
  • बिहार में बहुत जल्द ऐसी ट्रेन चलेगी, जिसकी सुविधाएं फ्लाइट की तरह होंगी |

    बिहार में बहुत जल्द ऐसी ट्रेन चलेगी, जिसकी सुविधाएं फ्लाइट की तरह होंगी |

    बिहार में बहुत जल्द ऐसी ट्रेन चलेगी, जिसकी सुविधाएं फ्लाइट की तरह होंगी |

    कब तक हमें अति पिछड़ा और अनपढ़ कह कर कोसोगे 
    अभी तो बस शुरुआत है मेरे बिहार को तुम आगे बढ़ता हुआ देखोगे |

     बिहार में बहुत जल्द ऐसी ट्रेन चलेगी, जिसकी सुविधाएं फ्लाइट की तरह होंगी

    बिहार में बहार हो ,विकास हो यह सब बातें बस नाम मात्र की रह गई थीं. सियासत की गली में बस लोग एक दूसरे पर आरोप लगाते दिखते हैं.

    इन सबके बीच इस खबर का आना हम सबके लिए एक बहुत बड़ी खुशी और राहत बन कर आया है। बता दें कि बहुत जल्द बिहार में ऐसी ट्रेन चलने वाली है जिसमें आपको फ्लाइट जैसी सुविधाओं का आनंद प्राप्त होगा। हालांकि इसका किराया फ्लाइट की तरह होने के कारण इस सुविधा का लुफ्त शायद सभी लोग ना उठा पाए। इसमें आपको वातानुकूलित के साथ-साथ एयर होस्टेस की भी सहूलियत मिलेगी।

    देश में 109 रूट पर चलने वाली प्राइवेट ट्रेनों में से एक ट्रेंन भागलपुर से चलेगी, यहां से पहली प्राइवेट ट्रेन हावड़ा के लिए चलेगी। परिचालन के लिए निजी कंपनियों से आवेदन भी मांगे गए हैं।

    कैसे होगा परिचालन

    अभी तक के निर्णय के अनुसार इस ट्रेन का परिचालन रोजाना होगा, इसके लिए संभावित समय सारणी भी जारी कर दी गई है। इस ट्रेन की समय भागलपुर से सुबह 6:25 बजे चलकर ट्रेन दोपहर 2:05 बजे हावड़ा पहुंचेगी। हावड़ा से दोपहर 2:35 से खुलकर रात 10:10 बजे भागलपुर पहुंचेगी। ट्रेन साहिबगंज, रामपुरहाट, वर्धमान के रास्ते 425 किलोमीटर की दूरी 7.35 घंटे में तय करेगी।

    क्योंकि अभी तक भागलपुर से हावड़ा तक कोई ट्रेन ना चलने के कारण लोगों को और सुविधाएं हो रही थी लेकिन अब शायद लोगों को उस से निजा़त मिल जाए। लेकिन इस बात का साफ तौर पर पुष्टिकरण करना ठीक नहीं है क्योंकि फ्लाइट जैसा किराया होने के कारण समाज का हर तबका शायद सुविधाओं से वंचित रह जाएं |

     क्या होगा किराया और कहां कहां रुकेगी ट्रेन 

    ठहराव वाले स्टेशन और किराए आदि का निर्धारण निविदा के बाद होगा, जिसकी प्रक्रिया बहुत जल्द ही शुरू होगी।प्राइवेट ट्रेनों का किराया उस रूट के हवाई किराया के आधार पर तय होगा। एग्जीक्यूटिव क्लास और एसी चेयरकार के कोच होंगे,कोच में एलईडी टीवी, सेल फोन, चार्जर और अन्य सुविधाएं भी होगी। एग्जीक्यूटिव क्लास और एसी चेयरकार के कोच होंगे,कोच में एलईडी टीवी, सेल फोन, चार्जर और अन्य सुविधाएं भी होगी।

    यात्रियों के स्वागत एयर होस्टेस की तर्ज पर ट्रेन होस्टेज करेंगी। रेलवे की ओर से प्राइवेट ट्रेन के परिचालन के लिए देश को 12 कलस्टर में बांटा गया है। हावड़ा को क्लस्टर 6 में रखा गया है, जिसमें भागलपुर- हावड़ा रूट को रेलवे ने प्राथमिकता दी है यह पूर्व रेलवे जोन की पहली प्राइवेट ट्रेन होगी। इस ट्रेन में लोको पायलट, सहायक लोको पायलट और गार्ड रेलवे के होंगे। टिकटिंक, पार्सल और अन्य व्यवसायिक कामकाज के अलावा यात्री सुविधाओं का जिम्मा निजी हाथों में होगा। हर साल रेलवे को बोगियों के एवज में ट्रांसपोर्टेशन चार्ज मिलता है, तो बिहार के लिए यह वाकई में किसी खुशखबरी से कम नहीं है।

      *विकास का रास्ता चाहे कितना भी पथरीला हो हम उस पर डट पर चलेंगे, 
       हम बिहारी अपने बिहार को एक नई दिशा की ओर ले कर चलेंगे।*

  • Still a ‘silk city’? The Decline of Silk Industry in Bhagalpur

    Still a ‘silk city’? The Decline of Silk Industry in Bhagalpur

    We remain in a custom of glorifying beauties of past, with our reminiscence of the good old days. Dipankar Ghose’s article in The Indian Express drew my attention to the presence of the sobriquet “Silk City”, on the traffic signals, district administration websites, advertisement boards, milestones, and where not, in Bhagalpur. We, unfortunately, couldn’t move beyond this.

    The Decline of Silk Industry in Bhagalpur

    I believe, these are a deliberate attempt of escapism from the fact that we have, at present virtually lost the right and meaning to call Bhagalpur “silk city of India”. Hard to accept? Google ‘silk city of India’. Pochampally leads the search results, followed by some other cities, and Bhagalpur somehow finds its way in some corner, because past glory still has some wisps left behind.  

    The Bihar Spun Silk Mill, at Zero Mile which started functioning in 1972, is now almost entirely in ruins. The mill stopped production in 1993 when its 300 employees stopped getting their salary. It still has traces of hefty Japanese machines, and silk cocoons in its ‘densely forested’ ambit. Few of the erstwhile workers still reside around the industry, looking forward to the Utopian Days when the mill would resume functioning.

    Not a forest; it’s the ambit of the deserted Bihar Spun Silk Mill, at Zero Mile, Bhagalpur

    Why did the silk industry of the silk city decline?

    New centres have emerged in ‘big cities’ like Bengaluru and Ahmedabad, against which Bhagalpur isn’t yet prepared to compete with. There had been chronic power shortages for long, due to which many weavers were forced to sell off their power looms. Ijaz Ahmed, a co-owner at one of the silk manufacturing units in Bihar, speaking to Livemint said that a decent supply of electricity in the town could have cut down the cost of production by almost 25% and increased productivity by almost 50%.

    There has been large-scale migration of weavers to other cities over a period of time, and the government has done little in this regard. Alim Ansari, a member of the Bihar Weavers Welfare Association told the Asian Age that political neglect and government’s indifference has driven loom workers and traditional weavers to other states. Business Standard puts this across firmly and blatantly, “Whatever industries are left in Bhagalpur today are not because of the government but despite it”.

    Weavers are under the debt burden. They take credit from markets but are unable to pay back, as their payments get delayed. The import of silk from China and South Korea has reduced the demand for our Tassar Silk. Added to this is the challenge of a lack of marketing.

    Lack of transport facilities is yet another cause of the decline of the silk industry. Bhagalpur doesn’t have a functional airport and lacks direct connectivity with major South Indian cities. The Roads also are apparently ‘non-perennial’. The demand for Tassar silk coming from Europe and the United States have fallen, owing to logistic problems.

    Business Standard reports that big ‘seths’ from metro cities control the silk trade through local agents. The role of intermediary, therefore, becomes paramount. I wouldn’t refrain from calling such an arrangement a form of neo-feudalism, inherently exploitative towards the working class.

    An ordinary weaver earns only as much as ₹50-70 /day, making 4-5m of silk clothes. Md. Shoaib Ansari told The Indian Express how his income declined from ₹500-600 per day to ₹100/ day and that too from selling vegetables. ANI reports that in Radha Nagar, a centre point of handloom silk work in Bhagalpur, families, despite working 18 hours on a saree earn merely ₹150.

    The decline in education leads to institutional, structural, economic, and social degeneration. This is what the Bihar Institute of Silk and Textile faced. It used to offer a four-year Bachelor of Engineering/ B. Tech degree in Silk and Textile. After severe neglect on the part of the state government, the college was eventually shut down. There have been no concrete plans for its revival thenceforth. The building remains discarded, deserted, partly in ruins.

    The Bihar Institute of Silk and Textile

    In an interview given to Livemint, a top district administration official of Bhagalpur, who didn’t want to be identified revealed that the subsidies Bihar state government gave to the silk-producing units in Bhagalpur were siphoned off by certain groups (the groups weren’t named).

    Law and order situation had also always been a major hampering factor. M.D Agrawal, one of the former chiefs of the local unit of the PHD Chambers of Commerce and Industry said that many industrialists, despite coming to Bhagalpur with an aim to deal in silk, left very soon. “Who wants his son to be kidnapped every now and then for ransom?” remarked Agrawal.

     What could be the possible solutions?

     Was the decline inevitable? No. Is revival possible? Definitely yes.

     Ijaz Ahmed further spoke of the threat of large orders being rejected on small quality issues. A better-organized industry would omit the problems of quality issues. Heterogeneity in the form of minor differences would continue, but that would not amount to being rejected on the grounds of quality.  

     Zia Ur Rahman, a weaver from Nagara locality estimates that the worth of the silk industry of Bhagalpur has fallen from over ₹500 crores to under ₹100 crores. While speaking to Business Standard, he urged that the conditions of weavers could improve greatly, if the government provides some capital through banks and schemes made for them, for instance, the Bunkar Credit Cards. 

    Pranav Kumar, DM, Bhagalpur has assured that they are looking at this sector. The long-term plan includes planting trees for cocoons and subsequent availability of raw materials. As short-term plans, they are urging small factory owners to increase work opportunities for weavers.

    In his project report published on ResearchGate, Chandan Kumar has come up with some interesting findings. The report remarks that weavers lack a strong union to negotiate on their behalf to the government and the companies. Very few NGOs or Self-Help Groups are dedicated specifically to weaver’s welfare.

    The Bihar Institute of Silk and Textile needs a revival. Not only would this provide students with an alternative career option, but would also increase the employment opportunities for a manifold section of job-seekers. The institute can work closely in terms of Research and Development with similar institutes across the globe. This would help to increase productivity, develop a new marketing strategy, facilitate direct advertisements, investments and trade.

    Tassar (also spelled as Tussar) Silk of Bhagalpur

    Bhagalpur had once been a prosperous town on the ancient Silk Route, a major trade link between China, India, and Europe. The potential to become a trading centre still exists in the city. Bihar needs to push this forward as a popular mandate, to make sure that political establishment considers this as an exigent point in their manifesto. And we must be hopeful that the city that once used to take pride upon a silk industry with an estimated turnover of around ₹500 crores will regain its lost glory.


    • Bhaskar, Utpal (2009, May 8). Bhagalpur silk industry losing its sheen, Livemint.  Accessed on 08.07.2020

    • Singh, D.K. (2013, Jan 28). Bhagalpur silk industry, a tale of political neglect, Business Standard. Accessed on 08.07.2020

    • Ghose, Dipankar (2020, July 7). In Bhagalpur silk hub, looms tell a story: ‘95% collapse’, The Indian Express. Accessed on 08.07.2020

    • Azad, Nayear (2017, June 9). Bhagalpur silk industry victim of political neglect, The Asian Age Accessed on 18.07.2020

    • Prasad, Archana (2019, April 17). Bihar: Handloom weavers seek govt support to revive ‘dying art’, ANI Accessed on 18.07.2020

    • Kumar, Chandan (May, 2000). Blueprint for Development of Weavers of Bhagalpur, ResearchGate
    • IL&Fs (2007, April 24). A Report on Diagnostic Survey and Business Plans for Handloom Sector in Bihar, department of Industries, Govt. of Bihar.  Accessed on 18.07.2020

    • Sarmistha, Uma (2015). Rural Handloom Textile Industry in Bihar: A Case of Rural Informal Sector.Social Change, Vol. 45(1), pp 107-117.
  • Meet the captain of Bihar’s women cricket team

    Meet the captain of Bihar’s women cricket team

    Yes. You heard it right. There is a Bihar’s women cricket team. Nishat Fatima is the T20 side captain, whereas Rachana kumari is the skipper of the First-class side.

    Syed Nishat Fatima is the captain of T20 side of Bihar’s women cricket team.

    Back in 2000, when Bihar and Jharkhand were fighting for their existence, a girl was falling in the love of Cricket in Jamshedpur.  Nishat’s decision to play cricket has a tremendous impact on the upcoming generations of young women cricketers. Nishat decided to play cricket when no one had even thought about ladies’ cricket. Nishat is not only a stereotype breaker but, besides, an inspiration for thousands of girls to play cricket.

    Nishat’s rise from a small town in Bihar to be an icon has also concurred with the rise of new India. We don’t need to look too far ahead from Bihar and Jharkhand to understand the impact of Nishat Fatima. After Nishat, Many young girls have chosen cricket now; some have made their place on the Indian side as well.

    But remember, all of this was from the most ominous of beginnings. By the time Nishat emerged, Jharkhand was not even the second-best team from a permanent underperformer zone. Delhi and Maharashtra triumphed over them many times, but now the story has taken a turn.

    Jharkhand is not just one of the best teams in the country; they can lay claim to have been the best on more than one occasion. So, it is a matter of pride for Bihar that Syed Nishat Fatima is leading the newly made-team from the front. 

    Initial life – Nishat was born in Jamshedpur, Bihar,(now in Jharkhand) in 1989. From her childhood itself, Nishat was very keen on playing cricket. With an absence of quantities of the girls playing cricket in her city and school, she started playing cricket with the boys of her school and society. She was utterly a flamboyant and naughtiest kid in her school.

    The kid was more into cricket rather than studies during her school days. Taking a gander at her splendid performances and Junoon for the game during her school days, Nishat was called for playing district-level cricket. The young girl was so connected with the cricket that, even after not many girls playing cricket at that time, she continued playing cricket.

    Nishat used to enjoy the sports without even thinking about the fate of it in her school days. She had no clue that women cricket also exists in the world. She just continued to play under her coach K.V.P. Rao.

    Meet the captain of Bihar's women cricket team

    Asking about her love for the game, Nishat told, “I had no idea that the girls also play cricket professionally in my childhood until my school coach asked me to play district-level matches. I just used to play and enjoy the intensity of the game.”

    Her Struggle – The struggle of Bihar’s captain to play the game has been like every other girl in this country. Nishat dreamt of playing cricket when the state struggled, and wrongdoing was at its pinnacle. At the time, when Nishat started playing cricket, No one had even idea about women’s cricket throughout the country.

    Along these lines, it was tough for Nishat to convince her parents for the game. Although, Nishat’s relatives and natives questioned her for playing this game. But, Nishat Fatima’s father supported her little girl’s fun to the moon and back and enjoyed every bit of her daughter’s happiness.

    Initial career –

     The explosive opening batsman performed exceptionally well for Jharkhand in each competition, with her bat, yet additionally with her sharp wicket-keeping skills. In her 16th year only, She was very fast behind the wickets. Once the Railway’s team coach looked her wicket-keeping skills during a tournament in Chennai, and he was intrigued to such an extent that he legitimately offered her a job and to play for Railway when She would turn 18.

    Since that day, the Railway’s coach had remained in touch with her. At last, She turned 18, and the Southern Railway called her and offered an employment opportunity; however, Nishat left the work of Railway because of her reasons and returned home. Nishat began concentrating on her cricket as it were.

    Nishat kept on playing for her state and was scoring huge amounts of Runs for Jharkhand, and in the outcome, she was chosen in the team of the east zone in Zonal competition (2009) close by a player like incredible Jhulan Goswami. Apart from this, She was also the best batsman for Jharkhand in U-19 cricket in 2008-09 season. 

    Highlight – 

    Although, the keeper-batsman has played many blistering knocks and won numerous matches for Jharkhand on his own. But, Zonal tournament, 2009 has been one of the most memorable games of her career. In a match of the competition, Nishat, alongside her accomplice Jhulan Goswami won a challenging game against South Zone.

    In that competition in 2009, Nishat was again the highest Run-scorer in the contest and grabbed everybody’s eye, including Mithali Raj.  Remembring that match, She explained,

    ” That win was extraordinary for me as the partnership between I and Jhulan Di won the match for east-zone.”

    After her incredible performance throughout the tournament, with advice from Mithali Raj, the South Central Railway reached Nishat. It offered her to play for the South CentralRailways with a Railway job in Secundrabad. This time, Nishat acknowledged the bid for employment and began her new innings in Secundrabad. Explaining about her job in Railway, she said,

    “I feel extremely blessed to carry out the responsibility for Railways. My insertion into Railways wouldn’t have been possible without my seniors Nitu David and Nooshin-Al-Khadeer. I can’t express gratitude toward them enough for their extensive support.”

    In 2013, Nishat left her long-excursion of 12 years with Jharkhand and joined the Hyderabad cricket association in 2014 as a guest player.

    Bihar’s story  – 

    In 2018, when Nishat heard about BCA’s formation, She floated on air with the delight of serving her state again. Rapidly, Nishat wished her desire to BCA for playing for Bihar. The administration not only permitted her to play but also couldn’t resist itself from making him the captain of the team as She was carrying a milestone of 17 years of experience, and that’s simply phenomenal. In the group, Nishat keeps up numerous number of works like the opening batsman, the wicket-keeper, the captain, and, most importantly, a guide for all inexperienced players.

    Nishat feels very proud that she can train the new generation and share her invaluable experiences with them. Nishat imagines this Bihar women team to do consistently well in the upcoming years. 

    Vision –

    Nishat Fatima imagines Bihar women’s cricket to be one of the best teams in the nation. The captain wishes to win more matches against the bigger teams. Nishat can see an enormous amount of potential in the girls. She is exceptionally hopeful about the fact that the young girls would go on to win many matches for Bihar once they gain a bit more experience.  Explaining about the future of Bihar’s women cricket team, she replied,

    ” Unquestionably, the future of the team is bright. The girls play boldly without any dread and hesitancy. Indeed, I get to learn a lot from their Junoon and love for the game. What the girls need is slightly more facilities. The girls perform so well without any pre-camp before the tournament. In the event that, these girls started getting facilities like a coach and camp before the season; the players have the potential to perform on the higher levels and win matches for Bihar.”

    The explosive batsman has already scored more than 700 runs with a magnificent century in List-A career and counting. 

    Replying about Bihar’s cricket association, she explained, ” The BCA is very visionary and trying it’s best to promote cricket in Bihar. The secretary of the BCA is very thoughtful and support us all the time.”

    I feel, if We Bihari didn’t begin supporting our players, then we have no right to complain about Bihar sports. We need to know them, follow them, and, most importantly, represent them.

    It’s time for us Bihari to support the players like Syed Nishat Fatima and, ofcourse, Bihar’s women cricket team. 

    Interviewed and written by Raja babu.

  • Sweta Shahi- An Indian Rugby Queen from Nalanda

    Sweta Shahi- An Indian Rugby Queen from Nalanda

    The Star Indian Rugby sensation from Nalanda hopes to play Olympics soon

    Would you imagine a 22-year young girl from a small Bihar village named Bhadari, Nalanda is ruling on World Rugby with her glorious performances for India? Without a doubt, it is true. Sweta Shahi, a young girl from a small village of Bihar, is ruling Worldwide on a foreign game. Not just, this small village young lady administering on World Rugby yet, in addition, won five titles for India at such an early age.

    An indian rugby queen from nalanda

    Sweta Shahi started playing Rugby just at the age of 15, and she was so incensed and quick that she played Nationals exactly when she was just 15. From that point forward, this irate player has been Unstoppable. This star Rugby player from Nalanda not only won merely international medals for India in her 22-long years of life but also she has produced very nearly 22 National-level medallists for India under her coaching.

    Sweta got to know about Rugby for the first time, when the rugby secretary of Bihar, Pankaj Kumar Jyoti, saw the furious Sweta Shahi competing in an athletics championship in Patna, Bihar. This brisk player (who had played 6 Nationals of athletics just in her 15) was quick to such an extent that the Rugby secretary of Bihar impressed broadly at that minute and offered her to play Rugby.

    Sweta shahi rugby queen from nalanda

    Furthermore, Rest is the historical backdrop of her glorious performances in Rugby.  Her story is closely related to MS Dhoni’s, when his coach offered him to keep the wickets, and the Rest is the story. Directly after the following day of his offer, she participated in a Rugby camp in Patna, and she was so incensed in the camp that she got chose to play Nationals the next moment in Odisha.

    Sweta has played 17 National tournaments and has won numerous numbers of awards. Sweta Shahi has been awarded thrice with Bihar State Sports Awards for glorifying Bihar’s name with her unstoppable performances throughout the World.

    The real struggle of Sweta began after her first National games in Odisha. At the point when she got back after her first National game, she had no ground neither coach for the training in her hometown. No one, even the secretary of Rugby of Bihar, had any idea about this foreign game in Bihar. Furthermore, the family of Sweta is poor. So, she couldn’t even afford to migrate to a better facility place.

    Sweta shahi rugby

    Along these lines, this champion player got herself a brilliant idea for her training by watching youtube videos of Rugby training and matches. One can think about how passionate she was for her game and how inadequate was the infrastructure of Rugby in Bihar.  She faced unfortunate financial and support problems.

    However, the main issue was sitting tight for its turn – The Society’s perspective as she comes from a village in Bihar, its sin to wear small clothes. Sweta started training in her village only with the help of youtube videos having worn small clothes. Her villagers started insulting her for her short clothes.

    The villagers were saying; she is not only deteriorating our culture but also inciting other girls to choose the wrong way of wearing clothes. Lakhs of this type of taunts were thrown at a 15 years old girl by her villagers. Be that as it may, she faced all those deadly societal bouncers fearlessly. She was determined to her game, and she had great support from her lovely grandfather. Her maternal uncle tried hard to abstain her from playing Rugby.

     “My grandfather has always supported me. He told me not to worry about society and focus on the game. He even convinced my father. Back in 2015, Noone knew about Rugby in my village. So, I started training watching youtube videos of Rugby training on my father’s phone,”

    Sweta says

    The struggle of Sweta happened most exceedingly awful when she got injured after her first National tournament. After that injury, she had to sit back at her home for almost a year as her family was not so financially strong that they could afford her surgery at that time.

    But, after some time, Somehow, She went for a surgery and again started her magnificence in the field. Tragically, she got injured again, and this time her father has to mortgage her field for the loan. This bad is the financial condition of her family.

    Finally, the champ rose again and proceeded with her magnificence in the field and got the opportunity to play her first international match in Asian’s women Rugby championship in 2015 in Chennai.  From that point forward, this spirited fighter player has been continuing to glorify the name of India. 

    She has played 5 International tournaments for India, including the Asian Women’s Rugby XV’s Championship, where Indian women’s Rugby team created history by winning its first international win against Singapore in the Philippines.

    “We were thrilled after our first international win over Singapore. We, as a team, played brilliantly in the Philippines,”

    Sweta Shahi expresses

    Recently, Sweta Shahi had featured in the unstoppable global campaign “Try and stop us” launched by World Rugby to revolutionize women’s Rugby. The ‘Try and Stop Us’ campaign aims to drive increased participation and engagement among fans, audiences, players, and investors in the women’s game.

    Developed with the support of national unions and regions, it uses striking imagery and the inspiring stories of 15 women and girls involved in Rugby at all levels of the game from around the world, who are ‘unstoppable.’ They have challenged barriers to participation and demonstrated how Rugby has empowered them to get where they are today, both on and off the pitch. 

    From listening to taunts and abuses by her villagers to have set an example of herself, Sweta Shahi is truly a representation of World Rugby. Today, Not only in her village yet in addition to the world, every parent gives an example of her to their children.

    This significant impact, Sweta Shahi, has left on this World while breaking barriers and stereotypes. Today, her villagers give an example to their children of her who were taunting her for wearing small clothes.

    Sweta has been performing amazingly for India; however, she additionally began training the boys and girls for the good of Rugby back in 2017 in the field of Ras Vihari High school, Nalanda. She coaches nearly 100-150 boys and girls of Nalanda. The coaching story, as well, was a Himalaya battle for her, as none of the family wanted their girls to play Rugby due to fear of injury, which could harm their marriage.

    However, the champ didn’t lose the expectations and convinced their parents to play Rugby on her risk. She additionally provided Rugby shoes and dresses to the kids with the help of his father as they were not so financially strong to afford the Rugby Pack. Gradually, she created a change in society’s mindset, and her success on the International level motivated lakhs of children to play Rugby.

    Today, her 20-30 trained kids have played National and won awards. Isn’t it an extraordinary achievement to represent India, won awards for the country, and make 22+ children play Nationals in just 22-year of age?

                        “I had struggled hard for the training of Rugby in my initial days. So, I don’t want these kids to struggle as I did. I love training with them, and it feels great when they perform well,” Sweta explains.

    In any case, significantly in the wake of playing for India and won such a significant number of matches for the Nation. However, there is an infinite number of issues this champion is facing as of now.

    She comes from a poor-background family; she is much tensed about her future from the perspective of her financial condition as she doesn’t even get a penny for playing Rugby for India. She says, “the government ought to support the players through grants and employments. If they don’t, we are forced to leave the sports and prepare to find a job for our livings.” Sweta explains She has won five medals this year only, But she didn’t get any encouragement from anybody, regardless of whether from the Central Government or State legislature.

    She is truly an inspiration for every player out there in the World. She is only 22, and much game is left in her. It’s not too far that She will lead the team to win an Olympic medal for India. Sweta Shahi has genuinely been a stereotype breaker who has broken the barrier of the perspective on Girl’s participation in the games.

    She is genuinely an ambassador of the young girls’ involvement in sports and motivation for each young lady on the planet, who wishes to play. More than that, she is the proudest Bihari to do as such. Along these lines, how about we fully support this Bihari sensation from Nalanda.

    The Bihari Rugby sensation is eyeing on the Indian Women’s Rugby team being selected for the Olympics 

  • Shivnath Singh from BIHAR who still holds India’s national record for the Marathon which he set in 1978.

    Shivnath Singh from BIHAR who still holds India’s national record for the Marathon which he set in 1978.

    This story is about Shivnath Singh, whose Marathon National Record still stands after 40 years. Shivnath, hailing from Majhria, Buxar, Bihar was one of the best long distance runners India has produced. Eariler, Shivnath used to compete in 5,000 m and 10,000 m but he shifted to marathon in mid 1970s. This turned out to be the game changer decision for him and country.

    In a country where athletics garners a subliminal level of limelight, it can be rightfully stated that the hype which surrounds various other sports obscures the great achievements by athletes who toil to reach exemplary levels of excellence and bring glory to India.

    Shivnath Singh from BIHAR

    One such brave-heart was Shivnath Singh, India’s greatest long distance runner, whose national record in the marathon of 2:12:00 hrs set in 1976 persists to this day, serving as an intimidating mark to overcome.

    Equipped with the grit and determination to overcome all obstacles, and to train like to a workhorse, Shivnath Singh was the very personification of endurance. He would run bare-footed with great resolve, never to be seen wilting.

    He was born on July 11, 1946, in the village of Manjeria, Buxur (Bihar). Though his family was not financially sound, Shivnath took to running at an early age, which proved to be a boon not just for himself, but also for the country.

    Shivnath’s breakthrough performance was at the 1973 Asian Championships in Manila, when he secured the silver medal in both the 5000m and the 10,000m. He finished second to Ichio Sato of Japan in the 5,000, and lost out to teammate Hari Chand in the 10,000m. But in the 1974 Asian Games in Tehran he went one step further, winning his first and only major gold medal in the 5000m. That year, he was also adjudged as the best sportsman in the country, and was awarded the Arjuna award.

    Feat acheived by the legend SHIVNATH SINGH

    • Unbroken National Record in Marathon with timing of 2:12:00 hours created in 1978
    • Finished 11th in 1976 Montreal Olympics with the timing of 2:16:22 hours
    • Awarded with ‘Sportsman of the Year’ in 1974 along with Arjuna Award.

    In the 1975 Asian Championships, in Seoul, his 1973 fate was replicated, as he secured the silver medal in both the 5000m and the 10,000m, losing out to the same competitors.

    The rivalry between Hari Chand and Shivnath Sigh was somewhat similar to that of Steve Ovett and Sebastian Coe. They fought tooth and nail for the gold on every occasion, be it the National Championships, cross-county races, or other road races in North India. Eventually, Shivnath decided to switch to marathon, and it is in that event that he baffled everyone at the 1976 Montreal Olympics, with a time of 2:15:58.

    Although Shivnath lead the competition for 32 kilometres – almost three fourths of the race – alongside American Bill Rodgers (a Boston marathon winner) and Finn Lasse Viren (winner of four Olympic gold medals in the 5000m and 10,000m), he gradually drifted behind, and managed to finish 11th in the marathon which comprised of 72 competitors.

    In 1978, at Jalandhar, Shivnath’s legendary run of 2:12:00 found its way into the record books, and still stands as the Indian high mark. The Edmonton Commonwealth Games in 1978, the Bangkok Asian Games in 1978, the Moscow Olympics in 1980, and the Delhi Asian Games in 1982 were some of the other major international competitions he took part in.

    His retirement was a silent affair, and he joined Tata Steel after resigning from the Army. On June 6, 2003, he passed away due to a suspected hepatitis-B infection, which had been the cause of his persistent illness.

  • जयंती विशेष: रामधारी सिंह जिन्हें राष्ट्रकवि और जनकवि दोनों का दर्जा प्राप्त है।  

    जयंती विशेष: रामधारी सिंह जिन्हें राष्ट्रकवि और जनकवि दोनों का दर्जा प्राप्त है।  

    ‘दिनकर’ हिंदी के उन गिने-चुने कवियों में से हैं, जिन्होंने कविता को मनोरंजन का साधन नहीं, जागृत करने का ज़रिया बनाया। आज ही के दिन ‘दिनकर’ बिहार के बेगूसराय जिले में 1908 में पैदा हुए थे।

    रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

    दिनकर ने कविता को मनोरंजन का साधन नहीं बल्कि लोगों को जागृत करने का ज़रिया बनाया। राष्ट्रकवि दिनकर का साहित्य में क्या कद है अगर यह जानना हो तो बस दो कालजयी कृति ‘संस्कृति के चार अध्याय’ और ‘परशुराम की प्रतीक्षा’ पढ़ लीजिए। इससे भी अगर मन न भरे तो रश्मिरथी के पन्ने पलटिए।

    आप एक ऐसे लेखनी से परिचित होंगे जो सत्ता के साथ रहते हुए भी सत्ता के खिलाफ रही। एक ऐसी लेखनी जिसमें ऐतिहासिक शौर्य का वर्णन बड़े ही ओजस्वी ढंग से की गई है। उनकी तठस्तता ही थी कि उनको सत्ता का विरोध करने के बावजूद साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार, ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार, पद्मविभूषण आदि तमाम बड़े पुरस्कारों से नवाजा गया।

    ‘केवल मनोरंजन न कवि का कर्म होना चाहिए, उसमें उचित उपदेश का भी मर्म होना चाहिए’, राष्ट्रकवि मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की ये पंक्तियां राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर के लिए बिल्कुल सटीक बैठती है।  

    दिनकर सारी उम्र सियासत से लोहा लेते रहे। उन्होंने कभी किसी राजनेता की जय-जयकार नहीं की। उनके लिए किसी भी नेता से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण देश और देश की संस्कृति रही। उनके अंदर देश प्रेम की भावना नदी में बहने वाले पावन जल की तरह था।  

    राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

    रामधारी सिंह दिनकर ने आज़ाद भारत के पहले प्रधानमंत्री जवाहर लाल नेहरू से लेकर राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी तक पर अपनी कलम चलाई। एक वाकिया ऐसा ही है जब सीढ़ियों से उतरते हुए नेहरू लड़खड़ा गए। । तभी दिनकर ने उनको सहारा दिया। इसपर नेहरू ने कहा- शुक्रिया। । , दिनकर तुरंत बोले-”जब-जब राजनीति लड़खड़ाएगी, तब-तब साहित्य उसे सहारा देगा। ”

    दिनकर ने यही तेवर ताउम्र बरकरार रखा। जब देश में आपातकाल लगा और सभी अपनी-अपनी कलम सत्ता के आगे झुका रहे थे, ऐसे वक्त में भी दिनकर ने क्रांतिकारी कविता लिखी

    टूट नहीं सकता ज्वाला से, जलतों का अनुराग सखे!
    पिला-पिला कर ख़ून हृदय का पाल रहा हूं आग सखे!
    इजाजत लेकर लिखने से बेहतर मैं लिखना छोड़ दूं

    आजकल बोलने की स्वतंत्रता पर देश में काफी बहस चलती रहती है। ऐसे में दिनकर को याद करना इसलिए भी जरूरी है क्योंकि उन्होंने सत्ता के खिलाफ लिखने और निर्भिक होकर बोलने की वकालत की है। उन्होंने आज़ादी के बाद देश की सत्ता से लोहा तो लिया ही लेकिन उससे पहले उन्होंने अंग्रेजी हुकूमत से भी दो-दो हाथ किया था।  

    सत्ता के खिलाफ जो कवि होता है वह समाज के साथ होता। दिनकर भी ऐसे ही थे। वह राष्ट्रकवि भी थे और जनकवि भी थे। उन्होंने ऐसे वक्त में जब देश की जनता परेशान थी और सत्ता की तरफ से सताई गई थी, ऐसे वक्त में जो सुविधाभोगी बने रहे उनको दिनकर ने कविता में फटकार लगाई।  

    राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी और राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

    राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी और राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर में एक समानता थी। दोनों के लिए देश किसी भौगोलिक संरचना से कहीं ज्यादा महत्व रखता था। दिनकर के लिए गांधी मानवता की सबसे बड़ी मिसाल थे। दिनकर ने गांधी के लिए कई कविताएं लिखी। वह महात्मा गांधी के विचारों से इतने प्रभावित थे कि 1947 में ‘बापू’ नामक उनकी काव्य संग्रह छपी जिसमें उन्होंने बापू को समर्पित चार कविताएं लिखीं थीं.

    इकबाल, टैगोर, मार्क्स और गांधी सब उनकी लेखनी में मौजूद हैं। दिनकर को लेकर एक बहस हमेशा चलती रहती है कि उनकी लेखनी इकबाल के करीब हैं या टैगोर के। मार्क्स से प्रभावित है या गांधी से, लेकिन जिन्होंने उनकी कविता ‘रोटी और स्वाधीनता’ पढ़ी है, उन्हें मालूम है कि दिनकर के लेखनी में इकबाल भी आते हैं और टैगोर भी। यहां मार्क्स भी हैं और गांधी भी हैं।  

    करीब और राष्ट्रकवि रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

    दिनकर वह कवि थे जो सत्ता के करीब रहकर भी कभी जनता से दूर नहीं हुए। उनकी लेखनी हर दौर में प्रासंगिक बनी रही। उन्होंने अपने बारे में कहा था, ”जिस तरह मैं जवानी भर इकबाल और रवींद्र के बीच झटके खाता रहा, उसी प्रकार मैं जीवन भर गांधी और मार्क्स के बीच झटके खाता रहा हूं। इसलिए उजले को लाल से गुणा करने पर जो रंग बनता है, वही रंग मेरी कविता का रंग है। मेरा विश्वास है कि अंततोगत्वा यही रंग भारतवर्ष के व्यक्तित्व का भी होगा। ”

  • मुजफ्फरपुर एयरपोर्ट का एक अधूरा सपना

    मुजफ्फरपुर एयरपोर्ट का एक अधूरा सपना

    अब जब दरभंगा एयरपोर्ट चालू होने वाला है ,हम लोग को सहूलियत होगा नजदीक पड़ेगा पटना एयरपोर्ट से, लेकिन दिल के अंदर अपने शहर से उड़ने का सपना हमेशा दिल को कचोटेगा

    बचपन में  एक ना एक  बार सब मुजफ्फरपुर वाला सब पताही गया होगा , और वाहा जा कर यही सोचा होगा , की काश यिहे से प्लेन उड़ता ता पटना जाने का झंझट दूर हो जाता.

    हर बार चुनाव आने समय मुजफ्फरपुर एयरपोर्ट का सुहाना  सपना  दिखाया जाता है , और हर बार तोड़ दिया जाता है.  मुजफ्फरपुर जिसको उत्तर बिहार का  राजधानी कहा जाता है , आज भी एक हवाईअड्डा के आस में टक टकी लगाए बैठा है

    मुजफ्फरपुर एयरपोर्ट का एक अधूरा सपना

    मुजफ्फरपुर से अगर आपको पटना फ्लाइट पकड़ने जाना है , तो पहिले ४ घंटा का मार्जिन ले कर चलना पड़ता है , और कहीं गांधी सेतु पर जाम मिल गया तब तो समझिए आप गए कुछ बाकी है. जब से दीघा सेतु बना है , थोड़ा राहत मिलता है , की उधर से निकल के आदमी एयरपोर्ट टाइम पर पहुंच जाता है

    उत्तर बिहार में २१ जिला पड़ता है , सब जिला वाला सब को पटना ही जाना पड़ता है , अगर फ्लाइट से जाना है तो , पहिले बस पकड़िए कोई बड़ा शहर आइए , फिर उस शहर से पटना के लिए बस पकड़िए , और अगर कहीं जाम में फस गए , तब सब सत्यानाश हो जाता है

    एगो बात सब कोई समझ गया है कि जेतना टाइम बड़का बड़का शहर सब से पटना आने में लगता है , उ से ज्यादे समय पटना से अपना अपना जिला में जाने के लग जाता है , और अगर आप छठ पूजा के समय आने का सोच रहे तो बस में खड़े खड़े आपको अपना घर पहुंचना पड़ सकता है , कहे कि बस में भारी भीड़ रहता है, लोग अपन अपन गमछा बिछा के बैठल दिख जाएंगे आपको.

    सूने है कि दरभंगा एयरपोर्ट चालू होने वाला है , हो जाएगा त अपने लिए थोड़ा आराम रहेगा , गंगा पार नी करना पड़ेगा , पुल नहीं आएगा बीच में , लेकिन जानते है उ दर्द हम मुजफ्फरपुर वाला सब के दिल में रहेगा , की अपना शहर से उड़ते , अपना शहर के ऊपर उड़ते , ऊपर से अपना शहर का फोटो लेते , कहीं से आने टाइम पटना से बस या गाड़ी पकड़ने का झंझट नहीं रहता , लेकिन अब क्या किया जाए , हम लोग को बस सपना दिखाया जाता है , एक एयरपोर्ट ही ता मांग रहे हम मुजफ्फरपुर वाला लोग सब, बाकी क्या है हमारे शहर का हाल ही किसी से छुपा नहीं है

  • Meet Laungi Bhuiyan, Gaya’s new Dashrath Manjhi, who carved out 3-km-long canal

    Meet Laungi Bhuiyan, Gaya’s new Dashrath Manjhi, who carved out 3-km-long canal

    A man has carved out a three-kilometre-long canal to take rainwater coming down from nearby hills to fields of his village, Kothilawa in Lahthua area of Gaya.

    We all are aware how Dasrath Manjhi alone cut through the mountains to make a road , with his grit and determination , another man from Gaya has done something worth featuring and hogging the limelight.

    Meet Laungi Bhuiyan

    A man has carved out a three-kilometre-long canal to take rainwater coming down from nearby hills to fields of his village, Kothilawa in Lahthua area of Gaya. “It took me 30 years to dig this canal which takes the water to a pond in the village,” said Laungi Bhuiyan who has dug out the canal single-handedly in Gaya.

    Who carved out 3-km-long canal

    “For the last 30 years, I would go to the nearby jungle to tend my cattle and dig out the canal. No one joined me in this endeavour… Villagers are going to cities to earn a livelihood but I decided to stay back,” he added. Kothilwa village is surrounded by dense forest and mountains, about 80 km away from Gaya headquarters. This village is marked as a refuge for Maoists.

    The main means of livelihood for the people here are farming and animal husbandry. During the rainy season, the water falling from the mountains used to flow into the river which used to bother Bhuiyan following which he thought of carving out a canal.

    He worked hard in order to save water coming from the mountains and utilise it. “He has been carving out the canal for the last 30 years that too single-handedly. This will benefit a large number of animals and to irrigate the fields as well. He is not doing it for his own benefit but for the entire area,” said Patti Manjhi, a local.

    Ram Vilas Singh, a teacher who resides here praised Bhuiyan for benefiting the villagers and their fields. “A lot of people will benefit here. People are now getting to know him because of his work,” he added. (ANI)

  • Do you know, Who the King of the LUDO KING is..!

    Do you know, Who the King of the LUDO KING is..!

    Story of a young boy from Bihar, who is now ruling the gaming zone.

    Baking, binge watching or wait, how about the dice game first! A leading source of entertainment for many, the Ludo King has become a major support during this phase of Covid-19. Crossing over 300+ million downloads, this casual yet classic dice game has been ranked no. 1 in the “Top Free Board Games” category on the Play Store and App Store.

    No doubt, the authentic board game will give you nostalgia. Roll the dice, beat other players and become the Ludo King- It’s just so simple. It can be played with anyone from anywhere, be it our family or friends, to even unknowns or friends on facebook. But do you know the prodigy behind this sleeper hit app?

    Who the King of the LUDO KING

    The young boy from Bihar, Vikash Jaiswal, who used to pay one Rupee for playing each game at video parlours, is now the real king of Ludo king. An Indian Entrepreneur and the Founder and Director of the Gametion Technologies Pvt. Ltd., mainly hails from Danapur. After completing schooling from Patna, Vikash tried competing for IIT exams.

    He tried again and again for 2 years, but did not succeed. Of course, God had some other, better plans for him but also, God help those who help themselves first, like Vikash. He did not give up. He learnt about some softwares, doing a multimedia course. That was the time, he realized persisting his career in programmings and computer science, though not games yet.

    For pursuing Engineering in Computer science, he went to MIT, Bulandshahar, where his interest in games flourished. He used to perform all sorts of analysations on the gaming CDs.

    “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. The famous proverb fits perfectly for Vikash’s allegiance and adherence, when he was once talking to his friends in college and shared his yearning to discover a game. And, within only 3 months, he developed ” Eggy Boy” named video game, as a part of his thesis. It was named PCQuest magazine’s ‘ Game of the Month’ for July 2003.

    He said in an interview, “I made sure before graduating in 2004, I’ve sent my developed gaming CDs to various gaming companies but unfortunately it did not arrive to any of them, except Indiagames.” Vikash moved to Mumbai after getting a call from Indiagames Ltd. and started working there as a tech lead.

    In the desire of starting a venture of his own, his dreams got wings. With just 4-5 people along and Rupees two lakhs investment, he set up Gametion in 2008 and made 10-15 desktop games, including racing, puzzles and action related ones.

    Though for a short span, but he got the taste of success in 2013, when almost 20 million people started visiting Gametion’s website monthly. Just an year later, the mobile games started winning over the desktop ones. Gametion had no other option but to switch their way to be in the race. He tried launching his popular games like Baby’s Big Adventure and brought many other such games to mobile versions but none of his advancement attained any benefit.

    Then, one fine day, a simple game of snake and ladder drew his attention and the idea of launching ludo game striked to him. Though he was not able to convince his team members for the same but Vikash did not let his faith in the idea drop. And Gametion finally launched the Ludo King on December 2016. Never knew that the game soon will be a big hit, until the team noticed a difference in the Google Play Store dashboard’s and Google Analytics’ statistics just few months later.

    And they were amazed to know that the app was being transferred among the users through sharing apps. In another interview Vikash said, “I was sleeping, when I got a call at 5 am, asking for the cheat code of the game, and that’s when I realized, it’s a hit.”

    Without any external promotion, the game has been topping the Google Play download charts since May, 2017 with almost 10 million active users, Daily and 70 million users, Monthly.
    According to Vikash, what attracts the users most is the interesting music, easy user interface, authentic board design, different themes and various new features, including the emojis and chit-chat options.

    Talking about his achievements, Vikash Jaiswal received the Mobile and Tablet Game: Arcade (International) in gaming for Ludo King at the 19th FICCI Frames Best Animated Frames (BAF) Awards in 2018. Also, was recognized as “Icons of Navi Mumbai” by the Economic Times Group in 2020. 
    Who knew the little child of Bihar, who was a fan of Nintendo Mario game once, will now rule the gaming zone!

  • Know Rahul Mishra, who secured 202nd rank in UPSC 2019 while studying in his village.

    Know Rahul Mishra, who secured 202nd rank in UPSC 2019 while studying in his village.

    Rahul Mishra, a resident of Dhurlak, a village three kilometres from Samastipur city, has passed the UPSC exam. Mishra has secured 202nd rank in the Civil Services Examination 2019. There is a celebration in his village on this mind-blowing success of Rahul

    The result of the Civil Services Examination 2019 of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has been released. The result of the Civil Services Examination is special for Bihar. Like every year, this year too, many students of Bihar have set flags of success. One such student is Rahul Mishra. Rahul’s whole village is celebrating his success. He has secured 202nd rank in Civil Services Examination 2019. This was Mishra’s second attempt.

    Dhuralak village, three kilometres from Samastipur district, remains a topic of special discussion these days. Rahul Mishra, the elder son of Bipin Mishra, the teacher of this village, has cleared civil services examination. According to Rahul Mishra, he has prepared for UPSC by the motivation of his father. Rahul is an engineering graduate from IIT. He has also worked in a multinational company for six months before starting the preparation of UPSC. The Son of Samastipur has cleared UPSC as an IAS.

    Know Rahul Mishra, who secured 202nd rank in UPSC 2019 while studying in his village.

     On his success, Rahul says, “he has worked hard for this achievement. During this whole journey my father has also provided a lot of support in this. My dad wanted me to pass the UPSC exam with a good rank, so he made a lot of efforts in my preparation, so that, I could get a good rank.”

    On the success of Rahul in UPSC 2019, his father says, “Rahul has achieved this success with strong will power and sincere dedication. Staying in the environment of the village, Rahul has done this feat. For UPSC exam, students often go to big institutions and cities, but Rahul has studied in his village itself,”

     Rahul Mishra completed his primary education from Samastipur only. Rahul completed his graduation in 2016 and worked in an MNC company for six months. Keeping in mind the desire for civil services, Rahul left the job and started preparing for UPSC

    . He started preparations by staying in his native village, where his father supported him. In his 1st attempt of Civil services examination, he did not get success, but without getting frustrated, he continued to prepare.

    Finally, he passed the UPSC exam in his second attempt. With this achievement of Rahul, the whole village is cheering. Rahul’s friends, his brother and father say that he was sharp from childhood. This is the result of his hard work. Rahul’s grandmother is also feeling happy for his grandson’s success.