match (Completed Matches Results) and tomorrow’s match (Upcoming Matches), along with IPL Live match scores will also be available.

    Today’s Live Match Score Board / IPL Live Match Score Board

    Check live IPL and other match scores here 👇👇👇👇👇👇

    IPL match and other match related news

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  • How to focus on studying Increase concentration in studies

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    How to focus in studies | What measures to focus in studies | How to increase concentration in studies >> In the case of many children, parents face these problems. Or some children also want to study, but they do not have control over their minds. It is necessary to develop an inclination towards study in the minds of children.

    What is with children is the same with each of us, we do the things we like, or the things behind which we have some purpose. It is also about study, children should develop interest in it in order to be interested in it. Or the children themselves should decide what they want to achieve by studying. No matter how many goals are set by the parents, only if the children set the goals, the children will study with their heart.

    Always remember one thing, he who has control over his mind can have the power to conquer the world in fact he wins but he who has control over his mind has to lose everything. So if you want to know how to concentrate on studying, you must be able to master your own mind.

    Many students say that we want to study but we don’t feel like studying, so we don’t study. So some parents are seen asking the question that what should be done to make our children interested in studies? For all such, in this article, we are giving 6 solutions to keep your heart in study. If you take the measures, you will definitely see a change in yourself or your children and they will study with heart.

    How to concentrate on study – Remedies and implementation of remedies | Some ways to concentrate on studying | (If you want to wash your hair – silly)

    How to concentrate on studies (Method 1) – Get inspired

    Unless you inspire your mind with something, nothing will be done. Until both you and your mind come together and decide to do something, it will not be done. The same is the case with studies, you have to get inspiration from something or other to study or to be interested in studies.

    How to concentrate in studies, solutions to concentrate in studies - motivation

    Read information about a scientist like APJ Abdul Kalam, a life character that will inspire you. Parents should inform their children about the people who have grown up after studying something like this, show inspiring movies, show videos. So that children get inspiration from it. I was not born to live a straight and simple life, until you tell your mind that I want to grow up in life, you will not be interested in studying.

    How to Focus on Studying (Method 2) – Find a reason why you should study

    How to focus on studying

    Everyone has different reasons for studying. Like some want to clear government exams and some want to clear school exams with good marks. Studies can be of different types, so one should decide what his goal is in that field. Only crazy people succeed without a goal in mind.

    To focus on studying (Measure 3) – Exercise

    What to do to get interested in studies

    Exercising keeps you healthy. If your body is strong, your mind will also be happy. Regular exercise can also help you stay focused on studying. So if you want concentration of mind while studying, do exercise daily.

    To concentrate on studies (Measure 4) – Meditate or chant for concentration of mind

    Study does not require mind - meditate

    Man’s mind is very fickle, when he sits down to study he wants to watch TV and sometimes he wants to go out to play or take a walk. You need to be able to control these states of mind, for that you can calm your mind by meditating. Chanting a mantra for 10 minutes every morning and evening or sitting quietly with eyes closed and meditating without any thoughts can also help you control your mind. .

    To concentrate on studies (Measure 5) – Get enough sleep

    Get enough sleep to concentrate
    get enough sleep

    Just like your body needs rest, so does your mind. Getting enough sleep also helps keep your mind happy. So when you sit down to study, you want to study. Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night is necessary to keep your body happy as well as your mind.

    To get interested in studying (Measure 6) – Keep your study area inspiring and pleasant

    The room or table where you study should always be clean. Just as your body gets tired after working, your mind gets tired of looking at a solid place or a cluttered space, so keep your study area tidy to keep your mind happy and relaxed.

    Keep the study space pleasant
    Study space

    Paste photos of inspirational people or some motivational quotes on your study space to encourage you to study, there are plenty of such quotes available on the internet. By doing this, whenever your mind wanders from your goal, the thought and photo will remind you of your goal.


    6 solutions are given for how to focus your mind in study. If you follow these 6 solutions, you will be able to control the fickle state of your mind and you can do any work with concentration, not just study. So, these solutions will definitely be beneficial to keep you motivated in studies.

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting.

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  • बिजली के करंट लगने से हुई बालक की मौत

    कोढ़ा/ शंभु कुमार 

     कोढा  नगर पंचायत  वार्ड संख्या 9 के दलित टोला में संतोष पासवान  के 3 वर्षीय बेटे का मृत्यु बिजली के करंट लगने से हो गई। वही बेटे की मौत पर पूरे परिवार में मातम छा गया है।

     बताया जाता है कि नंगे तार होने की वजह से बालक नंगे तार के स्पर्श में आ गया जिसके कारण बालक की मौत हो गई। मौत की सूचना मिलते ही प्रखंड अध्यक्ष जदयू धीरज सिंह ने पिडित  परिवार के घर पहुंच कर सांत्वना देते हुए ढांढस बढ़ाया ।

  • What is independent? |Self-reliance and self-reliant India

    Online advertising

    What is self-reliance ? “Aatmanirbharta” >>It means not depending on others self reliance.self dependent To be is to see oneself.

    The word self-reliance has been used by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech.

    People are doing this search on the internet, people have a question What is self-reliance ? “What does Aatmanirbharta mean?”

    Today’s Corona virus Reactions are coming everywhere that even in the appalling circumstances of the event, our Prime Minister is not skilled in organizing it.

    self reliant india And 20 lakh crore Such words are being mocked by netizens.

    Basically what people needed and expected from Modi’s speech was the massive migration of workers across the country.

    It is said that the migration that is taking place now is the largest migration since Partition.

    But even if it is not mentioned in Modi’s speech, Modi is saying the opposite “self dependent made” That is “You see yours” Netizens are not interested in this.

    Modi addressed the countrymen

    • In the country today, the jobs of countless people are at risk, it has become difficult for many people to get 2 meals a day, and the havoc of Corona virus is different.
    • However, our Prime Minister is saying that when the people who walk thousands of kilometers need help today self dependent made (your you see)! Wa Modiji wa!Netizens are expressing such feelings.
    • Just make big announcements, about everything event It is Modi’s habit to do it. One of them is 20 lakh cored Announcement of . There is no simple mention about how such a large amount will be used. Such a feeling is being created in people.

    What is independent?

    • Below are some photos of people who are desperate because of this current situation self reliancewhile they now really expect help from the government Modi’s speech They might be saying What is self-reliance ? So now, at times like this, should we look at ourselves? “Wah Modi’s Wah”.
    self reliance
    self reliance
    self reliance
    What is independent? "Aatmanirbharta"
    self dependent
    in migration
    What is self-reliance ?
    What is self-reliance ?  - self-reliance means, self-reliance

    self reliance This is important but before that Humanity It is important that in this situation the need for humanity is definitely more than self-reliance.

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  • Anand Shinde’s car met with an accident

    aanand shinde accident
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    The car of famous singer Anand Shinde has met with an accident. Shinde was on his way to Sangolya from Mumbai via Indapur when the accident took place but luckily he escaped unharmed.

    aanand shinde car accident
    aanand shinde car accident
    • Famous singer Anand Shinde’s car met with an accident near Balpudi village in Indapur
    • Anand Shinde escaped unharmed in this accident, but the car was badly damaged
    • What exactly happened? : Shinde was going to Sangolia from Mumbai via Indapur. At Varkute Phata near Indapur, the driver of Anand Shinde’s car did not see the oncoming dumper.
    • In this way, he hit the dumper from behind. Anand Shinde’s leg was hit. After this, he was admitted to a private hospital in Indapur for treatment.

    It is reported that Shinde has left for Pune after primary treatment.

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  • मखाना में नहीं है फल किसान है बेदम


    कोढ़ा/ शंभु कुमार

    कोढा प्रखंड अंतर्गत किसानों के द्वारा मखाना की खेती वृहद पैमाने पर किया गया है । मखाना खेती कर रहे अमलेश कुमार व मिथुन कुमार भोटिया दमगारा निवासी ने बताया कि मैं अपना घरवार छोर कर  कोढा प्रखंड में फुलवरिया पंचायत अंतर्गत 10 एकड़ खेती किया गया। जिसमे कि मखाना निकालने हेतु मजदूर भिखारी महतो, पहाड़ी महतो, प्रकाश महतो अन्य मजदूरों ने खेते में मखाना का फल निकालने वक्त बताया की इस  बार आपके खेतों में खेत के अनुसार फल नहीं है वही एक एकड़ की बात करें तो एकड़ में मात्र 3 कुन्टल ही मखाना निकल रहा है 

    जिसे देख किसान हैरत में है वही पूंजी की बात करेंगे तो 20 से ₹25000 पर बीघा लीज के अलावे 15 से 20000 पर बीघा खर्च कर खेती कर रहे हैं 10 एकड़ में लगी फसल लागत भी निकलना बड़ा मुश्किल हो गया है ।वही मखाना निकालने वाला मजदूर को ₹30 पर केजी के हिसाब से नगद में देना पड़ रहा है वहीं मखाना की दर की बात करें तो व्यापारियों के द्वारा 7500 रूपये से 8000 रुपए पर क्वींटल के दर से खरीदा जा रहा है जो कि कहीं से भी लाभ दिखता हुआ नहीं दिख रहा है ।वही सभी किसानों के चेहरे पर मायूसी छाई हुई है ।

    कई किसान तो यह कहते हुए नजर आए कि अब मैं भविष्य में इस खेती की तरफ कदम कदम भी नहीं बढ़ा पाएंगे सरकार को चाहिए कि मखाना खेती कर रहे किसानों के लिए मखाना के रेट को फिक्स करते हुए इसके स्टाक करने की उचित हेतु अभिलंब उचित पहल कराया जाए। ताकि किसान राहत की सांस ले सकें क्योंकि किसान खेती के सहारे हैं अपनी जीविका चलाने को विवश हैं और खेती पर ही उनका जीवन यापन टिका रहता है।

  • निर्माणाधीन पुल के शटरिंग गिरने पर मचा राजनीतिक घमासान,जाप नेताओं ने उठाया कई सवाल

    मनीष कुमार / कटिहार।

    बरारी में पुलिया के सटरिंग ढहने से लगभग एक दर्जन मजदूर घायल हो गए। बताते चलें समेली प्रखंड के बकिया नया टोला डुम्मर के बीच मुख्यमंत्री संपर्क योजना से बन रहे हैं पुलिया ढलाई के समय ढह जाने से उस पर काम कर रहे हैं लगभग एक दर्जन मजदूर घायल हो गया है, ग्रामीणों ने बताया कि पुल निर्माण में शुरू से ही अनियमितता बड़ती जा रही थी, पुराने लोहे के पाइप पुल के नीचे लगाया गया था 

    शायद इसी कारण ढलाई के लोड परते ही पुल निर्माण के दौरान सटरिंग टूट गया। इसी को लेकर जाप नेता राजा सिंह ने निर्माण कार्य पर कई सवाल खड़े किए हैं, उन्होंने कहा कि वर्तमान में बिहार के चारों ओर लूट मची हुई है जनता त्राहिमाम कर रही हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि अब बिहार में घंटे भर में ही पुल ध्वस्त हो जाता है उन्होंने कहा कि हम जिला प्रशासन से मांग करते हैं कि इस निर्माण कार्य का निष्पक्ष तरीके से जांच करते हुए दोषी लोगों पर कार्रवाई की जाए।

  • What is 8 A Utradha / Gram Panchayat Sample 8 Utradha

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    What is Extract 8A / Gram Panchayat / Village Sample Extract 8A >> If you are living in any Gram Panchayat area then you will be the first to read the passages like 8A, Sat Bara, Farfar. But not everyone knows how to extract these documents, what are its benefits and what is the meaning of the things written above and what is the difference between them. For all such, in this article we have brought all the information about 8A passage.

    8 A Utara / Gram Panchayat Sample 8 (8 a utara in Marathi) – All related information

    From Satbara passage we get information about the owner of the land, the debt on that land and who and what crops are grown in that land. But many people don’t know about the 8A passage. So let’s know what is 8 A passage? How to get it, what are its benefits, how to read and understand the information on it and what is the difference between Satbara Prathana and 8A Prathana.

    8A What is passage?

    8 A tranche means a tranche giving information about the total amount of land owned by a person in the village in which the tranche belongs. If a person owns land in more than one place in the village, you can get all his information on one paper i.e. 8A extract. And based on this 8A extract, Gram Panchayat levies taxes.

    Where to get Gram Panchayat Sample 8 copy

    There are 2 ways to get the 8 A copy, one is you can get the Gram Panchayat Sample 8 copy of land from Talathi office / Gram Panchayat Sample 8 copy of house from Gram Panchayat or the other way is you can also download it online. To collect sample 8 copy from Talathi office or Gram Panchayat you have to go there and collect it in person. To get this transcript online, you can download it in the order given below.

    • Visit this website.
    • Select your section on the screen that appears in front of this website.
    • Then click on 8A.
    • Select your district, taluka and village below.
    • If you know your group number, click on account number and enter your previous number in the box that appears.
    • Then click on the search button.

    After doing the above steps you will get to see your Gram Panchayat Sample 8 extract which you can use for information only, if you need to download 8A extract online for other government work. From this link you can login by filling your information as shown in the below photo and by making online payment you can download the Satbara passage and 8th passage of your area.

    8 What is A Utrada / Gram Panchayat Sample 8
    Register to download online

    Gram Panchayat Pattern 8 Let’s see how to read and understand the passage

    At the top of the transcript you will see the date and year on which you are taking the transcript, along with the name of the village, taluka and district. After all these basic aspects there are following sub-sections which are as follows:-

    1) 1st Rakana: This Rakana contains the record of village sample six, it also contains the record whether the land of the account holder is individual or shared along with the registration number of the account holder. Through this rakana we know whether the land is individual or collective which is important while buying land.

    2) Second column : This column contains land survey number and subdivision number. It also contains the account holder’s name. If the area is shared then the names of all the account holders are there. Through this column we can see in which group the area in the name of a person is divided.

    3) Third rakana : Through this rakana, we know how much area is there in the village to which the 8 A passage in the name of a person belongs.

    4) Fourth Rakana : In this Rakana we know how much tax has been levied on each land. By this unit we know how much taxation has been done on the area of ​​different groups of a person. Taxation is in rupees and money. Like Rs.15.50.

    5) Fifth Rakana : This rakana is reserved for dumla to show damage on land.

    6) Sixth Rakana : This Rakana is divided into two parts, one sub-section i.e. six (a) shows the tax levied through Zilla Parishad while the other sub-section i.e. six (b) shows the tax levied through Gram Panchayat.

    7) Seventh Rakana: In this Rakana total taxes are added up. This shows how much tax the person has to pay.

    And finally the total area of ​​that person and the total taxation on it is given.

    Advantage of having a passage of 8 A:

    1) The total land owned by the same person at different places i.e. in different groups is known through the passage of 8A.

    2) Section 8A is useful for administration i.e. Gram Panchayat and Zilla Parishad to collect tax.

    3) If you are buying a land then Gram Panchayat Sample 8 extract gives you all the information about the land like whether the ownership rights of the land are individual or collective and in whose name exactly the land is. Due to this, fraud in land purchase and sale is prevented due to this passage.

    4) Gram Panchayat Sample 8 is useful for you if you want to take some loan on a plot or house as well as for construction of a new house.

    Difference between seven twelve and 8 a passage

    Satbara passage is limited to only one group, i.e. if a person owns land in any number of places in a group, it appears on seven bara passages. On the other hand, if a person owns land in more than one group but in the same village, then the land in all the groups will be found on the extract of Gram Panchayat Sample 8.

    Thus the Gram Panchayats and Zilla Parishads are of good use for revenue collection of Section 8A as it subsumes all the land in that village in the name of that person.

    8 A Transcript / Gram Panchayat Sample 8 Download

    Gram Panchayat Form 8 which is used to give people in Gram Panchayat is given below to download “Download Grampanchayat Sample 8” Click on this button.

    Summary – 8A Utara

    From the above information you must have realized how to download 8A passage and how to read it. And at the same time information about where it is used is given in this article. This passage is of unique general importance in land purchase and sale transactions.

    8A What is passage?

    8 A tranche means a tranche giving information about the total amount of land owned by a person in the village in which the tranche belongs. If a person owns land in more than one place in the village, you can get all his information on one paper i.e. 8A extract. And based on this 8A extract, Gram Panchayat levies taxes.

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