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  • Are you tracking the Modi government? Taking advantage of the fear of coronavirus.

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    Modi Sarkar will track >> Modi Sarkar For the past several days, there has been an allegation that this government is using modern technology on people’s movements Monitoring. This issue came to the fore around the world about 5 years ago in america happened Presidential election In, at that time Donald Trump This accusation was made against him.

    Between about 1 to 2 years ago in India also whats apps People are being monitored through Modi government is tracking Such an allegation was made on the central government.

    Now worldwide Corona virus while the Indian Govt Aarogya-Setu This App It is meant to be used by the public. But this is it App Opponents accuse people of surveillance.

    In this context Rahul Gandhi by Tweet It has been done, he said “Arogya Setu App” It is a sophisticated surveillance system, outsourced to a private operator. Without institutional oversight – raises serious data security and privacy concerns. Technology may help keep us safe; But without the consent of the citizens The benefit of fear of citizens Track Shouldn’t be taken.”

    You need to know this information about Aarogya Setu app :-

    • Arogya Setu This Central government of Electronics And IT One developed by the Ministry Covid-19 contact tracing app is
    • This App GPS and Bluetooth Tracks the movement of the user with the help of sensors.
    • And if database And algorithm If the user comes in contact with infected people, it sends the information to them.
    • AppRegister on while users Personal information Have to enter and this data Only India will be shared with Govt.
    • App does not involve third parties as set out in its privacy policy.
    • Although the privacy policy of this app states that there is no third party involved, the opposition is alleging that, but the opposition is ready to hold the government on edge on this issue in the coming period.
    Modi government truck by Aarogya Setu App ?
    Aarogya Setu App
    Modi Sarkar Truck by Aarogya Setu App
    Aarogya Setu App
    • Meanwhile Scientific Adviser to Government of India Pvt. Of. Vijayaraoghavan He has said that in the coming time, the government will use this app as an e-pass for people to move from one place to another.
    • Economics Times According to the circle given by the App in tracking This is done through a social graph created through Bluetooth and location, which can show your interactions with anyone who tests positive.

    Some tweets alleging that the Modi government is tracking:-

    Modi government Policies of :-

    • Modi Govt This app for all govt employees has been made mandatory.
    • opponent If the government is really collecting this information as they are saying and obliterated company All this if shared with Dangerous Because of this, it belongs to every person private life Will not be private.
    • social media There are also discussions that Pakistan Arogya Setu like fake app Made in India To steal datahow much in these discussions truth It is not known yet. If this is true then India may face a big threat from this in future.

    What do you think Modi government is tracking? Comment your opinion.

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  • Benefits of Clove Marathi/Uses of Clove/Benefits of Eating Clove

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    Benefits of Clove Marathi / Clove Uses / Benefits of eating cloves / Benefits of lavang in Marathi >> Cloves are a common thing found in our household, many foods in the diet are incomplete without cloves so every household has cloves, not only in India but worldwide, cloves are in demand. Cloves are famous all over the world and widely used by people but cloves are not only used to add flavor to food but also have some medicinal properties.

    Benefits of Clove Marathi / Clove Uses / Benefits of Eating Clove >>

    Small in size but with medicinal properties, this clove is beneficial for our health. We will see the benefits of clove in this article.

    Medicinal properties of cloves Advantages / Benefits of eating cloves :-

    • Cloves have been used since ancient times for general health problems. Its results are also visible strongly and quickly. Cloves are very beneficial for our health.
    • Cloves are beneficial for toothache. The oil in cloves is beneficial in stopping pain in toothache.
    • Clove is also effective in other diseases related to the mouth.
    • Cloves are also used to relieve sore throat.
    • Cloves are used for many diseases like cold and cough to serious diseases like cancer
    • Cloves are also used to repel mosquitoes.
    • Cloves have antibacterial properties, so cloves are used in making toothpaste, mouth washes and creams.
    • Clove oil is very effective but this clove oil should not be applied directly on the skin but should be mixed with any other oil.
    • Cloves are also beneficial for relieving ailments like sinus. People who suffer from sinus problems should add three to four teaspoons of clove oil in water. This will reduce infection and reduce difficulty in breathing.
    • Clove is also effective in stomach ailments. Gastric juice present in cloves improves digestion Grind two cloves and boil them in half a cup of water and drink this mixture after it cools down and take it three times a day to help get rid of gas problems in the stomach thus cloves are effective in problems like gas burning in the stomach.
    • Cloves are also beneficial during pregnancy. If you feel nauseous, chewing cloves gives relief. Sometimes during pregnancy, women feel nauseous many times in the morning.
    Benefits of cloves
    Cloves – Benefits of eating cloves

    Uses of Cloves in Medicine :-

    • Cloves are used not only in Ayurvedic but in all medical systems. Like -Homeopathy Allopathy and Ayurveda.
    • Cloves contain carbohydrates, potassium, sodium and hydrochloric acid. Cloves also contain vitamin E and C fiber.
    • Clove is a natural pain reliever.
    • Doctors prefer to apply clove oil in case of toothache and get instant relief.
    • Cloves are used for bone pain. It contains more Pleuronol.
    • Ayurvedic medicine places primary emphasis on the use of clove oil for bone healing.
    • It is advised to take the aroma of cloves in respiratory problems and since the aroma of cloves is very strong, taking it immediately relieves asthma, cold, sinus problems etc.
    • Clove oil is a great anti-septic. Hence, cloves are used for fungal infections, burns, injuries or skin related problems.
    • Cloves are also used for cancer diseases.
    • Clove increases immunity and purifies the blood
    • Eating cloves destroys stomach worms.
    • Cloves help prevent lung cancer and skin cancer.
    • Also, cloves are used during the treatment of diseases like malaria, gonorrhea.
    • If a diabetic patient consumes cloves daily, the glucose levels will decrease.

    Summary – Lavang Che Fayade

    Thus, cloves are useful in our daily and therapeutic regimens as well. Therefore, we should always use cloves so that our body’s immune system increases and we can stay fit.

    (Note :- A doctor must be consulted before any treatment.)

    Do let us know how you feel about this information by commenting. Also, if you have any suggestions, don’t forget to comment them.

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